- 贡献度
- 738
- 金元
- 45252
- 积分
- 7487
- 精华
- 1
- 注册时间
- 2005-7-11
#{wl2_AZ0_GeneralVargas_46160}Ten-four. Unfortunately, all our other teams are currently out tryin' to chase down these damn hit squads, so you're on your own. I need you get to the prison and see what the hell is up Danforth's ass. And if you can't get him to calm down or make peace, then do what you have to do. Disrupt his operations, destroy his base, kill him or capture him. I don't care what it is, just get the little pest off our backs. We're not gonna be able to send you to LA until this mess is dealt with, you *<@Goodbye>read* me?
={wl2_AZ0_GeneralVargas_46160}收到, Echo小队,我们所有其他的队伍都在尽力追击那该死的突击队,所以说你现在得单独行动了。我现在要你去监狱看看丹佛斯那个傻逼出了什么问题。如果你不能安抚他,那你就不能心慈手软了。尽力破坏他的职务,摧毁他的基地,把他干掉。反正不管用什么办法,把这只小虫子从我们背后铲除。如果这个烂摊子还没有被收拾掉我们无法把你送到要去的地方,你*<@Goodbye>收到吗*?
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