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本帖最后由 boy50000 于 2015-8-4 13:15 编辑
V10061. Tested game version V1.02, V1.03, V1.04. May work on other versions. 2. Player Stats. Allows the following to be modfied. - Parts. V1005
1. Player Stats.
"Player Stats Unlocks Base Address Scan (To Update: View Unlocks At Start / Records / Unlocks)" use this to modify records before starting game.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Weapon Chest Max Space Pages (Max 20).
- Dojo Number of Pupils, Standings, Reputation.
- Dojo Pupils Names, Appearance, Rank.
- Key Items IDs & Quantities.
2. Item Stats.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Last Item ID.
3. Key Item Stats.
"Quantity Set to Massive?" sets Key Item Quantities to massive.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Last Key Item ID.
4. Weapon Stats.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Blade, Guard, Grip Components. If you get the values on a rare weapon, and change the values on a common weapon to match, you will get the rare components when the common weapon is disassembled.
- Durability Repaired.
- Title. Can be reset back to 0.
1. Player Stats.
"Styles All Stored And Overwrites Dojo Chest? (Auto Disable)" fixed initialization bug that doesn't show up if earlier options selected.
"Styles All Stored And Overwrites Dojo Chest? (Auto Disable)" overwrites and sets the Dojo Chest to have a copy of every Style. Best used right after starting a new game. Backup savegame!
A. Activate (put a X) "Player Stats Base Address Scan Initialization (Activate This First)".
B. Activate (put a X) "Player Stats Base Address Scan (To Update: View Player Status)".
C. Activate (put a X) "Records".
D. Enable (put a 1) "Styles All Stored And Overwrites Dojo Chest? (Auto Disable)".
E. View Player Status. This should put a copy of every Style in the Dojo Chest.
F. Activate (put a X) "Player Stats", "Data", "Records", "Style / Moves Chest IDs".
G. Check that "Number of Styles In Chest" is the same as the number of Slots containing Styles (65535 = empty Slots).
Alternatively, use "Player Stats -> Data -> Records -> Style Library IDs -> Slot 1 to 20" to add Styles directly to the Style Library. Style IDs are listed in Slot 1.
"Skill Points Set to Massive?" sets Skill Points to massive.
"Styles Moves Learned All Set to Learned?" sets all Style Moves Learned to Learned without needing to view Move List.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Kills.
- Highest Combo.
2. Accessories Change Stats.
"Accessory Points Used Set to 0?" sets Accessories Points used to 0, allowing all 10 Accessory slots to be filled.
1. Player Stats.
"Styles All Stored And Overwrites Dojo Chest? (Auto Disable)" overwrites and sets the Dojo Chest to have a copy of every Style. Don't use this version, introduced new bug fixing V1002, use V1004.
Alternatively, use "Player Stats -> Data -> Records -> Style Library IDs -> Slot 1 to 20" to add Styles directly to the Style Library. Style IDs are listed in Slot 1.
"My Styles Moves Learned All Set to Learned?" sets all My Style Moves to be learnt.
"Outfits All Set to Unlocked?" sets all Outfits unlocked.
1. Tested game version V1.01. May work on other versions.
2. Player Stats.
"Samurai Points Set to Massive?" sets Samurai Points to massive.
"Styles All Stored And Overwrites Dojo Chest? (Auto Disable)" overwrites and sets the Dojo Chest to have a copy of every Style. Don't use this version, is buggy, use V1004, needs updating! Best used right after starting a new game. May corrupt savegame, so backup first!
Alternatively, this is a safer but slower way to add Styles.
"Data -> Unlocks -> Style Library -> Slot 1" is the Style ID for the first slot in the Style Library. Most IDs start at 439 onwards. IDs to be updated.
"Unlocks All Set to Unlocked?" unlocks everything in Unlocks.
The following are all Records completion options. IDs to be updated.
"Titles All Set to Completed?".
"Missions All Set to Completed?".
"Weapons All Set to Completed?".
"Parts All Set to Completed?".
"Night Crawling Unlocks & Night Creeps All Set to Completed?".
"Endings All Set to Completed?".
"Fishing Biggest Size & Caught Set to Completed?".
3. Records Styles Stats
"Moves Learned All Set to Learnt?" sets all Moves for a Style to be learnt.
4. Night Crawling Stats.
"Sneaking Vitality Set to Max?" sets the Sneaking Vitality to max, which also prevents capturers from appearing even if discovered.
5. Torture.
All three Tortures.
"Health & Points Set to Max?" sets Health and Points to max.
1. Player Stats.
"Accessories All Set to Unlocked?" unlocks Accessories.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Day.
- Time Played.
2. Item Stats.
"Quantity Set to Massive?" sets stackable Item quantities to massive.
3. Battle Stats.
"Battle Stats Night Crawling Base Address Scan (To Update: Night Crawling)" use this during Night Crawling fighting part.
4. Weapon Stats.
"Weapon Stats Select Base Address Scan (To Update: Retrieve From Weapon Sack)" use this to select a weapon.
"Degradation Set to 1?" sets Degradation to 1.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Charm.
5. Torture Stats.
"Health Set to Max?" sets Health to max during Hell Horse torture.
1. Player Stats.
"Funds Set to Massive?" sets Funds to massive.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Time.
- Crime Rate.
2. Style / Moves Stats.
"Skill Pts Set to Massive?" sets Skill Pts to massive.
3. Battle Stats.
"Life Set to Max?" sets Life to max (effectively Godmode).
"Vitality Set to Max?" sets Vitality to max.
"Harvest Gauge Set to Max?" sets Harvest Gauge to max.
4. Weapon Stats.
"Durability Set to Max?" sets all equipped weapon Durability to max.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Degradation.
- Kills.
Usage info:
Scripts with "To Activate: XXX" can only be activated (put an "X" into the box) after doing action XXX.
Scripts with "To Update: XXX" will only update their effect after doing action XXX.
Addresses with "XXX?" will enable the script effect XXX when 1 is put into the Value.
In general:
A. Do action YYY.
B. Activate (put an X) the "Initialization (Activate This First)" script.
C. Activate (put an X) the "Base Address Scan (To Activate: YYY, To Update: ZZZ)" script.
D. Enable (put a 1) the desired effect. Example: "Set Health to Max?" address. E. Do action ZZZ.
2015-07-29 04:26
2015-07-29 05:00
2015-08-03 12:49
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