2008年底,NOVALOGIC 即将推出三角洲部队系列的新作---《DELTA FORCE: ANGEL FALLS》! 自从大学毕业以来,就好久不玩DF了。突然得知NOVALOGIC沉寂数年又要出新作了,心中颇多感慨。还记得七年前在=CN=战队通过DF2新兵考试的一幕,从此战队便多了一个ID叫WIND-=CN=-的菜鸟。下面是相关英文评论以及泄露出来的相关图片和视频,中文部分是我首次对英文游戏的翻译,有不当之处请大家随时指出。 (A) Delta Force: Angel Falls (other names, Delta Force: Black Ops, and Delta Force: Cuba) is an upcoming first-person shooter for numerous platforms by NovaLogic.It is rumoured to be expected for multiple platforms, and is expected some time around Christmas 2008. Novalogic's previous title was Delta Force: Xtreme, which was released April 2005.
Angel Falls has been rumoured to be centred around countries such as Cuba, and South America. Additionally, Angel Falls is also the name of the highest free-falling waterfall, which is located in Venezuela, South America. The Angel Falls cover has also been said to have a faint outline of South America, which may signify that the game is centered around South America.
传《Angel Falls》背景主要是古巴和南美的几个国家。另外,Angel Falls(天使瀑布)也是世界落差最大的天然瀑布之名,位于南美的委内瑞拉。据说《Angel Falls》宣传封面有南美洲的轮廓线,这也许意味着游戏背景集中在南美地区。
According to a very recent interview, the game is being developed on a completely new engine, that is similar to Crysis's graphics. Other features were explained such as the ability to change terrains on the fly, and its setting being in a "spirit" similar to Delta Force: Black Hawk Down's - as opposed to Joint Operations/Delta Force: Xtreme's.
The Angel Falls image (pictured right), was earlier this year taken from the NovaLogic website, where it was located on the welcome/splash page. Two other splash pictures were spotted, such as one that was similar in appearance to the "Angel Falls" poster - but instead, saying "Black Ops". The other one seen was an image of Delta Operators in Cuba (with HK 416 weapons, and MH-6 Little Bird helicopters), with the title "Delta Force CUBA!".
《Angel Falls》的图片(图A),是今年早些时候从Novalogic网站的欢迎页面中获得的。还发现两张图片,其中一张(图B)看起来像是《Angel Falls》的海报,但图片名却是“Black Ops”;另外一张图片展示的是在古巴的三角洲部队,里面有HK 416突击步枪和MH-6小鸟特战直升机,图片名为“Delta Force CUBA”。
One of the leaked screenshots found on NovaLogic's FTP.Some time early 2007, NovaLogic had "accidentally" leaked images coming from what was to be rumoured their latest title. Many people were disappointed at these screenshots due to the fact they clearly showed "recycled" items from previous titles - although NovaLogic responded by explaining that the screenshots were from ongoing R&D, with placeholder assets, and does not show what the game is necessarily about.
2007年早些时候在Novalogic FTP网站获得的截图之一(图C),是NOVALOGIC“意外”泄露的,据说来自其最新的作品。很多人对这些图片表示失望,很明显它们是前几部作品的“再生利用”---尽管NOVALOGIC回应说截图来自游戏的研发阶段,最终的游戏未必是这个样子。
Other names were found to be registered in the past, such as Operation Acid Gambit, The Unit, Delta Force: Cuba Libre, and Delta Force: Black Ops, to name several.
我们注意到下面的游戏名称已被注册:《Operation Acid Gambit》、《The Unit》、《Delta Force: Cuba Libre》以及《Delta Force: Black Ops》
PC经典的FPS游戏系列 终于再出续作了
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