本帖最后由 as24862486 于 2014-2-7 23:41 编辑
育碧新作Child of Light《光明之子》遊戲要素[官方中文字幕] ____
育碧新作Child of Light《光明之子》遊戲要素***
歐若拉的冒險旅程即將展開......探索 Child of Light《光明之子》遊戲要素:
Aurora's adventure is coming... Discover all the features of the game:
.經典 RPG 回合制戰鬥
.超過 600 種製作組合
.216 種解鎖技能
.2 人合作遊玩
.Classic RPG turn based combat
.600 crafting combinations
.Deep crafting system
.Explore the vast world of Lemuria
.216 skills to unlock
.2 players coop.
2014 年 5 月 1 日,準備好拯救雷姆利亞王國
Be prepared to save the kingdom of Lemuria May 1, 2014
官方網站 / Official Website:http://childoflight.ubi.com/
育碧新作 Child of Light《光明之子》「小心黑夜」[官方字幕]
《Child of Light》重新想像經典的童話故事、邀請玩家踏進一個魔幻彩繪國度「雷姆利亞」(L emuria)的史詩歷險,玩家將參與啟發自日式角色扮演遊戲(JRPG)的回合制戰 鬥、探索奇幻王國並解開其中的謎團。
遊戲中玩家將扮演歐若拉(Aurora)、一位被迫離家的孩子,為了踏上回家的路,她 必須從神秘的夜之女王手中找回太陽、月亮和星星。身旁伴隨著螢火蟲夥伴「微光」(Ig niculus)和幾位不大可靠的盟友,歐若拉將要面對最陰暗的恐懼、包含巨龍和其他 奇幻生物,一切盡在這部以現代風格呈現的成長故事中。
Child of Light is a reimagining of classic fairytales, inviting players on an epic adventure into the magical painted world of Lemuria. Players will uncover mysteries, participate in turn-by-turn combat inspired by classic JRPGs, and explore the mystical kingdom.
The game puts players in the shoes of Aurora, a child stolen from her home, who, in her quest to return, must bring back the sun, the moon and the stars held captive by the mysterious Queen of the Night. Helped by her companion Igniculus the firefly and several unlikely allies, Aurora will face her darkest fears, including dragons and other mystical creatures in this modern take on a coming-of-age story.
Visit the Experience Website: http://childoflight-game.com/