- 贡献度
- 587
- 金元
- 11810
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- 3529
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- 注册时间
- 2010-8-12
nbx 发表于 2012-3-29 00:47 
CriticalSections = {
_comment = CS stuff helps Oblivion, Fallout, and New Vegas significantly
_comment = most of the benefit comes from the Renderer+0x180 suppression (see overrides below)
_comment = modes: 1=vanilla, 2=fair, 3=staggering, 5=suppressed, 6=prioritize-main-thread, 7=deprioritize-main-thread
bEnableProfiling = 0
bEnableMessages = 1
bUseOverrides = 1
iDefaultMode = 2
iDefaultSpin = 1200
iStaggerLevel = 5
Heap = {
_comment = Heap replacement can produce MAJOR improvements in performance on Oblivion at a significant cost in stability
_comment = It crashes instantly on Fallout3, and would only produce a small performance improvement there anyway
_comment = It is not supported at all on Fallout: New Vegas at this time
_comment = Algorithms: 1=FastMM4, 2=Microsoft (slow on XP), 3=SimpleHeap1, 4=TBBMalloc, 5=ThreadHeap2, 6=ThreadHeap3, 8=tcmalloc
_comment = Algorithms numbers 1, 4, and 8 require external DLL files in the Data/OBSE/Plugins/ComponentDLLs folder
iHeapAlgorithm = 5
bEnableProfiling = 0
iHeapSize = 640
bEnableMessages = 0
iGenericFreeDelay = 0
bZeroAllocations = 0