上衣可以换 ,但仅限半身,
For whatever reason, you can't change gender whilst the Playable & NPC Races are selected or it will CTD. You can still play as a female versions of them if you switch to a normal race to change. Spider Daedra cause CTDs if you unequip some (most) weapons in the inventory screen. As a 'fix' they have -100 skill with everything other than Unarmed, so you don't have a reason to trigger it.


Requires OBSE v18+
As with any race mod, make sure you have the Custom Race Fix.
NPC & Playable creatures provides a tutorial on how to create playable or 'proper' NPC creatures- goblins that can wear clothes, minotaurs you can talk to, that kind of thing. It also includes a couple of examples of the techniques in use, playable/NPC Fire Atronachs, Spider Daedra and Minotaurs, capable of wielding many weapons and some capable of wearing clothes.
The NPC creatures can be used pretty much straight away in new mods. The Playable versions are fairly basic- they're more proof that the system works than fully-featured mods as there's not much work put into making them unique as races beyond their animations and skeleton, so there's plenty of potential to flesh them out.
Playable Creatures Project:
3rd-party Expansions:
By Seldalore
- Will you make a Playable Whatever?
- No. I wrote the tutorial for a reason. Repeating the creation process a dozen times for races I don't really care about is not my idea of fun- you can do it yourselves.