<p>作者:阿卡菲尔 </p><p><span id="postcontent0"> 在这个物质空虚,唯有拉风才能大于一切的时代,其实术士必将称霸《魔兽世界》1.12版本啊!为什么?<font color="#ff0000"><strong>理由就是:因为术士的宠物居然会开口说人话了</strong></font>!(猎人和你们那些鸡同鸭讲的可以靠边站了)</span></p><p><span><strong><font color="#ff0000"> 小鬼</font></strong><br/> <br/><br/><strong> 普通命令:</strong><br/> 1. Hmmm, what is in it for me?<br/> Hmmm(考虑状),(这么做)对我有什么好处?<br/> 2. Do I have to?<br/> 我必须这么做嘛?<br/> 3. Ok okokokokokokok...<br/> 4. Ya I ll get right on it.<br/> 好,我马上就办<br/><br/><strong> 进攻:<br/></strong> 1. Is this REALLY necessary?<br/> 真的非要这样做么?<br/> 2. Can t we all just get along?<br/> 我们大家就不能和睦相处么?<br/> 3. This was not in my contract!<br/> 这可不是我合同范围内的!<br/> 4. AHHHH Oh sure, send the little guy!<br/> (讽刺的语气)对啊,派小个子上!<br/><br/><strong> 解散:</strong><br/> 1. You call on me, I will call you<br/> 你叫我,我再叫你<br/> 2. Ahhhh, I feel so used!<br/> 啊啊啊啊啊,我感觉被利用了!<br/> 3. I wish you were dead..?!<br/> (胡言乱语)我希望你挂掉……<br/> 4. Goodbye, thanks!<br/><br/><strong> 搞笑:</strong><br/><br/> You know we have had a lot of fun together, it is been really special but I think it is time I started to see other warlocks, just a little bit on the side now and then maybe on fridays and thursdays and saturdays maybe sundays, it is not you, it is not you, it is me I just need my space, it is nobody is fault really.<br/><br/> “我们在一起的日子很开心,这对我来说真的很特殊不过我觉得偶尔我也该去找找其他的术士了,比如星期五也许星期四大概还有星期六和星期天。不,这不是你的错,是我自己的问题,我需要我个人的空间……这其实不是任何人的错。”(典型的青春剧男女主角分手时的台词)</span></p><p><strong><font color="#008000"> 虚空行者</font></strong><br/> <br/><font color="#008000"> (编者注:声音很酷!可以勾起很多当年星际的回忆)<br/></font><br/><strong> 召唤:<br/></strong> 1. Why do you call?<br/> 为什么召唤我?(有盗贼打我)<br/> 2. What do you want from me?<br/> 你想从我这里得到什么?(你说呢)<br/> 3. Send me back<br/> 让我回去<br/> 4. I dont like this place<br/> 我不喜欢这个地方<br/><br/><strong> 普通指令:</strong><br/> 1. Yes<br/> 2. If I must<br/> 如果我必须的话<br/> 3. As you command<br/> 听您调遣<br/> 4. Cannot resist<br/> 无法反抗<br/><br/><strong> 进攻<font color="#008000">(编者注:这几句话完全是星际神族再生吧):</font></strong><br/> 1. I... must feed...<br/> 我……必须捕食……<br/> 2. I... obey...<br/> 我……服从……<br/> 3. It will... be done...<br/> 命令……会完成……<br/> 4. As you wish<br/> 如您所愿<br/><br/><strong> 解散</strong>:<br/> 1. Ahhhhhh<br/> 2. Release... at last...<br/> 释放……终……<br/><span> 3. Back... to the void...<br/> 回到……虚空……<br/> 4. I go...<br/> 我去了……<br/><br/><strong> 搞笑</strong><br/><br/> I am void... where prohibited<br/> 我是虚无……在被禁止的地方</span></p><p><span><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="580" border="0"><tbody><tr><td class="article" valign="top"><br/><span></span><p></p><p><strong><font color="#ff0000"> 媚魔</font></strong><br/> <br/><br/><strong> 召唤:</strong><br/> 1. Now what?<br/> 又怎么了?<br/> 2. Couldnt resist, could you?<br/> 还是忍不住吧,你~?(各位看官自己去理解。。。)<br/> 3. Mmm,youre in trouble now<br/> Mmm(挑逗),你现在可有麻烦了哟~<br/> 4. Dont touch what you can not afford<br/> 付不起的,可不要乱摸哟(各位看官自己去理解。。。)<br/><br/><strong> 普通命令:<br/></strong> 1. Quid pro quo(拉丁语)<br/> 等价交换~<br/> 2. As the master wishes<br/> 如主人您所愿(用很妩媚的语气特别强调了“主人”)<br/> 3. You got it<br/> 就这样~<br/> 4. Say please<br/> 要说“请”<br/><br/><strong> 进攻</strong>:<br/> 1. Lets have some fun<br/> 让我们来找点乐子<br/> 2. Being bad never felt so good<br/> 做坏事从来没有感觉这么好~ (Being bad 和 Feel good 有很多种理解,看你RP了。。。)<br/> 3. Lets get this party started<br/> 让派对开始吧~<br/> 4. Now youre talking<br/> 这话我爱听~<br/><br/><strong> 解散</strong>:<br/> 1. Next time, I will be the master<br/> 下一次,我将是主人(女王样?)<br/> 2. Dont do anything I wouldnt do<br/> 别做我不会做的事情~<br/> 3. Try not to miss me too much<br/> 试着别太想人家~(请确保GF不在身边)<br/> 4. I hope it was good for you<br/> 我希望你这次感到满意了(又一句考验RP的话,弟兄们顶住,顶住啊!)<br/><br/><strong> 搞笑<br/></strong> <br/> First well start with a little fire (fiery noise) Am I bugging you? I m not touching you! Am I bugging you? I am not touching you! There! Now youre hot AND bothered. <br/> 首先,我们点上一堆火(点火的声音)。我惹你了么?我没碰你哟~ 我惹你了么?我没碰你哟(用欠揍的语气快速重复,类似周星星电影中经常出现的)。好了,现在你“心急火燎”了(这笑话翻译成中文还挺对路)</p><p><span><br/> <p><strong><font color="#ff0000"> 厄运守卫</font></strong><br/><br/><strong> 召唤:</strong><br/> 1. WHO DARES SUMMON ME! <br/> 谁胆敢召唤我!<br/> 2. You cannot command me. <br/> 你不能命令我<br/> 3. What happened to your friend? <br/> 你朋友出什么事了?<br/> 4. Do not waste my time, lesser creature.<br/> 别浪费我的时间,劣等生物<br/><br/><strong> 普通命令:</strong><br/> 1. Your time is running out. <br/> 你时日不多了<br/> 2. Enjoy this while you can. <br/> 趁着你还笑得出来抓紧享受吧<br/> 3. I will enjoy watching you die.<br/> 我会愉快的欣赏你的死亡 <br/> 4. You waste my time.<br/> 你浪费我的时间<br/><br/><strong> 进攻:</strong><br/> 1. A paltry task<br/> 无聊的任务 <br/> 2. Too pathetic to fight your own battles? <br/> 卑贱得不敢亲自上阵么?<br/> 3. A welcome diversion. <br/> 打发时间,聊胜于无<br/> 4. Your fate will be the same.<br/> 你的下场也是一样的<br/><br/><strong> 解散:<br/></strong> 1. Do not call on me again.<br/> 不要再召唤我<br/> 2. You live. For now.<br/> 你可以活下去,目前来讲 <br/> 3. Summon me again at your peril.<br/> 再次召唤我,后果自负 <br/> 4. I will be back.<br/> 我会回来的(终结者?)<br/><br/><strong> 搞笑</strong><br/><br/> I play all my records backwards!<br/> 我听音乐都倒着放!(然后无厘头的倒着播放一遍这句话)</p><p> 请继续关注太平洋游戏网为您带来更多详细报道。</p></span></p><p><strong><font color="#ff0000"> 厄运守卫</font></strong><br/><br/><strong> 召唤:</strong><br/> 1. WHO DARES SUMMON ME! <br/> 谁胆敢召唤我!<br/> 2. You cannot command me. <br/> 你不能命令我<br/> 3. What happened to your friend? <br/> 你朋友出什么事了?<br/> 4. Do not waste my time, lesser creature.<br/> 别浪费我的时间,劣等生物<br/><br/><strong> 普通命令:</strong><br/> 1. Your time is running out. <br/> 你时日不多了<br/> 2. Enjoy this while you can. <br/> 趁着你还笑得出来抓紧享受吧<br/> 3. I will enjoy watching you die.<br/> 我会愉快的欣赏你的死亡 <br/> 4. You waste my time.<br/> 你浪费我的时间<br/><br/><strong> 进攻:</strong><br/> 1. A paltry task<br/> 无聊的任务 <br/> 2. Too pathetic to fight your own battles? <br/> 卑贱得不敢亲自上阵么?<br/> 3. A welcome diversion. <br/> 打发时间,聊胜于无<br/> 4. Your fate will be the same.<br/> 你的下场也是一样的<br/><br/><strong> 解散:<br/></strong> 1. Do not call on me again.<br/> 不要再召唤我<br/> 2. You live. For now.<br/> 你可以活下去,目前来讲 <br/> 3. Summon me again at your peril.<br/> 再次召唤我,后果自负 <br/> 4. I will be back.<br/> 我会回来的(终结者?)<br/><br/><strong> 搞笑</strong><br/><br/> I play all my records backwards!<br/> 我听音乐都倒着放!(然后无厘头的倒着播放一遍这句话)</p><p> 请继续关注太平洋游戏网为您带来更多详细报道。</p><p></p><p>=======================</p><p>果然暴血老总是玩SS的。。。</p></td></tr></tbody></table></span></p>[em09][em09]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-21 13:42:14编辑过] |