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本帖最后由 fnkscf 于 2013-7-31 13:58 编辑
jinjinjinai 发表于 2013-7-31 13:13 ![](
我不知道你从哪黏贴的2b新闻,不过月下是巅峰毋庸置疑,这个谁都知道,当年197w的销量,能是现在这个恶魔 ...
兄弟,你不懂恶魔城没人怪你,多学习下。 恶魔城还有很多东西是你不懂的。 月下夜想曲当年哪来197万???? 人家GT这种老牌的媒体,90年代明确报道过月下当时就没过100万, GT明确指出恶魔城当年只有月之轮回过了100万。 并且科乐美的人也在圣地亚哥动漫展上 对记者说了:月下当年不是很成功,并不是一炮走红, 包括公司内部的人也觉得可能不会有太多人喜欢。 在公司,月下类似一个番外作品
197万你自己编造出来的? 还是看VG那白痴销量统计? VG上挂的月下的销量是错误的。 何况连VG挂的打脸的数据 还是写的127W。 况且VG还是一个建站时间很晚的网站。 我宁愿相信gametrailers 这种老牌机构,毕竟人家是经理过那个年代的。 90年代月下是一部离经叛道和传统恶魔城大相径庭的番外作品。 并且他当时没有破100万,并且出货量比较低。 后来的SS土星版 也并没有在欧美发售。 在1997年,是3D游戏很受欢迎的时代,月下在当时没有什么竞争力。
外行人,还是多了解下知识比较好。 别不愿意接受恶魔城的历史。
中国哪来这么多不懂装懂的 自以为很懂恶魔城的人? - -??
GeekScape: Touching on that, were there any fears tackling the Lords of Shadow series that you didn’t experience during production of Symphony of the Night?
“The thing about Symphony of the Night was there was a lot of fear surrounding it because it was a very different departure from what was done before. I very much remember at the time that it was the Nintendo 64 game that ws going to be the next big Castlevania game because it was done by the original team Kobe. So that was going to be the big game and Symphony of the Night was more of a side-story because it was from another team. It was a quite different type of game, and there were a lot of people within Konami who felt people weren’t going to get into it.
You have to understand when Symphony of the Night came out, it wasn’t that successful. It wasn’t huge. It got good reviews, no doubt about it, but the reputation built up over several years, and it became a hit more afterwards than on day one. I think that taught me that doing something new within the mythology, doing something new with Castlevania, is risky but it’s also something that’s kept Castlevania alive over the years.
The first Lords of Shadow game went on to sell the most than any other Castlevania game ever released. It’s the biggest selling Castlevania game in history. Even I can’t believe it.”
你自己看吧,看下你的月下的历史。 多学点儿没什么坏处。 井底之蛙。
当然月下是一个非常优秀的游戏,这点毋容置疑。但是,不代表月下90年代的历史是你脑补的那样。 朱元璋就算是个皇帝也不代表他以前就不是个流氓了(比喻而已)。 讨论的范围并不是月下优秀还是不优秀(月下的确很优秀,不用去非议), 讨论的是月下的发展历史。