本帖最后由 cc56w 于 2013-8-3 08:37 编辑
本人用的是官方提供的免费SQLite Database Browser Version 2.0b1
使用方法:用修改器打开游戏存檔修改Browse Data的内容
星际之剑2存檔目录:C:\Users\<USERNAME HERE>\Saved Games\Sword of the Stars II\SavedGames
金钱调到7亿 This one should give you 700.000.000$. Code: UPDATE players SET savings=700000000 WHERE id=1
所有目前可见的科技只需1回合即可研发完成 This should set all the research thatyou can already see to finish in 1 turn. Code: UPDATE player_techs SET research_cost=1, feasibility=1, player_feasibility=1 WHERE player_id=1 AND feasibility>0
所有隐藏的科技只需1回合即可研发完成 This should set all the research thatis a bit further away (not yet visible) to finish in 1 turn. Code: UPDATE player_tech_branches SET research_cost=1, feasibility=1 WHERE player_id=1 AND feasibility>0
科技全开 And this one should give you everyresearch Code: UPDATE player_techs SET state=6 WHERE player_id=1 AND feasibility>0
你所有已经殖民星球,行星资源调整到10000(目前存量)/10000(最大) Set the resources of all yourcolonies to 10000 Code: UPDATE planets SET resources=10000, max_resources=10000 WHERE orbital_object_id IN (SELECT orbital_object_id FROM colonies WHERE player_id=1)
在系统中,你所有已经殖民的星球,行星资源调整到10000(目前存量)/10000(最大);这个指令和上面那个差在哪看不出来??? Also, set the resources in all theplanets in the systems you have colonies in to 10000 Code: UPDATE planets SET resources=10000,max_resources=10000 WHERE orbital_object_id IN (SELECT id FROM orbital_objectsWHERE star_system_id IN (SELECT star_system_id FROM orbital_objects WHERE id IN (SELECT orbital_object_id FROM colonies WHERE player_id=1)))
colonies 人口,这两个真真不知道,猜测上面应该是最大人口,下面应该是平民人口
code: UPDATE colonies SET imp_pop=1000000000 WHERE player_id=1 移民后 除imp_pop外还有civ_pop code:
UPDATE colony_factions SET civ_pop=1001315051 WHERE orbital_object_id IN (SELECT orbital_object_id FROMcolonies WHERE player_id=1) |