AMD RX 480 最近正式发布开卖,不过有些媒体测试显示 RX 480 的供电设计有问题,超过了PCI-SIG组织的认证标准,AMD 日前也公开回应了这个问题,表示他们的产品是符合规范的。 AMD RX 480 的TDP是150W,配备单1个 6pin供电接口,供电能力为75W,再加上 PCI-E x16 插槽的75W供电,正好是150W,RX 480显卡的供电配置是所有功耗大于75W、不超过150W的显卡的标准配置。测试的结果显示 RX 480 从 PCI-E 插槽的获得的供电超过了 75W 的标准上限,正常应该不超过 66W 才对(12V电压、5.5A电流)。
随后TPU、Pcper以及德国Heise、Golem两家媒体也报导了类似的情况,都显示 RX 480 显卡的功耗超过了150W,甚至达到了160W、170W,超频时甚至达到了200W,而且从PCI-E插槽中获得的供电超过了75W,有的甚至是80W。
这些媒体虽然发现了这个问题,不过大部分描述还是很理性的——认为 PCI-E 插槽供电超过了75W是违反规范的,负载过高理论上有可能导致系统重启甚至损坏,但是他们也说测试过程中并没有发现什么问题,用的华硕、微星Z170主板都正常运行。
Response from AMD:
1) The RX 480 meets the bar for PCIe compliance testing with PCI-SIG. //edit: and interop with PCI Express. This is not just our internal testing. I think that should be made very clear. Obviously there are a few GPUs exhibiting anomalous behavior, and we've been in touch with these reviewers for a few days to better understand their test configurations to see how this could be possible.2) Update #2 made by the OP is confused. There is a difference between ASIC power, which is what ONLY THE GPU CONSUMES (110W), and total graphics power (TGP), which is what the entire graphics card uses (150W). There has been no change in the spec, so I would ask that incorrect information stop being disseminated as "fact."
We will have more on this topic soon as we investigate, but it's worth reminding people that only a very small number of hundreds of RX 480 reviews worldwide encountered this issue. Clearly that makes it aberrant, rather than the rule, and we're working to get that number down to zero.
AMD官方回复,什么鬼,我们芯片功耗110W,算上PCB乱七八糟的加起来顶天150W,你们不要乱黑! |