- 贡献度
- 19
- 金元
- 4250
- 积分
- 501
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2009-5-4
原文出处: http://rien-ici.com/iemod/console
按 ~ 打开控制台, 输入 Iroll20s 启动秘籍模式
注意:正版玩家如果启动秘籍模式, 会被取消成就
安装IE mod后, 可用更多自定义命令行
Console Commands for Pillars of Eternity
If you're using the IE Mod, you can just use these commands without any prerequisites.
If you're not using the IE Mod, some of these commands will not be available at all, others will not be usable by default, you need to enable cheats by typing in iroll20s. This will activate cheats for this game, but will disable achievements. Achievements will be reactivated and cheats disabled when you reload the game (it's not necessary to exit the game entirely). But like I said, you can just use the mod and not worry about anything else, achievements will still work.
1. How to add an NPC to party?
You need an NPC's id first. The way you do it is simple, you just need to be on the same map with the npc.
Type FindCharacter NPCname - for example you want to add Medreth to your party, you type "FindCharacter Medreth". You will see a few lines like NPC_Medreth_Guard_Man, etc, and one of them will be NPC_Medreth. This is the id that you need.
Now type AddToParty NPC_Medreth
And voila. Here Medreth joined the party:
2. Change zoom range
SetZoomRange minValue maxValue - will not change your current zoom, but will allow you to zoom really close and really far with the mouse wheel... try typing SetZoomRange 0.1 200
Then your max zoom will be like this (dat grass...)
And your max zoom out will be this:
You can input any values of course.
3. Force an NPC who is not a party member to walk somewhere
AIPathToPoint id1 id2 movementType
id1 = it's the guy who you want moved. For example NPC_Medreth_Guard_Dwarf
id2 = it's where you want the guy to go. You can give him anything you can find in FindObject or FindCharacter... You can give him TurningWheel(Clone) or NPC_Villager_Female_03 and he'll go there. He won't go if he can't reach that place.
MovementType = it's a number 2, 3 or 4... 2 = walk, 3 = run, 4 = sprint
Example: AIPathToPoint NPC_Medreth_Guard_Dwarf NPC_Villager_Female_03 2
4. Make NPC (who are not party members) fight someone
Same principle as with above, the command is AIForceAttack id1 id2
Example: AIForceAttack NPC_Medreth_Guard_Dwarf NPC_Medreth_Guard_Man
5. Jump to another area
AreaTransition MapName PointLocation
Example: AreaTransition AR_0002_Dyrford_Tavern_01 North1
The list of all areas: link
List of all PointLocations: link
Or instead of using a pointlocation, just type its number, like 1.
By the way, instead of long names, you can just use the corresponding number of the area from the file.
Most of them don't seem to be in the game as of beta.
6. Unlock an area on the world map or all areas
WorldMapSetVisibility mapname visibilitytype (visibilitytypes are: 0 = locked, 1 = unlocked, 2 = hidden, 3 = developerOnly) - unlocks a certain area
UnlockAllMaps - unlocks them all
Of course it's useless to try unlocking areas that aren't supposed to be drawn on the map, like some caves.
If the name of the area indicates it to be outdoors, you can try it. For example: WorldMapSetVisibility AR_0301_Ondras_Gift_Exterior 1
Here's a screenshot of a few of them unlocked (in beta, their names are just *missing strings*)
7. Deal damage to anyone
Same deal as before.
DealDamage ID value
Example: DealDamage NPC_Medreth_Guard_Man 200
8. Kill anyone
Example: Kill NPC_Medreth_Guard_Man
9. HealParty
Doesn't require any parameters.
10. Unlock container (ignoring lock)
Open chest_01 true
UnlockAll - unlocks all containers in the area.
11. Open container (ignoring lock) (This console commands requires the IE Mod to be installed.)
OpenContainer chest_01
12. Jump to mouse cursor (This console commands requires the IE Mod to be installed.)
Usage: Jump (no parameters required)
Teleports selected characters under the mouse cursor, but only if the cursor is on the navmesh.
13. Hire an NPC
OpenCharacterCreationNewCompanion cost endingLevel
The first parameter represents how much it will cost if the player does hire this companion.
The second one stands for what level the companion will be.
Example: OpenCharacterCreationNewCompanion 0 8
14. Rest
Forces rest no matter where you are and no matter what your supplies are.
15. Make someone hostile
Example: SetIsHostile CRE_Boar_Animal_Companion(Clone) true
Example2: SetIsHostile CRE_Boar_Animal_Companion(Clone) false
16. Various teleports
TeleportObejctToLocation guid guid
TeleportPartyToLocation guid
TeleportPlayerToLocation guid
Example: TeleportPartyToLocation CRE_Boar_Animal_Companion(Clone)
17. Spawn an encounter
EncounterSpawn id -- the IDs can be found using the GameObject Browser (console command: tt ). You go up the heirarchy until you're at the top, then go into 2_Design_Area_Encounters and there you will have your IDs. Sometimes the devs don't put the encounters into 2_Design_Area_Encounters and they just hang at the top of the heirarchy along with other gameobjects, but can easily be identified, because they start with "ENC_".
18. Spawn a creature (This console commands requires the IE Mod to be installed.)
BSC creaturename bool (0 - for friendly, 1 - for hostile)
For now, the only names known are the file names starting with "cre_" in assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundle
So for example to spawn a friendly "Obsidian Wurm" (it's an animal companion), you type:
BSC cre_wurm_obsidian_pet 0
For a hostile druid cat:
BSC cre_druid_cat01 1
19. Advance Quest (This console commands requires the IE Mod to be installed.)
First, you need to get the internal names of your active quests using ListActiveQuests
This will yield a bunch of lines such as data/quests/00_dyrford_ulterior_motives.quest -- sometimes you'll have to guess which quest is which, for instance this name is assigned to Dyrford's quest known to players as "Cat and Mouse".
Once you know the exact internal name, use ForceAdvanceQuest name
Example: ForceAdvanceQuest data/quests/00_dyrford_ulterior_motives.quest
20. Respec your party members (This console commands requires the IE Mod to be installed.)
This console command allows you to respec yourself or your party members (drops them to level 0 and allows you to relevel them up), or you can do the same thing, but also change their class. Changing the class is optional.
The console command is:
ChangeClass <name> <Class>
As always, you must find the ingame name of your characters using the "FindCharacter name".
So let's say you want to respec your companion called "BB Wizard".
Type in "FindCharacter Wizard". You'll get something like Companion_BB_Wizard(Clone)_4 in the console. This is the name you should use.
Now do ChangeClass Companion_BB_Wizard(Clone)_4 Wizard - your companion will fall down to level 0 and you'll be able to level him up differently from how he was.
Or type ChangeClass Companion_BB_Wizard(Clone)_4 Fighter - and he'll turn into a level 0 fighter instead.
Warning: do not attempt to transition/quit/save game while your character is level 0. You need to level him up first.
Also of note that this console command removes all abilities from a character, including their racial bonus. It will be back though - just level him up, save the game and reload, the racial bonus will reappear.
Another thing to consider is if you get some kind of special ability during the game that isn't accessible during leveling up, you will most likely lose it if you attempt to respec yourself.
Exercise caution with this console command, consider it experimental.
Update: it's been discovered that the console command is slightly bugged after all. If you use it, you'll have 2 copies of your level 1 ability. (i.e. 2 Arcane Assults for a mage, or 2 Constant Recoveries for a fighter). Will fix it in a few days.
21. Rename character
New a console command to allow you to rename creatures. This is important for when you respec into a Ranger, because your companion will be called something like BearCompanion.
So again, find your companion's ingame name, then use RenameCreature ingamename newname
Example: RenameCreature Animal_Companion_Wolf(Clone) Wolfie
22. Disable fog of war
23. GodMode
24. Party becomes invisible for everyone
25. Nobody takes any damage
NoDamage 1 (to turn it on)
NoDamage 0 (to turn it off)
26. Camera Speed
CameraMoveDelta float
Default value is 1. You can use values like 0.5 or 2 or 1.5, etc...
27. Utility
ToggleSpellLimit - makes you ignore spell limits.
FreeRecipesToggle - allows crafting without having the ingredients.
CraftingDebug - gives you all kinds of crafting supplies, a great amount of them.
AddItem itemname number - example: AddItem misc_troll_head 1 (the names of the items are the names of the files located in PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundle)
GivePlayerMoney number
AddExperience number
AddExperienceToLevel number -- gives you enough experience to reach level "number"
Skill charname skillname value - example: Skill player stealth 10 (player is what you type in when you mean your own character). Example2: Skill Companion_BB_Rogue(Clone)_3 stealth 10
AttributeScore charname attribute value - example: AttributeScore player might 20 (this is base attribute score, so sometimes you'll end up with a slightly higher score because of racial bonuses)
AddAbility charname abilityname - example: AddAbility player Defender (the names of the abilities can also be found in PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundle)
AddTalent talentname - (same here)
28. Stronghold Related
ActivateStronghold - if you don't have a stronghold yet, you can activate it like this
StrongholdBuild type - all types are listed here: link
StrongholdDestroy type
StrongholdForceAdventure type - adventure types are listed here: link
StrongholdForceVisitor index - a number ranging from 0 to I don't know
StrongholdForceAttack index - same
AdjustSecurity int - can be a positive or a negative number
AdjustPrestige int - can be a positive or a negative number
29. Misc
Screenshake durationValue strengthValue - example Screenshake 1 1
SoulMemoryCameraEnable true (or false) - Gives you some kind of tunnel vision and everything becomes somewhat purple
UnlockBestiary - unlocks all cyclopedia entries in Journal -> Cyclopedia -> Bestiary
DispositionAddPoints axis strength - axis, strength
ReputationAddPoints Faction Axis Strength - faction, axis, strength
SetGlobalValue name value
SetWantsToTalk guid true - force a party memeber to want to talk
StartQuest questName
30. The ones I haven't figured out:
ChangeWaterLevel (id, single, single) -- probably didn't find the right id for water... didn't look very hard, either
AddPrisoner id -- It probably puts people in your prison, but only works on those that can be emprisoned in the first place?