- 贡献度
- 84
- 金元
- 3677
- 积分
- 704
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2008-9-24
Hailing from the dense jungle lands far to the south, the Barbarian is a masterful fighter who can wield two melee weapons simultaneously and unleash devastating combos! Using five distinct fighting stances instead of towers, the Barbarian is able to adapt to any combat situation. His Battle Leap ability allows him to instantly close the distance to a far-off target, while his Battle Pound ability will decimate any nearby enemies. If massive damage and incredible destruction are what you seek, the Barbarian is the hero for the job!
(从南部茂密的丛林土地而来,野蛮人是一个强大的战士,可以挥舞两个近战武器,同时释放出毁灭性的连击!野蛮人使用五个不同的战斗模式,而不是塔,能够适应任何作战情况。他的战斗跃进能力,让他立即到一个遥远的目标跟前,而他的战斗猛击能力将摧毁任何附近的敌人。如果你寻求的是强大的伤害能力和令人难以置信的破坏力的话,你找的就是野蛮人!!! P.S 这是一个完全物理DPS)
Discover new ways to dominate the battlefield by combining any two of these fighting stances simultaneously(探寻用以下任意两种战斗模式来打败敌人的方法 P.S 两种!!!):
Tornado Stance Run faster, attack quicker, jump higher, and push back enemies with a flurry of quick, low damage attacks. (龙卷风模式:跑的更快,攻击更快,跳的更高,用一系列快速但低伤害的攻击击退敌人 P.S 让我想到了更快,更高,更强。)
Lightning Stance Use the power of lightning to stun your enemies as your attacks make contact, while taking a small amount of damage for each hit. (闪电模式:用闪电的力量击晕敌人,造成每次小额伤害。P.S: 伤害大了岂不是就逆天了)
Siphon Stance Sacrifice some of your resistances to steal life from your enemies as you damage them. (虹吸模式:牺牲你的部分抗性来吸血 P.S: 有付出才有回报)
Turtle Stance Enter this protective stance to greatly increase your resistances, but reduce your movement speed and jump height. (乌龟模式:一种保护模式,大幅提高抗性,但是减少移动速度和跳跃高度)
Hawk Stance Summon the powers of the mighty hawk to deal a massive amount of damage in your next attack. (鹰模式: 召唤鹰的力量,使下一次的攻击大幅提高,毁天灭地!! P.S 终于看到一次高伤了)
Or using these powerful abilities: (还有以下能力)
Battle Leap Ability This ability allows the Barbarian to quickly close the distance to far-off enemies with a powerful leap attack. (战场跳跃能力:用一次强大的跳跃攻击使野蛮人能快速缩短与遥远敌人之间的距离)
Battle Pound Ability This is powerful radial ability allows the Barbarian to decimate any nearby enemies. (战场猛击能力:这种强大的辐射性的能力,能使野蛮人消灭任何靠近的敌人!) |