英文名称:Don't Starve
游戏制作:Klei Entertainment Inc.
游戏发行:Klei Entertainment
《闪克》制作组Klei即将发售的求生游戏《饥荒》(Don't Starve)现已进入封闭beta测试,面向已经花6.99美元提前预购的玩家。
OS:Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
Processor:1.7+ GHz or better
Memory:1+ gigs of RAM GB RAM
Graphics:Radeon HD5450 or better
Hard Drive:500 MB HD space
Sound:100% DirectX9.0c compatible sound card and drivers
1. 解压缩
2. 安装游戏
3. 运行游戏
Strange New Powers Release Notes (7/2/2013)
New Character:
Woodie the Lumberjack
He's a fun-loving Canadian who spends too much time in the woods. His axe talks to him, and he has a terrible curse.
New special powers for the unlockable characters:
Gets a sanity bonus from being near fire
Impervious to fire damage (and probably heat when that becomes a Thing)
Gets a unique lighter that acts as an infinite torch with a very small radius
Has a lower max sanity
Lights fires at random when her sanity is low
Can eat spoiled food with no penalty
Starts with very low stats, but can upgrade himself by eating gears.
Takes damage in the rain, but creates light from the sparks
Can get hit by lightning, causing a system overload that makes him run faster and glow in the dark
Has pathetic, low stats
Can make balloon animals
Has a large stomach
Faster sanity drain in the dark and near scary things
Gets damage and health bonuses when his belly is full (and penalties when it is empty!)
Lower combat damage
Less afraid of the dark and monsters.
Carries around abigail's flower. When it is charged (it takes a couple of days), a blood sacrifice will summon Abigail!
Abigail is a lot more useful now, and will last until she falls in battle
Gets a bonus tech level
Has a high max sanity
Can craft books that can be read to cast powerful magic spells
Insomniac - can not sleep
Picky eater - higher penalties for spoiled food
New creatures:
Splumonkeys - Cave-dwelling monkeys that just want to cause you trouble. Nothing is safe from their pestering!
Pengulls - Mostly harmless penguinoids who leap from the ocean in the winter to form rookeries. Be careful if you disrupt their migration!
New craftables:
We added a new tab for gem-based items, and added amulets and staffs for all of the existing colours. Watch this space for more mind-bending magic in future updates!
Red amulet - resurrects as before, but also converts hunger into health
Blue amulet - harness the power of cold!
Purple amulet - Dare to gaze upon the terrifying nightmare world.
Purple staff - Warp space and time with teleportation!
There is a new mod configuration screen that lets you activate/deactivate mods from within the game. Check out the modding forum for details!