- 贡献度
- 1984
- 金元
- 32231
- 积分
- 11169
- 精华
- 1
- 注册时间
- 2009-2-27
【版本说明】 | 英文、完整无损、联机可玩 | 【安装步骤】 |
| 【游戏简介】 | Q版三角洲,一款卡通风格的第三人称射击游戏,小巧的体积,但画面和操作表现都不弱,喜欢此类型的玩家不要错过。 Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre, the far too long awaited follow up to Buckets of Blood. The game is a fun for all (even mac users) multiplayer cartoon-style third-person shooter. With your friends (if you have some you take the role of a Legionnaire to shred a huge army of non-descriptive cannon fodder to lots and lots of pieces. This kill count is added to the global kill count,that unlocks new content for all players, including mac users | 【常规下载】 | 来自电驴的迅雷下载 | 【迅雷快传】 | -
http://kuai.xunlei.com/d/UYUAODYDMZPM | 【115网盘】 |
http://115.com/file/be1grjwm |