本帖最后由 cat333222 于 2013-6-27 21:16 编辑
* Fixed the Lost Eternia Shards maps so they now load correctly
* Added “Temple O’ Love” Challenge Map to the “Etherian Festival of Love” DLC, including such items as new Accessories, a New Costume, and 2 Achievements
新增“Temple O’ Love”挑战地图到“艾特里亚情人节”DLC中,包括新的ACC,一个新的服装样式,和2个成就。
发布日期:2012年12月22日 - Akatiti weapon reward quality restored to correct values
Akatiti奖励武器品质恢复到正确的值- Diamonds will no longer generate with the running speed stat, it's unnecessary as they tremendously boost your speed anyway.
钻石将不再生成移动速度属性出现,因为他们已经使你的速度大大提高了。- Santa Hat sockets fixed up
圣诞帽子佩戴位置修正- Barbarian Tavernkeep Imposter Costume increased to "Super Legendary" Quality, Santa Imposter Costume changed to Legendary Quality
- Added a powerful new item quality class -- can you find them?
新增了一个强大的新道具等级前缀(应该是比U+高的新等级)- Reduced Silent Night and Winter Wonderland Boss Difficulties, and increased build time on Winter Wonderland by 40% (+ added 5 additional beefy starting Chests), and increased Build Time on Silent Night by 15%
削弱了平安夜和冬季仙境地图BOSS难度,并提升了冬季仙境40%建造时间(+增加了5个额外的柜子),和增加平安夜地图15%的建造时间- Changed Silent Night to not destroy Defenses before Boss, to not decrease DU's, and eliminated flying units during Boss Fight
平安夜地图在BOSS战前不摧毁建筑就不会减少建造单位,且在BOSS战中取消了飞行类怪- Improved quality of Silent Night & Winter Wonderland Xmas Weapons rewards
提升了平安夜和冬季仙境地图武器奖励的品质- Made "Santa Imposter" costume follow the "Super Legendary" scaling rules
圣诞老人皮肤解锁规则和“超级传说者”皮肤一样- Increased Ultimate & Regular Item Box slots by 20
新增U和正常道具格子20格- Increased Skeleton on a Treadmill scale, improved colorization, and increased quality
增大了跑步机上的炸弹人规格,改善了着色和道具品质- Fixed double-sensitive mouse chase-camera turn speed
Enabled Gamepad Chase & FPV Camera for "Swap Triggers / Buttons" Gamepad Control Scheme
- Added "Silent Night" Challenge and "Winter Wonderland" Campaign Map to the "Etherian Holiday Extravaganza" DLC, including such items as new Accessories, New Costume, New Pets, 4 Achievements and 3 new Crystal Cores to earn
新增“平安夜”的挑战和“冬季仙境”战役地图(“Etherian假日大汇演”DLC中),包括新的饰品,新的服装,新宠物,4成就,3个新水晶样式- Increased Maximum Heroes to 32 提高英雄最大数到32
- Added 50 more Ultimate Item Box Slots, 40 More regular Item Box Slots
增加了50个U装备道具格子,40个正常道具格子- Added First Person View to Gamepad Control Mode! 添加了手柄控制模式的第一人称视角!
- Improved Halloween Spooktacular weapons added to Spooktacular 2, as well as the Costume unlocks
万圣节2地图能获取老万圣节挑战地图的武器和过关奖励的通关皮肤- Upgraded Dungeon Defenders Development Kit to 7.47, with ALL up-to-date game content including Tower Wars, Akatiti, and Holiday 2012 Contents. Also fixed in the DDDK: cooking maps with sublevels now works, and now all original maps can be successfully cooked without having to set "Is Official Map" to False.
以上就是7.48跟典藏版7.46C的区别 下载地址:http://kuai.xunlei.com/d/awC3EAIUvgBmd8pR9fd
换了新连接了,可以下了 |