国外玩家Sangue Blu制作的一款FM2017世界各国联赛包,联赛有虚构的格式和规则。
具体规则: Around The World Project Explained - New playable countries, leagues and clubs across the world.
- Large leagues with fictional structures - 20 teams in highest division, 24 teams in lower levels (if so many clubs in database exist).
- Each league has 13 awards: player of the week, manager of the month, team of the season, etc down to 4th tier.
- 2 transfer windows, loaning throughout the year, 14 year old newgens.
- No job permissions and restrictions, no winter/summer break, 3 of 9 substitutes, league sorting rules, four relegations and one play-off (usually).
- Modified disciplinary rules: sequence of yellow cards to 5,10,15 with 1/2/3 match bans and red cards with additional 2 bans after sequence of 3 red cards.
- Removed clubs which are second teams, distinct leagues for reserves/U18/universities/schools, removed age limits in many clubs also restored a lot of non existing clubs.
- Created leagues for reserves and U18 based and depended on major leagues.
- Added TV broadcast for highest divisions, income from TV rights and positions in league.
- Added many new transfer preferences and scouting knowledge based on neighboring countries. Transfer activities are more globalized (removed various locks).
- Slightly improved couching, facilities and youth recruitment for most clubs.
- Morale of the clubs changed to 10 makes game more unpredictable.
- Slightly boosted finances, stadium attendences, ticket prices for match, season and number of season ticket holders for most clubs on the world.
- Removed all debts and added extra income.
- Improved youth rating for countries by around 10.
- Added non-FIFA countries to FIFA.
- Created national cups and two-match supercups (if not existed)
- Removed other cups: league cups, tournaments, all-stars games and remaining leagues which are not subordinate to the main tiers.
- Original names for leagues and cups with title sponsors (some lower leagues may be non original).
This file may be not compatible with many other add-on's changing leagues structures or containing promotions and relegations. If errors occur, clean the editor data folder from other league files and paste the files from this add-on only. Also make sure that your FM16 is updated to the latest version.
Recommended options at the start of the game:
- Do Not Use Real Fixtures
- Add Players to Playable Teams
Albania - 3 levels, 53 clubs
Andorra - 2 levels, 31 clubs
Azerbaijan - 5 levels, 116 clubs
Bosnia and Herzegovina - 5 levels, 167 clubs
Brazil - 11 levels, 1535 clubs
Cyprus - 3 levels, 59 clubs
Estonia - 4 levels, 92 clubs
Faroe Islands - 2 levels, 26 clubs
Georgia - 7 levels, 362 clubs
Gibraltar - 3 levels, 77 clubs
Kazakhstan - 6 levels, 318 clubs
Lebanon - 5 levels, 169 clubs
Lithuania - 5 levels, 118 clubs
Luxembourg - 3 levels, 64 clubs
Macedonia FYROM - 3 levels, 64 clubs
Malta - 3 levels, 68 clubs
Moldova - 5 levels, 182 clubs
Montenegro - 3 levels, 66 clubs
New Zealand - 5 levels, 152 clubs
San Marino - 1 level, 19 clubs
Turkey - 10 levels, 1984 clubs
UAE - 2 levels, 38 clubs
USA - 8 levels, 587 clubs
Uruguay - 7 levels, 368 clubs
Venezuela - 5 levels, 102 clubs ================== 使用说明:
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