本帖最后由 momo579 于 2015-12-25 19:47 编辑
Unique Player by d_rail 独立的玩家皮肤
This mod lets your Player Character have a unique body. It can be made different from NPCs. Right now, the meshes and textures for the body and hands can be changed. A custom race is probably required to have unique head and skeleton, which might have to wait until after the CK is released.
这个mod让你的玩家角色有一个独特的身体纹理 可以不同于别的npc 现在 身体和手的纹理可以改变 如果需要有独特的头和骨架,这可能要等到CK后开发
How to use Like a lot of my mods, it is currently DIY: Install with NMM or manually copy into your data folder and enable the ESP Copy the body/hand textures from your favorite body mod into: data/textures/actors/character/PlayerHumanFemale for female PCs OR data/textures/actors/character/PlayerHumanMale for male PCs Copy the body/hand meshes from your favorite body mod into: data/meshes/actors/character/PlayerCharacterAssets 1.安装NMM或手动复制到你的 DATA 文件夹并勾选ESP 2.复制身体/手部从你喜欢的身体mod材质(别的身体mod): data/textures/actors/character/PlayerHumanFemale 女性玩家皮肤材质 或 data/textures/actors/character/PlayerHumanMale 男性玩家皮肤材质 复制身体/手部从你最喜欢的身体mod: data/meshes/actors/character/PlayerCharacterAssets The package includes the default "vanilla" textures that should be overwritten by your chosen body textures. 包含默认的“原版”应该被你选择的身体纹理覆盖 Recommended Mods 推荐的mod Unique Followers by FGmodule Full body tattoos for female by Hirvipelto B.W.INK 2.0 by Nero1n(下面有分享) Vintage Ink by Jase180
B.W.INK -Player Tattoo-THE HERETIC by Nero1n 纹身身体纹理 B.W.INK-玩家个人纹身-异教徒 支持CBBE!!!!!
Glorious Female Nude Mod by BlackFireBR 光荣的..女性果体mod..最新版
提供了7种毛的选择.... 区分了干净的和脏的皮肤纹理 并且提供了x头位置的选择... 另外作者推荐了一个更大的胸部跟屁股的mod 可以一起使用 后面有分流 请用nmm安装
by tonicmole and UltimateZero 上面提到的胸部丰满mod
这个mod是在游戏范围内修改胸部尺寸 所以穿衣服并不会破皮,推荐 还有多款可选择文件,我就搬运了主文件, 如果需要 回复我,我再去搬
Christmas Dress - Red dress retexture by glad0s98 圣诞礼服
.44 Revolver Sights Overhaul
by andysan84 .44手枪瞄准镜修改 更改绿点为红点,荧光瞄准添加准星 貌似新版本提供了分开的插件 貌似在可选文件里 没搬 如需要 回复我 我再去搬
More Than One Way To Skin A Cat by Endormoon 更多种类的猫!! 猫!! 猫!! 喵~
目前有五种颜色 黑色的猫 棕色的猫 白色的猫 杂色猫 作者的未来计划: 更多的猫! 猫在派对帽子! 大猫! 小猫咪! Kit kat ! 我会时刻关注这个mod的!!
New Standalone N7 X1 PowerArmor paint mod by Dragonscales n7涂装x01