本帖最后由 elzee 于 2014-8-31 21:55 编辑
Unofficial Oblivion Patch
Unofficial Official Mods Patch
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch
新手扫盲:Unofficial Oblivion Patch简称UOP是一套必备MOD,它修复了众多原版的BUG,优化了很多细节。分为以上3个组成部分,都是必装没商量。
Unofficial Oblivion Patch更新内容:
v3.5.1 (2014-08-31) UOP Changes- The silver longsword, shortsword, and dagger textures, edited so long ago for having "black parts" was never actually a bug. The following files have been removed from the distribution to correct for this: Textures\Weapons\SilverLongsword.dds, Textures\Weapons\SilverLongsword_n.dds, Textures\Menus\Icons\Weapons\silverdagger.dds, Textures\Menus\Icons\Weapons\silverlongsword.dds, Textures\Menus\Icons\Weapons\SilverShortSword.dds, Textures\Menus50\Icons\Weapons\silverdagger.dds, Textures\Menus50\Icons\Weapons\silverlongsword.dds, Textures\Menus50\Icons\Weapons\SilverShortSword.dds, Textures\Menus80\Icons\Weapons\silverdagger.dds, Textures\Menus80\Icons\Weapons\silverlongsword.dds, Textures\Menus80\Icons\Weapons\SilverShortSword.dds
Quest & Dialogue Fixes- During “Paranoia,” Glarthir was intended to have a dialogue option for if the player had killed some, but not all, of the people he wanted killed. It is now appropriately linked.
- Blocked off some guard greetings; these greetings, which were intended to be used when you first spoke to certain guards in certain locations, were either random or too low priority. They had been copied into NQDGuard by earlier UOP versions, but the original dialogues could sometimes slip through.
- Weedum-Ja’s NQDKvatchNPC greetings were not consistent with the other refugees: she should always thank you for closing the gate after you have done so, and her “We’ve been hit bad, but we’ll come back.” greeting should only be said once.
- Itius Hayn’s unique greeting is now no longer blocked by his “Imperial Corruption” greeting.
- During charactergen, Uriel Septim will now use his long greeting (the one with multiple dialogue options) if the player is not in combat, and his usual short greeting if the player is, rather than these being random.
- Mazoga’s post-MS92 greeting about finding black bows was being used at all times, not just when she was actually searching for them.
- Corrected a large swath of Fighters Guild-related dialogue that should have been available after certain quests were done, but could never be heard because the quests would shut down beforehand.
- Corrected some greetings from “A Brotherhood Betrayed” intended for after the quest but which could never be heard because the quest would shut down first.
- Corrected some Mages Guild hellos that had bad conditions: they were intended to be used by Mages Guild members and also the mages in Fort Ontus, but the conditions broke the dialogues.
- Corrected one Mages Guild hello that was checking the NPC’s rank compared to the player’s rank, even if the NPC wasn’t speaking to the player.
- Lucien Lachance’s “I speak for the Night Mother.” hello will no longer block his other hellos.
- Fixed one of Methredhel’s hellos in TG01BestThief being blocked by her other dialogue.
- Corrected TG01MethredhelCheated having a blank “link from” list, preventing it from being said. Also removed the incorrect “SetStage” result script.
- In “A Rat Problem,” Arvena Thelas will no longer blame you for killing her rats if you told her Quill-Weave had nothing to do with the situation (her dialogue never suggested she didn’t trust you, and it is more likely that this hello was intended for if all her rats were actually dead, which fails the quest).
- Orrin’s hello and goodbye in TG07Lex were checking the wrong stages of the quest.
- One Fighters Guild hello was meant for when NPCs greeted lower-ranked faction members, but it could also be used on the player even if the player wasn’t a member of the faction.
- Corrected M’aiq’s unique goodbye being flagged as occurring randomly.
- Corrected on Fighters Guild rumor that mentioned the Cheydinhal guildhall but was checking that the speaker wasn’t in Bruma rather than Cheydinhal.
- One MS05 rumor did not add the “Kud-Ei” topic as the other did.
- One incorrect rumor about Irene Metrick being good at jumping was meant to have been blocked off by an earlier UOP version, but the condition was incorrect and it could still be heard.
- Corrected two Thieves Guild-related rumors that were meant to be said by Imperial City citizens but were instead said by everyone except those citizens.
- M’aiq the Liar will no longer sometimes use generic rumors rather than his unique ones.
- One TG07Lex attack line had no audio recorded for male Nords; the only male Nord NPC eligible to say this line, Heinrich Oaken-Hull, can no longer say it.
- Corrected two generic detection lines never being heard because of erroneous GetShouldAttack checks.
- Dro’shanji had no audio recorded for one dialogue topic in “The Fugitives”; he can now no longer say it.
- Ley Marillin will no longer mention that Umbacano is looking for Ayleid artifacts if Umbacano’s quest has already been started.
- A number of FGD04Defector lines for Modryn Oreyn were not available due to checking the wrong quest in the conditions.
- Other NPCs will no longer query Francois Motierre about his own death.
- Imperial males can no longer ask other NPCs about Faelian’s death, as they had no audio recorded for it.
- Modryn Oreyn could be asked about “Chorrol” while MS18 was running, but strangely only between the hours of 12 PM and 12 AM.
- Fixed Emfrid’s MS18-related “Chorrol” topic never being available due to wanting the quest to be completed first (clipped “…is down at the Grey Mare…” from the line because Emfrid is the owner of the Grey Mare and it just sounded odd to speak as though she wasn’t).
- Corrected being unable to rent at the Tiber Septim Hotel while you had rented at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn.
- Dark Brotherhood members will no longer mention Antoinetta Marie in conversations if she’s dead.
- During “The Assassinated Man,” choosing to remain silent did not exit the conversation as the other options did.
- In “The Collector,” corrected a number of issues: firstly, selling statues as a stack would cause Umbacano to only receive one of the stack – he will now receive every statue you sell (assuming you don’t buy it back, of course); secondly, selling more than one statue prior to the quest could cause Umbacano to delay introducing “another task” and deprive you of the locations of several statues, and if you sold all the statues, a fame point. New lines have been created for Umbacano: now when you first meet him after receiving his letter, he will recognize how many statues you have sold and will immediately mark locations and/or tell you about “another task.”
- In “May the Best Thief Win,” Methredhel will now complain to Armand if the diary was stolen from her.
- In “Next of Kin,” Perennia Draconis will no longer give the player a copy of the gift list or the money to pay for the gifts if the player has stolen them beforehand.
- During “The Hist,” Jeetum-Ze was meant to wait in his room during the assault on the Blackwood Headquarters, but lacked a package to keep him there.
- Shum gro-Yarug, flagged essential to prevent his death by falling off the castle’s bridge by earlier UOP versions, will no longer be essential once “Lost Histories” is done and the Skingrad house has been purchased.
- It was possible to finish MS05 without ever having the “Kud-Ei” topic added.
Audio Fixes- Restored a line of dialogue in Eilonwy’s “Mages Guild” topic that had been cut much earlier when the line was initially corrected.
- Shroob, never being happy with the original corrected audio for Alberic Litte’s “Mages Guild” topic, has changed the audio and text to “If you're skilled enough, Athragar has some rather powerful spells for sale. Very effective, but dangerous to the inexperienced.”
- Corrected an MS14 rumor for female Imperials, where “turning” was read as “burning.”
- Corrected an MS37 where S’drassa was referred to as a woman.
- Corrected audio in MG05Fingers for Imperial males where “skulking” was read as “sulking.”
- Corrected Mazoga saying that Black Brugo and his gang should be expected in Telepe on Middas when actually they appeared every night.
NPC, Creature & AI Fixes- Swamp Trolls, FGD06Troll01, and Savage Trolls will now have the leveled regeneration that was intended, rather than having no regeneration at all. This was due to the leveled spell lists they had no only misunderstanding how leveled spell lists work (the “level” listed is the NPC’s skill level in the spell’s skill, not the NPC’s level), but abilities cannot be added through leveled spell lists.
- Viera Lerus should be level-offset like the other guard captains, rather than being a static level, which made her rather useless at higher levels during the defense of Bruma.
- Corrected on Dremora Marknyaz being female – there is no audio recorded for female Dremora, so she was completely silent and suffered from the “I HAVE NO GREETING” bug.
- Hagaer had a duplicate sleep package.
- Ferul Ravel’s leveled spell list suggests that he was intended to be a sorcerer rather than a savant.
- The Bruma Guards that accompanied Burd into the Bruma gate needed to have their class changed, as they were warriors yet wore light armor.
- The Yellow Team Champion that you fight in the Arena now actually looks like the champion you see in the Bloodworks.
- Mannimarco did not need low-level processing.
- Alix Lencolia’s stats were completely out of line for a level 20 master trainer.
- NPCs will no longer be trapped by the Arcane University’s gate: NPCs who merely visit the grounds will now remain outside the Mages Guild-only inner grounds, and the addition of a subspace and changed ownership on the doors from the lobby to the grounds ensures that NPCs who need to pass through will do so by going through the lobby. Also corrected the battlemage’s routines so that they don’t barge through the lobby at all hours.
- Corrected on Mage Scholar’s routine so that he no longer ignores his lecture duty and his sleeping.
- JesanSextiusPerformCountsArms needed to be a travel package rather than a wander, as he was no reliably sitting in his chair.
- Corrected the UOP corrected to ArquenAmbush, which was accidentally breaking “Honor Thy Mother.”
- Corrected the start time on HlidaraSleepChorrol23x7.
- Apprentice2CastAlteration06x6 was causing the Apprentice using it to stall rather than cast spells because the spell chosen was expert-level and cost too much magicka for him at lower player levels.
- Corrected bad conditions on Dark18ArquenFirstRitual.
- Adamus Phillida will no longer stand beside the pond for two hours before actually swimming.
- KvatchSoldier has had its Athletics skill dropped and its Sneak skill restored; this was because NPC attributes depend on their class skills, and dropping Sneak had an adverse effect: with no Agility increase, NPCs of this class were easier to stagger.
Item Fixes- The Honorblade of Chorrol was not using its unique icon and mesh.
- LL2NPCStaffLvl100 had the “calculate from all levels <= PC level” flag checked, causing this list to function identically to LL2NPCStaff100 (“100” is the chance of the NPC getting a staff, “Lvl” normally means that the NPC receives the best possible item for their level).
Script Fixes- Corrected the timing on LucienLachanceHunted’s script so that he no longer turns invisible and takes off running halfway through his goodbye.
- Arena combatants who are disarmed can now pick up their dropped weapons – the script that stopped the player from taking them after battle also prevented their original owners from picking them up.
- Baurus was intended to shout at the Emperor’s assassin, but his calls to say his Attack line whenever he began combat were cutting the line short.
- The detection in the scripts for the guests in “Whodunit?” will now actually work: as stated in the quest, getting caught offing someone will cause you to be outed as the murderer.
- During “The Purification,” getting caught attacking the other assassins was supposed to turn any witnesses hostile; however, the writer failed to take into account that, because of the Dark Brotherhood faction’s huge per-rank disposition bonuses, a 70-point drop in disposition was not going to make the witnesses hostile.
- A ModAv call in MG04Script was giving Caminalda “invincible” health – her health bar would not appear until you had beaten off the accidental 100-point hitpoint boost.
- Mages in Fort Ontus will no longer switch to necromancer robes if they are dead.
- If the player finished MS51 while in Countess Valga’s chambers, the quest would never shut down.
- Corrected the UOP’s accidental breaking of innkeepers; though they had no reason to have low-level processing, without it, their scripts failed to work outside their cell. The necessary lines have been added to the trigger objects instead. This fix is not retroactive in certain situations, but affected innkeepers can be fixed by clicking on them in the console and typing “set cleanup to 2”.
Spell & Ability Fixes- DarkGarlic should be draining Vicente’s strength and endurance rather than damaging it; NPCs can’t restore their attributes, so removing the spell if he no longer had garlic was rather pointless.
- NPCAbsorbFatigue2Apprentice/3Journeyman/4Expert had such high magnitudes and durations that no NPC could cast them. Based on the progression of vanilla absorb health spells, the magnitudes are now set to 20, 40, and 80 respectively, with no duration.
- The magnitude of NPCSilence2Apprentice was so high that it actually made it a journeyman-level spell, and cost far too much magicka for Illusion-using NPCs (rogues, bards, and agents, who have little magicka) to cast.
- Even though the necromancer class had Alteration as a major skill, LL2Necromancer100, LL2NecromancerLvl100, MG17Necromancer100, and MG17NecromancerLvl100 did not include any Alteration spells, which was inconsistent with all other leveled spell lists, which assigned a spell for every school that the NPC had as a major skill.
- LL0AbsorbSkillCombat/Magic/StealthMajor100 lacked divisions based on the caster’s skill level, the effect being that the list could assign an NPC a spell he or she had no hope of being able to cast.
- LL2Sorcerer100 and LL2SorcererLvl100 were assigning Illusion spells to users rather than Mysticism, despite the sorcerer class having Mysticism as a major skill, and not Illusion.
Placement, Layout and Ownership Fixes- Corrected a locked door and the bed behind it in the Newlands Lodge lacking ownership.
- Since Alberic Litte now sleeps at home, there is no reason for the double bed on the top floor of the Chorrol Mages Guild to be owned by him.
- Two doors in the Surilie Brothers’ house needed to be owned by the GenericOwner faction to allow Glarthir to pass through them if the player refused to help him and he took matters into his own hands.
- Faelian did not own the door to Lorkmir’s house; when he would give the player his key, he would be trapped outside.
- A door in Toutius Sextius’ house needed to have its ownership changed to GenericOwner for the same reason the Surilie Brothers’ door was changed above.
- The door to Countess Valga’s room was unowned; its ownership was changed to the ChorrolCastleFaction to avoid trapping Alessia Caro there on her monthly trip.
- Countess Valga’s bed’s ownership has been set to the ChorrolCastleFaction to allow all three NPCs who are supposed to sleep there – Alessia, Hlidara Mothril, and the Countess – to access beds.
- Bernadette Peneles’ bed was unowned; since her house is one cell, the player could sleep in it during Bernadette’s home owner open house.
- One door in the upstairs of the West Weald Inn was unowned; it should be owned by Graklak gro-Buglump to allow him to access his room.
Unofficial Official Mods Patch更新内容:
Twentieth Release (2014-Aug-31) Knights of the Nine bugs fixed (v1.1.5):- When the UOMPKnightoftheNine class was created, nobody noticed that some of the Knights actually did have Destruction spells. So the class has dropped Blunt and added Destruction as class skills (none of the Knights use blunt weapons).
- Imperial NPCs will no longer occasionally greet other NPCs as the Divine Crusader.
- Corrected pretty much all Knights rumors: they will no longer be said by Dark Brotherhood members, Daedra worshippers, and M’aiq the Liar, as they were blocking their normal unique rumors.
- Corrected some rumors about Kellen only playing after he had already been cured and left the Chapel.
- Martin can no longer be asked about the Prophet or about the Anvil chapel attack, as he would revert to a standard Imperial male voice.
- Kinther had the wrong script, and it was causing him to never appear in the game at all.
- Avita Vesnia will now leave the CreatureFaction when recruited, as she was not hostile to many types of enemies as a follower.
- Created two missing audio lines for Gukimir and Geimund.
- Corrected an audio flub when asking Redguard males about the Knights of the Nine post-questline.
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch更新内容:
v1.5.5 (2014-Aug-31) - Minor Update - Thadon and Syl can no longer use the Order Priest’s combat taunts in SE12 – not only was it blocking their unique taunts for that moment, but Syl had no audio recorded.
- NPCs fighting Knights of Order will no longer use the combat taunts for fighting Imperials or Elves – technically, Knights of Order are Imperials and High Elves in unplayable armor with different attack and hit lines, but lore-wise they certainly aren’t.
- Corrected Golden Saints and Dark Seducers still using their default goodbyes when the played had completed SE13.
- Corrected a variety of quest-related hellos and goodbyes being flagged as random or being said to NPCs other than the player.
- At the start of SE08, when Sheogorath teleports out of the Sanctum, he will no longer use his default goodbye, which was always cut off. He will instead use a relevant SE07 goodbye that’s much shorter.
- Corrected a number of Golden Saint and Dark Seducer hellos lacking the “random end” flag, which allowed them to bleed into their default hellos if the player was male.
- Wide-Eye had a response to asking about Thadon in SE04 that was being blocked by her other response.
- Sheogorath can understand Bolwing, so during “Falling Awake,” Bolwing will speak coherently about “Sleep outside” if either the player has Big-Head’s charm, or is Sheogorath.
- Fixed Sheogorath trying to idle with his non-existent cane at the start of SE11.
- Transformed Heretic bosses were SEHereticMelee by class rather than SEHereticMage like every single other Heretic.
- Applied UOP publican fix to Sickly Bernice and Raven-Biter.
- Wide-Eye had a greeting for female players in which she called them “my lord”; this has been corrected to “my lady.”
- Corrected the audio for one of Halion’s rumors to speak about a man in Bliss rather than Crucible, as this rumor refers to Amiable Fanriene, who lives in the Manic section of the city.