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- 注册时间
- 2011-10-7
昨天最高难度刚通 对剧情有点疑问
3代的剧情发生在2代之后,prophet,本名Laurence Barnes的大爷在2开头自杀并把纳米装交给了Alcatraz
但3代里主角一直说、不停地说自己牺牲了Laurence Barnes的身份,原文如下:
"When they came to me with the nanosuit, I sacrificed Laurence Barnes, the man I was, to become Prophet. When my own flesh and blood held me back, I sacrificed that too. Replaced it, like a spare part. Victory costs. Every time, you pay a little more. I saw a glimpse of what's coming and there was nothing left of me to stop it. When the greatest combat machine fails... what do we do then? What do I do?!"—Prophet's narration in the opening scene of Crysis 3
“我穿上纳米服之后,牺牲了原本作为人类Laurence Barnes的身份,当我的肉体开始拖后腿的时候,我像换零件一样将它更换......”
为什么不是牺牲了Alcatraz的身份而是Laurence Barnes?
最后prophet被吸走的时候psycho也是喊的Laurence Barnes(具体是Laurence还是Barnes记不清了)
甚至最后的最后主角脱下纳米装变成神人之后,样貌也是跟2代自杀的Laurence Barnes貌似一模一样
3代的主角的确是Alcatraz 好吧我们简称A 但是在2最后 A爬进塔里又被射出来拯救世界之后 精神受到了严重的损伤 原文如下:
t was also stated in a nanosuit log that the Alcatraz personality file became corrupted beyond repair (42% of data corruption) after his mission to repurpose the Ceph black spore, and therefore it was placed in "indefinite storage after instabilities detected", meaning that Laurence Barnes became the only active personality in the host body, therefore Alcatraz's mind can be considered dead or dormant.
巧的是Laurence Barnes(简称LB)的精神还保留在纳米服里 就像EVA里女神的娘亲一样
结果就是 在2的结尾 LB掌管了A的肉体得到“重生” A在3里就只剩下一副躯壳 在最后一幕以LB的声音说出了“They call me Prophet.”
这样一来 3最后主角脱下纳米服之后 因为已经成为神人 相貌也是可以自由变化的 既然精神是LB的 那么脸自然而然也是LB的黑人大哥脸了 这样也就解释通了
顺便吐槽这最高难度实在不怎么难 没啥感觉 COD的最高难度那才是坑爹尼玛