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- 2009-11-23
* Why all this silence following the game`s release?
* 为什么游戏发行后如此的安静……?
* As you know by now, Black Hole is not working on Heroes VI anymore. Since the M&M team and Ubisoft was commited to continue to improve and enrich the game beyond the release date, we looked for a new studio to work on a patching plan. This led to a period during which we couldn`t communicate since too many things were uncertain, even for us. Fortunately, things are getting better and clearer now.
* 你们知道的,在游戏发行后黑洞不再继续开发游戏,不过UBI基于榨干剩余价值的目的找了一个新的小组继续开发游戏,在这之间花了一些时间,其间的有些事情即使是UBI自身也无法确定,幸好现在一切清晰而且好多了。
* What future does this game have? Are you committed to work more on the Might & Magic brand or was H6 a flop that will discourage further involvement?
* 这游戏的未来如何?你们会继续开发新的魔法门游戏么?H6的事情会不会对此有影响?
* Heroes VI was generally a success, although we agree it is far from perfect. This is why we intend to continue supporting it and improving it in the coming months. We can say that we are going to keep the franchise alive and there are many news to come in the near future. We cannot be more precise as there are unannounced projects coming, and we can`t spoil it yet.
* H6(销量)基本上还是成功的,虽然我们也知道这离完美还很远。这也是为什么我们打算继续开发了完善游戏。我们会继续开发魔法门系列的游戏,并且不久的将来就会有相关消息。但我们还不能准确的说有哪些未公布项目既然到来(其实就是比如突袭者啊精英对决啥米的……)
* The announcement of monthly patches sounds hopeful but. The changes in 1.3 seem little, too little too late. How can this game be salvaged with small patches? Will there be major ones anytime soon?
* 之前公布的每月补丁看起来不错,不过1.3好像改动不大,而且太慢了。这样子也像拯救这游戏?会不会一些大变化在后面的补丁里?
* There is no such thing as a "small" patch or a "major" patch. The number of issues solved by a patch is unrelated to their complexity. What seems a small patch to you can need a big amount of work, more than we initially expected as we experienced firsthand with the 1.3 patch. Just remember we`re not talking about a small application with hundreds of lines of source code... but about a game with millions. Changing some lines in the source code can always break the game. Sometimes, there are unexplained side effects for which we need time to understand why they appeared and how to fix them. The important thing is, 1.3 won`t be the final patch and we are committed to continue improving the game as much as possible.
* 没什么大补丁和小补丁之分,补丁的复杂性和解决和问题数量是没有直接关系的。有些看起来很小的补丁需要花费大时的工时,超过了我们初始的预期,比如1.3。我们讨论的不是那种只有几百行代码的小程序,而是数百万行,修改几行就可能导致游戏崩溃。有时候会有一些莫名其妙的问题需要我们花大量时间去寻找问题和解决问题。但是重要的是,1.3不是最终的补丁,我会们尽可能的完善游戏。
* Can you share any of the planned changes?
* 你们分享一些已经计划好的修正信息么?
* After the delays we faced with 1.3 we`d rather talk about these when we are completely sure we have everything in control.
* 在经历了1.3的各种延迟后,我们觉得还是掌握一切再谈这个比较好……
* Why is the game still missing sim turns? It is one of the main factors that H6 online scene is dead.
* 为啥米游戏还是没有同步回合?这可是为啥H6对战没人玩的主因之一。
* Sim Turns is a very complex feature. It would be a great addition, and we know the online community is eagerly waiting for it. We have not ruled it out, but it won`t be added in one of the coming patches.
* 同步回合是一项非常复杂的特性。这会是一项重要的附属,而且我们知道在线社区渴望这项功能。我们没有排除这个功能,但是这个不会在补丁中实现。(也就是要资料片……)
* The dynasty weapons seem more like a single player-focused feature. They are only available if you play online but if you do try to use them in multiplayer it becomes an impossible mission. Not everyone has access to all weapons due to different game versions (like collector`s edition items), they can start the map at max level which gives the advantage to those that grind them through the soulforge, you can change them at any time as long as they have been unlocked in the campaigns, giving a serious advantage to the players with most weapons, not to mention making creeping considerably easier. Spending resources on lengthy lore descriptions and unique abilities seems a bit of a waste if they cannot be properly used in multiplayer, can we hope for changes in their online use?
* 国器看起来很像一项针对单机的特性,它们只能在在线时使用,但是如果你想在多人对战中使用就会…………不是所有人都拥有所有的国器。(省略废话一堆)……我们可以期望下国器在多人游戏中的修改么?
* It is important to realize that a vast majority of the Heroes players actually play only SP and are not interested in multiplayer, which explains why some content was tailored primarily for them.
* 这个必需意识到大部分玩家只玩单机,不鸟对战,所以要有一些特性针对单机设计。
* We were promised a user-friendly and moddable map editor, which isn`t quite what we got. Have your priorities change?
* 说好的好用的编辑器呢?
* The map editor is the actual tool used by the developers to make the game. It is very powerful, but unfortunately the work to make it more accessible and user-friendly had to be put on hold to focus on finishing the actual game. However we still plan to improve it in the future.
* 游戏本身还没做完,所以最近没空先搞好这部分。
* Most fans will agree that the game`s interface is not very user-friendly. Examples of this are not getting a proper spellbook, windowed as opposed to full screens(hero/skill/town) not to mention how tiny everything looks. Are there any plans for improvement?
* 游戏的操作界面感觉上不怎么样,比如魔法书,还有窗口化的英雄/技能/城镇窗口,一切看起来都很小。有修正的计划没?
* One of the challenges we faced when making H6 was creating an interface that could work on both 4:3 and 16:9 screens, since more and more players now play on widescreen monitors. The solution we and Black Hole came up with (fixes-sized windows at the center of the screen) was successful in some ways and not-so-much in others. On the specific topic of accessibility and user-friendliness, your mileage may vary. Some of us were replaying some older titles of the series recently, and found themselves missing some of interface features added by H6; Now we all agree the interface of Heroes VI lacks the "magical flavor" it used to have in the previous games. We`ll try to improve this whenever possible, starting by the fullscreen towns. In any case, this lesson has been clearly learnt for the future.
* (前注:从引擎选择时选择了FLASH作为UI方案就决定了H6的UI注定要囧)我们面对着一个很大的问题,就是制作UI时无法兼容4:3和 16:9的显示器(因为FLASH的界面是固定比例的),要知道现在用的宽屏的越来越多了。所以最后窗口化而且固定在中间的界面是最兼容的方案。我们也知道这种界面相比以前缺少魔幻味,我们也尝试着尽可能的修改,从全屏城镇画面开始。
* Where are the long-promised town screens? Could you share a deadline?
* 很久前说好的城镇界面呢?有确定时间没?
* Creating high-res 2D art is a long process. You have to find the good artists, design all the buildings, think about changes of the GUI, the aforementioned 4:3/16:9 conundrum; It took some time before we could start the actual production. The good news is, production is well under way, although we can`t give you an actual release date yet (we don`t want to jump the gun once more). What we can say is, they will be closer to the Heroes III town screens, they will be interactive, show all buildings and upgrades, and will be released in a future patch.
* 制作一个高分辨率的2D城镇界面是个很长的过程,你需要好的画家,设计所有建筑,GUI的改变,分辨率的兼容。在实际开始制作前花费了不少的时间。好消息是顺利开发中,坏消息是不知道啥时候能好(我们不想再次走火)。我们能说的是,比较接近于H3的风格,可交互式的,显示所有的建筑,以及升级,并且会在某个补丁中添加。
* One of the major flaws of H6 was the skill system. Not only was it poorly implemented and balanced but most of its choices are close to meaningless. For example: Luck`s Favoured I giving +2 luck for 2% extra chance to get 50% more damage. Assailant I giving +1 attack for roughly 2% more damage. Toughness giving +2% to your army hp. Siege master giving +1 structural dmg when you cannot even target specific walls. Such skills have minor to no impact on the game and as such they are not very appealing choices. Can we hope for a redesign of the system or at the very least making the skills similar in terms of usefulness/significance?
* H6还有一个大的缺陷就是技能系统,渣平衡,很多技能基本没啥意义。你们会重新设计技能系统么?至少使某些技能更有用些更有意义些?
* The skill system is clearly one of our big areas where we want to make improvements, but it`s too early to talk about specifics yet. We can tell you that work is ongoing to improve the overall balance of the skills, and this is something that will be addressed in some of the future patches.
* 技能系统自然是我们最想改善的系统,不过现在谈这个还为时过早。不过技能的整体平衡修正一直在补丁中。
* All might and magic classes play in about the same manner other than the different class-available magic schools and being barred from the magic and might tier 3 skills respectively. They all have access to the same might skills and exactly the same spells assuming they have the same magic schools which makes the gameplay far from diverse.. Do you plan to change this?
* 你们会修改魔武职业的可学技能范围么?
* We are reviewing several options to promote the differences between Might and Magic heroes, and also between the Factions themselves. However it is a more complex area and we cannot promise these particular changes will be part of the announced patches.
* 我们重审过,这个很复杂,我们无法许诺将来的补丁中会有这种修改。
* While healing is overused and can offer a virtually no-casualties game(by the time you meet your opponent), destructive spells remain fairly weak. What are your plans on remedying the situation?
* 治疗魔法的过度使用使的游戏太容易无损,伤害魔法又太弱了,这方面你们会怎么改?(这个TMD都问了多少次了……)
* Making healing spells weaker and destructive spells stronger is one of our goals. We are still reviewing various options for doing it properly. One of these would also include reducing the resilience of the Core units to make them more vulnerable, notably to destructive spells. These changes will be addressed in the coming patches.
* 削弱治疗魔法和增强伤害魔法是我们计划中的事。还有削弱核心兵种的厚实程度,间接提升伤害魔法的效果,后面的补丁将会包含这些内容。
* Many will agree that weakening certain spells by applying stricter cooldown limitations or even reducing their use to 1-2 charges makes them less enjoyable. Certain spells like mass healing/regeneration/stand your ground are already weak enough - especially as the game progresses - so what is the point of further limiting them? Would it not be better to rebalance such spells in other ways?
* 增加某些魔法的冷却回合和限定使用次数的确会使游戏变的更有趣,比如治疗之类的,不过还有没其它的平衡方法?
* This is linked to the overall ongoing work on the skills and balance.
* 这个和技能系统的整体平衡有关。(……)