- 贡献度
- 15
- 金元
- 2798
- 积分
- 280
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2009-4-17
本帖最后由 maxkim 于 2012-9-26 15:23 编辑
枪械名称 - Boss, 地图区域
Assault Rifles ~~突擊步槍~~
Madhouse - Mad Dog, Lynchwood
Veruc - Mobley, The Dust
Hammer Buster - Old Slappy
KerBlaster - Midge-mong, Southern Shelf
Shredifier - Bonehead 2.0, Arid Nexus
Pistols ~~手槍~~
Gub - Laney, The Fridge
Hornet - Knuckledragger, Southern Shelf
Maggie - Mick Zafod, The Dust (Side with Hodunks)
Thunderball Fists - Captain Flynt, Southern Shelf
Gunerang - Rakk Man, The Fridge
Unkempt Harold - Unknown
Infinity - Doc Mercy
Logan's Gun - Wilhelm
Rocket Launcher ~~火箭同~~
Badaboom - King Mong, Eridian Blight
Pyrophobia - Incinerator Clayton, Frostburn Canyon
Norfleet - Unknown
Bunny - Chubby enemies
Nukem - Black Queen, The Dust
Mongol - Dukino's Mom, Lynchwood
Shotguns ~~散彈~~
Conferance Call - The Warrior
Striker - Unknown
Deliverance - Tumba, Wildlife Preserve
Flakker - The Warrior
Sledge's Shotgun - Smash Head, The Fridge
Sniper ~~狙擊~~
Pitchfork - Terramorphus?
Invader - Unknown
Skullmasher - Son of Mothrakk, Wildlife Preserve
Volcanoe - The Warrior
Lyudmila - Gettle, The Dust
Longbow - Badass Creeper, Caustic Cavern
White Death - One of the bosses from "The Good, The Bad, and The Mordecai", The Dust
SMG ~~半自动机枪~~
Slagga - Hodunk, The Dust
Emperor - The Assassins, Southpaw Steam & Power
Female Dog - The Warrior, BNK3R?
Hellfire - Scorch, Fropstburn Canyon / The Warrior
Baby Maker - Madame Von Bartlesby / Mad Dog, Lynchwood
Shields ~~盾~~
The Transformer - Pimon, Wildlife Preserve
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - Chubby Enemies
The Sham - BNk3R
The Bee - Hunter Hellquist, Arid Nexus Badlands
Fabled Tortoise - Blue, Caustic Caverns
Black Hole - Foreman, Opportunity
Impaler - The Warrior?
Neogenator - Spycho, Frostburn Canyon
Grenades ~~手雷~~
Bonus Package - Bewm, Southern Shelf
Bouncing Bonnie - Loot Midgets
Fastball - Boll, Three Horns
Fire Bee - Unknown
Leech - The Warrior?
Quasar - Ultimate Badass Varkid
Rolling Thunder - Old Slappy
Storm Front - Unkown
痛哭吧~~~~大叫吧~~~~ 全是鳥文的 哈哈哈~~~~~~~~~~~
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