本帖最后由 mudixiao 于 2015-12-15 14:58 编辑
首先感谢 y123ao6 大大的发的海盗船长。原帖地址 完美海盗V1.0.4(附送一款仅正版使用的成就解锁软件)http://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-4339724-1-1.html
This is list of things that will mark you as a cheater for the game session/kick you out of the game if you're client (if the host choose to do so):
From client side: (You are client.) - Spawning any equipment, different from last equipment you spawned.
- Throwing more than the allowed amount of grenades. (Picking up grenade from grenades crate case increases limit.)
- Spawning more than the allowed amount of equipment.
- Attempting to secure a bag different from what you are currently carrying. (When you secure bag, host suspects that you no longer have any bag on you.)
- Attempting to spawn a bag different from what you are currently carrying. (When you drop any bag, host suspects that you no longer have any bags.)
- Wearing an item from a DLC you don't own (This is the most common way of being detected.)
From server side: (You are host.) - Spawning equipment different from the last equipment you spawned.
- Throwing more than the allowed amount of grenades. (Picking up grenade from grenades crate case increases the limit.)
- Spawning more than the allowed amount of equipment.
- Wearing an item or hosting a heist from a DLC you don't own (This is the most common way of being detected.)
根据我在论坛里查了许久,有很多本局有效的红名cheater,而下一局就消失了。这个我并没有找到到底是什么标准是一局红名什么时候是永久。象解锁DLC的人,有的人一直红名的,结果删除了海盗然后把自己等级规0,红字掉了的情况也有。有的人把用的没买DLC的枪被标红名,然后删除,红名也掉了。有的人却是永久红名。所以这个还是求大神来解释下。 还有大家关心的皮肤解锁的问题, 按照某位官网里的大神叙述的话来讲。
There is also a difference between someone saying "You're a cheater" and actually knowing that they saw a label. There are only so many checks in the game, and we know them all, SuperKad outlined most of the rest, read the bottom of the FAQ for the full list. In no way, shape, or form is it the skins, there's physically no code that marks for that, so that only means you're falling into one of the things described in the FAQ, or misinterpreting what the other person is saying. Code is code is code, it does the same thing over and over again, it doesn't know how to deviate from what it is told to do, therefore, you are doing one of the things on the list.
剩下会导致的红名的原因就是别人举报。因为别人能过这个http://pd2stats.com/ 这个网站查询到你的信息。或者目前看到大神发的有一个在读取画面里显示别人技能加点的MOD。如果修改了技能点的一眼就看出来了,你知道老外就喜欢没事举报你。我看论坛里有些人写着举报你的原因就是嫉妒你,你有他没有。。哈哈。
所以他们在FAQ里给出了另外一个办法就是把自己的个人steam资料设置成私人或者好友可见。不要公开。 就是在steam的隐私设置里这样别人就看不到你的信息了。
最后我觉得修改皮肤和等级就已经足够了。其他东西可以慢慢打了。最多加个武器配件解锁。 要是什么都乱来了 那就真的没意思了。毕竟这皮肤和等级确实慢慢来不了的为了走捷径这个还是可以有的。。(我只是给自己修改这个找借口而已)