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本帖最后由 hylzl 于 2013-4-29 19:58 编辑
Alex92305 发表于 2013-4-29 19:07
It is caused by the double-byte characters(ex. Chinese, Korean, Japanese characters...) in your saved game files.You can take the following steps for a temp fix or just wait a patch.
1. Go to the 'Control Panel'.
2. Click 'Clock, Language, and Region'.
3. Click 'Region and Language'.
4. Under the 'Format' tab, click 'Additional settings'.
5. Under the 'Time' tab, change the AM/PM symbols to 'AM' and 'PM' (in English).
6. Click the 'Apply' button.
7. Go to StarDrive's saved game location (ex. C:\Users\'Your Account'\AppData\Roaming\StarDrive\Saved Games\).
8. Delete all auto-saved game files (including the files in the sub-directory 'Headers').
9. Now you can smoothly save and load games in StarDrive.
This issue is caused by the default behavior of the Date-Time function of the XNA library. I hope Zero can assign some specific formats for the timestamps when saving game to prevent the annoying problems like this.
剛回家有點累,要是看不懂再問我= =a
忘了說,我是玩英文原版沒打漢化,漢化有多一個新問題,翻帖一下應該會看到 |