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本帖最后由 sycspysycspy 于 2013-4-26 15:36 编辑
https://docs.google.com/folder/d ... JejVjV0U/edit?pli=1
据作者说, 他会不断更新而且整合新的修改
上面的链接除了CE脚本还有更多内容 比如存档 改枪的程序之类
作者是: TechnoJacker
原帖地址: http://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php?p=5420925#5420925
我没作者勤快, 可能每个星期在这个帖子更新一次
Ok, here you go folks. My latest Cheat Table. It includes Pox's latest Loot Scalar script as many as many other updates and fixes. Included in a visibility mod, time scale mod, mgr.inz.Player's awesome Blink script, my new Teleportation updates (Warp to player and warp everyone to you) and much much more. If I'm missing anything or something isn't working, please let me know. The cheat table will work on the latest version of Steam and Skidrow, no guarantees for any other version.
大家好, 如你们所期待的, 这是我做的最新CT. 集成了Pox911 的物品吸铁石脚本, 集成了隐身, "时间缩放"(昼夜循环时间?), 以及Mgr.inz.player 的闪烁脚本, 还包括我的传送脚本更新(将自己传送到到队友或者将队友传送到自己) 还有很多不胜枚举. 该脚本适用于最新的(1.1.3)Steam或者Skidrow版, 其他版本的兼容性不详 -- 渣英文水平无责任翻译
Here you go folks, 99% of the table should be fixed now. The Spawn Mod and Loot Scalar still need to be updated. Also let me know if anything else is broken. I tested some of the scripts but not all of them. I also updated God Mode and Raid Lockout to work with the latest update though I haven't tested the Raid Lockout one yet. I also added in the new Torgue Tokens currency added with the new DLC.
Ok folks, updated the Cheat Table once again, for those with crashes, please try the latest version. I believe it may be linked to the loot scalar mod and non-working pointers. If you still have problems, have the Borderlands2.CT file and click "No" when it asks you to execute LUA scripts and let me know if that solves the problem. Some of the Lua scripts need to be optimized.
大家好, 99%的CT已经根据新版本(1.2.0)修复了. 刷怪和物品吸铁石脚本还需要更新. 如果什么东西不管用请通知我. 我只测试了一部分而不是全部的脚本. 我更新了上帝模式和"团队解除", 不过团队解除我还没有测试. 我还添加了DLC 的 Torgue 货币修改.
大家好, 再一次更新了CT, 如果还不能用的话请试试这个版本. 我相信是吸铁石脚本造成的. 如果还是有问题, 当你打开CT时 提示是否运行LUA script 的时候点"否" 也许能解决问题. 有些LUA script 需要完善. PS: 作者根据1.2.1 更新了吸铁石脚本, 有条件的可以试试...
-- 渣英文水平无责任翻译
Alrighty folks, made some more changes to the Cheat Tables, grab them from my signature or previous links. I believe the table should be more stable now, me and several others tested it with no crashes after hours of game play. Also updated some other things (Raid lockout I made into an AoB scan script) and made some other fixes. Let me know if anything isn't working. Oh and the Spawn script still needs updated pointers so it doesn't work as of yet.
大体更新内容: 提高稳定性, 修复了吸铁石脚本可能造成的跳出, 刷怪脚本还是不能用(纠结). 团队解除功能更新AOB扫描, 试用版本应该是1.2.0, 1.2.1 或者 1.2.2(最有可能) 有需要的可以试试.
更新说明: 参考附件- - 作者码了3屏幕的字实在是敬业
大体来说, 适用于最新的版本, 1.2.2 (+ DLC2), 亮点:
- DLC的boss 可以无限刷了, 改日期的可以喘口气了 是scripts - Raid Lockout Bypass 之前翻译成"团队解除" 打boss前就要开 杀掉后从门里出去boss就会刷新
- 可以调节游戏的快慢
- 吸铁石可用 位置在scripts - Loot Control and Scalar Enabler - Loot Mod Enabled 另外的那个是调节掉落物品大小的
大家别问我要汉化了 要是这脚本是我自己做的我会用英文么 T T... 作者自从11月20日开始就没有更新过了, 可能是对游戏没激情了(其实我也没激情了) 我会尽量定期查看 那个google drive, 如果有发现更新会第一时间放在这里.
p.s. : 好久没玩了不知道最新的是啥
Nice work mgr.inz.Player! I was tempted to add that myself as many people had problems setting the exp to the level they wanted. I added that to my compilation.
Thanks mgr.inz.Player for cleaning up the LUA! I updated the cheat table on my Google Drive page to include these fixes and clean ups. Please re-download the files for those with the Hammerlock update.
多谢mgr.inz.Player 对LUA脚本进行了清理! 更新好的脚本已经上传Google Drive. 适用于Hammerlock 更新, 就是那个瘸腿猎人(铁臂先生的大猎杀DLC)需要8号升级.
Alright, updated the cheat tables on my Google Drive page to include
mgr.inz.Player's awesome new Rarity Drop updates as well as Pox's new Swapper. Please keep in mind that the swapper is still a work in progress and may pop out Lua errors but it does work.
添加了新的掉率修改和Pox的"Swapper", 注意这个Swapper 还处在试验阶段可能出现各种LUA错误, 不过它的确管用
关于Pox911 的"Swapper" 可以将怪物替换
摘自: http://forum.cheatengine.org/vie ... rder=asc&start=2625
Basicly it lists the spawn groups on the left, the middle will list the enemies of the spawn group you click on, and the right is a list of enemies you can swap with. So far i only have it outputting the enemy groups and the enemies. The rest is simple since one just reads the group, the other is to make it replace the enemy on double click
大体来说, 它是将敌人刷新族在左边罗列出来,中间是该组刷新的敌人, 右边的是可以替换的敌人. 目前我能做的就是显示刷新组和敌人. 其他的其实不是很复杂, 一个读取组中的敌人, 另一个可以通过双击替换刷新的敌人.
这东西谁试试吧, 目测是个类似刷女王蜂的东西.
更新内容不详, 需要的自己斟酌
更新内容不详, 需要的自己斟酌, 这可能是本人最后一次上传TechnoJacker 整合的cetrainer. 原因么: 相信很多人和我一样对这个游戏失去了兴趣, 而且很多事情要忙又是考试又是report的...
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