本帖最后由 pandx111 于 2012-11-14 14:41 编辑
Borderlands 2 Update v1.2.0:
- Fixed fast travel stations from downloadable content sometimes disappearing when loading a saved game. 修正当载入已保存的游戏时可下载内容里快速旅行站有时消失的问题。
- Fixed an issue where players could occasionally be unable to connect to one another if one of them had recently been in DLC that the other doesn't have. 修正已安装DLC的玩家偶尔不能与没有安装DLC的玩家联机的问题。
- Fixed an issue where players were sometimes unable to pick items up after another player had bulk-picked-up a nearby item. 修正有玩家批量捡起附近装备的时候,其他玩家有时不能捡起装备的问题。
- Fixed a bug in the inventory UI when quickly scrolling to the bottom of a list using the mouse wheel. 修正当用鼠标滚轮快速滚动到装备栏界面底部时的一个bug。
- Improved PhysX fluid rendering quality at high resolutions. 提高高分辨率下物理流体渲染质量。
- Improved NVIDIA 3D Vision integration. 提高NVIDIA 3D Vision整合。
- Fixed the "Inverted reverse steering" option not working for clients in a multiplayer game. 修正反转倒车控制选项多人游戏时无效的问题。
- Fixed the player's backpack sort setting not persisting. 修正玩家背包物品种类排序不能保存的问题。
- Fixed an issue causing players to sometimes crash or freeze after killing Master Gee in the Captain Scarlett DLC. 修正玩家杀掉斯嘉丽船长DLC中吉大师时程序有时崩溃或者定住的问题。
- Fixed challenges showing inaccurate completion amounts for area-specific challenges. 修正在“区域特别挑战”中挑战完成度显示不准确的问题。
- Fixed a bug where the player's active mission would sometimes fall back to main-game missions when completing other missions in DLC areas. 修正当玩家完成DLC任务时,当前任务有时退回到主线任务的bug。
- Fixed a bug that could cause players to lose mission rewards that they had not claimed when switching between Normal mode and True Vault Hunter mode. 修正一个玩家在寻宝猎人模式和普通模式切换时,可能引起玩家丢失还没有确认的任务奖励的bug。
- Added a confirmation dialog when opening the golden chest in Sanctuary. 增加打开避难所金色箱子时确认的对话框。
- Fixed Arid Nexus Badlands showing an undiscovered challenge that was not attainable. 修正Arid Nexus Badlands显示没发现的挑战不能得到的问题。
- Restored some lost progress to players who have had their profiles reset. To ensure you are credited for as much progress as possible, please load your character, select "Continue" on the Main Menu, and then "Save and Quit" after you enter the world. Repeat this process for each character in your character list. 已经重设档案的玩家可以恢复丢失进程。为了确保你的进程,请载入你的角色,在主菜单界面选择继续,然后选择保存并退出。重复这一过程对所有的角色。
- Fixed the Mechromancer's Anarchy skill sometimes losing stacks incorrectly for multiplayer clients. 修正机械师多人游戏时Anarchy技能有时叠加丢失的问题。
- Fixed a bug causing players to sometimes get stuck zoomed in when in "fight for your life" mode. 修正一个当玩家垂死挣扎时有时瞄准卡住的bug。
- Fixed challenge "For The Hoard!" to work properly after resetting challenges. 修正"For The Hoard!"挑战在重设挑战后可正常运行。
- Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause players' skill points to be reset when loading their character. 修正一个有时玩家载入角色时引起技能点重设的问题。
- Fixed a bug that could cause enemies and missions to be locked to an incorrect level. 修正一个可能引起敌人和任务被锁定在一个不正确的等级的bug
- Fixed bug causing Tediore reloads to get Amplify shield damage bonuses for each round remaining in the clip. 修正引起Tediore厂商武器装弹时AMP护盾伤害加成……??? - Amplify damage from Amplify Shields is now divided among all projectiles fired from a single shot. ???
- Balance adjustments to "The Bee":
- Increased Recharge Delay
- Significantly increased Recharge Rate
- Reduced Amplify damage 调整蜜蜂盾的平衡性。 增加充能延迟。 显著增加充能速度。 减少AMP伤害。
- DLC raid bosses no longer drop Seraph crystals in Normal Mode. 在普通模式下DLC里raid bosses不再掉落炽天使水晶。
- Reduced level of DLC raid bosses in Normal Mode. 降低DLC里raid bosses的等级。
- Fixed issue resulting in infinite leveling exploit with Fleshstick. ???
- Increased the health of Terramorphous, Willhelm, and Blue. 增加Terramorphous, Willhelm, and Blue的生命值。
- Additional miscellaneous balance tweaks. 其他一些平衡性调整。
- Fixed issues with the following missions that could cause players to get stuck or not be able to complete them: 修正以下一些任务可能引起玩家出错无法完成的问题。
- Plan B
- Wildlife Preservation
- Mighty Morphin
- Animal Rescue: Food
- The Man Who Would Be Jack
- Get To Know Jack
- Where Angels Fear to Tread
- Trailer Trashing
- Clan War: First Place
- Stalker of Stalkers
- The Once and Future Slab
- Home Movies
- Shielded Favors
- You Are Cordially Invited: Tea Party
- (Captain Scarlett) Freedom of Speech |