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gutekfiutek's dark MipMaps
gutekfiutek's light MipMaps

1. Graphical Enhan 2
【2008-09-03 】 马上就出来..... 不过还要稍等.....
GE v3 soon to be released:
GE3 Standard Terrain - Soon to be released

GE3 Dark Terrain - Soon to be released

GE3 Cold Terrain - Soon to be released

GE3 Arid Terrain - Soon to be released

GE3 Base - Soon to be released

Find the textures too light, dark, rich or dull?
Thesecan be adjusted by the gamma. Lower gamma is darker, higher is lighter.With HDR turned on, higher gamma also dulls the textures a little, andlower gamma enrichens them. If you find the Rich textures toocolourful, please remember that you will be able to adjust it yourself.Also, please remember that the HDR settings are not final, and as oftenas I've tried to make this clear, people seem to miss this. It's likelyI'll have two different HDR settings.
Examples of the effect of gamma adjustment:

The four GE 3 versions + minimal HDR settings: Arid, Dark, Cold, Standard

好吧, 说明一下: 新版本即将出来,暂时还没有新的可用下载,以前六月份的下载有效。
才发现FS2YOU换了域名, 好吧,以前的下载继续有效:
6月份的GE2 材质包,国内下载地址,新版出来前先用着哈
http://www.rayfile.com/files/72b ... -ae01-001143e7b41c/
GE2 Base - soon to be replaced
Sametextures as those released in June. Many people have trouble runningthese skyboxes because of their size, and they're not great qualityanyway so I'd recommend everyone use the replacement skyboxes instead(a few lines below).
GE2 Dark Terrain - June textures, soon to be replaced. Not HDR friendly.
Coldand harsh atmosphere. If it's too dark without HDR, try adjusting thegamma level in the video options. If you are using HDR then it willbecome too dark under most HDR settings. I won't release my ownsettings yet because I haven't yet released textures to go with HDR.These will be released soon.
GE2 Realistic Terrain - Soon to be released
Richer colour. Pictures at bottom of post
GE2 Harsh Terrain - Soon to be released and will replace 'Dark' Terrain
Richer colour. Pictures at bottom of post.
GE2 Improved LODs - In progress
A mod for native/to be used with mods that raises performance by making greater use of LODs (level of detail of models).
GE2 Replacement Skyboxes
Theones in the base release are pretty poor. These ones are low-res butabout as good, perhaps even an improvement. I'd recommend everyone usethese instead.
GE2 Less Hilly Border Terrain
Changes the hilly terrain borders to gentle hills:

WIP latest version, ignore the bloom and HDR settings

WIP Harsh Terrain (not yet released) with (not final) HDR tweaks (will change, but will look similar):

WIP wall textures:

A couple of shots with the 'normal' version and the HDR mod (significantly lowered bloom):

Unfortuntelythat's with gamma maxed and it will be a bit dark for some, so I'llhave to brighten it up a little. Apart from that I like the settings.
Apologies,I accidently uploaded a zip file rather than an exe, so you'll justhave to make do. If you don't know how to extract a zip file, usegoogle to find out how.
1. Go to your M&B directory and make a copy of the Textures folder.
2. Download GE2 Base and extract the contents to the Textures folder.
3. Download either the Light or Dark Terrain pack and extract the contents to the Textures folder.
Comparison of the Light Terrain version at different gamma levels (I hope this satisfies everyone in terms of darkness):

Comparison of the Light Terrain version with HDR mod at different gamma levels:

这个我觉得skybox做得非常漂亮, 很能烘托气氛。
http://www.mbrepository.com/modu ... .php?cid=10&lid=625
能提供全部Graphical Enhanced 2的效果,
如果是modder们想加多一些效果的话,估计要在py里加引用了吧 ----征求作者同意和credit申明引用是另外的
强烈推荐此材质包, 适用于骑砍所有版本,效果不是一般的好! 后面有我自己的截图!
Ok, the base version is now released. However it contains many placeholders and unfinished textures as I haven't transferred the files across to my new computer, and my old computer is too unstable to work on. I'll do something about transferring it across tomorrow and will release a patch/new version soon.
High-res version, compatible with any version of M&B:
Note: Some people are having trouble running the mod. Replacing the Graphical Enhancement skyboxes with the original ones has worked for most, if not all. This can be done by copying skybox_cloud_1, skybox_cloud_2, skybox_night_1 and skybox_sunset_1 from M&BTexturest-backup to M&BTextures. The people having trouble seem to have lower spec systems, so it may just be a problem for them loading textures the size of the skyboxes. Aside from that, performance on lower-spec systems seems good.
This will be the next version of my graphical mod. I started a new thread because I was pretty disatisfied with the previous versions and the discussion in the previous thread is now completely irrelevant. Progress is good despite replacing a good amount of my were-to-be-2.0 textures as I quite like the new versions. I'll be placing most of the textures other than items (clothes, armour, horses and weapons). I'll post some pics to show what to expect, but please keep in mind that some of the textures are still a little rough.
Will work on any version, and will be released in stages as there is much more I want to accomplish than just replace the most common textures. |