In my newest blog I tell you more about the Your Feature campaign and some interesting features. In addition you'll get a heads-up on the current phase of programming.
Hi all,
you can already see on the first polls we started in the last weeks, that the work on the next FIFA MANAGER are in full swing. Many big features are already finished or in progress, the first winners of the previous
Your Feature rounds have also been realized.
We are very satisfied with the engagement rate during the polls, which is already twice as high as in last year’s polls! Especially the during the first round we had many very keen users who were particularly motivated! Without a built-in IP-check in the first round, we had some users voting more than a thousand times from one single IP address, basically all votes in quick succession. Of course, we had to be deducted from the total numbers. But no matter how, we already have some pretty cool features from the first two rounds, the third one still ongoing. Especially the feature shooting-star will be one to enjoy!
By the way, for each poll we have around five days of development time for the programming phase and in addition, around ten days for design, graphics and QA.
The feature “Manager mode” (meaning that you are only the manager and you hire a coach as well) is one we find quite appealing. Unfortunately, it is way too extensive for this year, if we really want to implement it as detailed as possible.
A second big feature that is mentioned rather frequently is the option to control and manage the second team. In time of crisis, you will then also be promoted to become headcoach of the first team. As you can guess, this also is a feature that cannot be realized in five days. Our idea was to introduce this topicality in the second poll with a first introductory step by putting the feature “Friendlies for your second team” in the competition. Unfortunately, the response to it was very low, it finished in last place. This means that we’ll throw in the larger “train the second team” feature within another frame in the future, aside the current feature polls.
Our goal will nevertheless remain to not only implement the features that actually won a certain round, but also features that came in second or just missed the first place by very few points. We try to put as many of them in the new game as we can.
This is why we are also looking forward to your continuing participation on the polls and in our forum threads concerning the Your Feature campaign, because this clearly is the most direct and immediate way to design the game and become a part of its creation. The
Thread of Wishes remains open and you are welcome to post your feature ideas there!
Next to the work on Your Feature, the development phase of FIFA MANAGER is currently at the so called “Milestone” three – this means that we have reached half-time in the implementation phase of new features. You’ll get a first real taste of the new features when the new game will be officially announced, which is several weeks away. At this time, we will also present the first series of screenshots. But I can already tell you one thing – the position level will not be used in the new FIFA MANAGER. More info on that will be presented in a news special later ;-)