本帖最后由 fantasych 于 2015-5-5 07:20 编辑
小弟今天逛了ghost light的官网。以下是最近一篇博文有关侍道4的文字,这篇博文发表于4月30号,网址是:http://blog.ghostlight.uk.com/
Moving on to other topics, I’ve been reminded that we haven’t spoken about Way of the Samurai 4 much on here recently. While I am sorry to say that we still don’t have a definite release date, we are making really good headway and slashing our way through those bugs that are preventing that all-important release. I will, of course, let you know when I have more news. 本人翻译一下:接下来我们来说说下一话题(之前在介绍一个叫elminage gothic的游戏),我意识到我们的消息很久没有提到《侍道4》了。我很抱歉地告诉大家,我们依然没有确定侍道4的确切上市时间,但我们确实在不断地解决游戏bug并且成果明显。当然,如果有新的进展我会及时公布。