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本帖最后由 moistine 于 2012-9-12 19:26 编辑
【极致音效●原版】DanceSynchronizator V4.0 BSA
1. Copy folders meshes sound textures and choosen esm into folder:
*\Oblivion\Data ? for Oblivion
*\Nehrim\Data ? for Nehrim
Start launcher and mark esp you need.
-for Oblivion use *DanceSyncronizator.esm & DanceSyncEng(Rus).esp
-for Nehrim use *DanceSyncronizatorNeh.esm & DanceSyncEng(Rus)Neh.esp
2. If you have mp3 version.
Open folder Sound and convert all mp3 files into wav (you can using freesoft audacity).
3. If you have BSA version, mark DSDatabase.esp.
Warning!!! Plug-in will not working with sounds in mp3 format!!!
Remove this content from Data folder.
Manual v. 4.0
Used 34 dances from 50 possible.
Some of anims are support the BBB skeleton:
Defolt controls.
Standard controls.
Num1,2,3,4,5 - Start dance at disc -开始碟片上的舞蹈
Num+ - Choose NPC like dancer -选择NPC作为舞者
Num- - Choose PC like dancer -选择自己作为舞者
Num/ - Position Mode On/Off -位置模式开/关
Num* - Camera Mode On/Off -照相模式开/关
Num0 - Disband group -解散组员
Num. - Stop dance -停止舞蹈
NumEnter - Editor Mode On/Off -编辑模式开/关
Dance & Editor Mode Controls.
You can moving your dancers during dance, also can set them positions before dance start in Editor Mode.
Arrow Keys - Moving 1st dancer -移动第1位舞者
LShift+Arrow Keys - Moving 2nd&3rd dancers -移动第2、3位舞者
RShift+Arrow Keys - Moving 4th&5th dancers -移动第4、5位舞者
LShift+RShift - Dancers collisions On/Off -舞者碰撞开/关
Dancer's Position Mode.
Now you can set dancer's positions directly. First press Num/ it's add to you spell 'Dance Position'.
Stand where you wish and cast, choose dancer who will dance at this point.
Be care, don't make points at different locations. If you had changed location, update
points for dancers at new place. Any times you can this mode Off - press Num/.
Camera mode.
Now you can using the camera with spheric rotation traectory. First press Num* to 'Camera Mode On/Off'.
This is not real camera, so it will work only with NPCs. You can using clone for your character.
Num5 - Stop rotation
LShift + 5 - Standard position
Num4 - Left rotation
Num6 - Right rotation
LShift + Num4 Left rotation from face point
RShift + Num4 Left rotation from back point
LShift + Num6 Right rotation from face point
RShift + Num6 Right rotation from back point
Num7 - Rotate Up
Num1 - Rotate Down
Num8 - Near
Num2 - Far
Num9 - Up
Num3 - Down
Insert-Home-PageUp - Speed of rotation Slow-Medium-Fast
Delete-End-PageDown - Speed of moving Slow-Medium-Fast
1 - Choose 1st dancer for camera's center
2 - Choose 2nd dancer for camera's center
3 - Choose 3rd dancer for camera's center
4 - Choose 4th dancer for camera's center
5 - Choose 5th dancer for camera's center
NN - 1,2,3,4,5
LShift + NN - Choose NN dancer for camera's center and start from face point, don't changing heigt.
RShift + NN - Choose NN dancer for camera's center and start from standard face point.
Clone functions
Be care, some NPC's AI may conflict with mod, so better using their clones. Dance Synchronizator has few functions for this. You can make no more than 5 clones.
Removing of clones will disband your group automatically.
Num. - make clone from NPC - no more than 5.
LShift + Num. - make clone from PC
RShift + Num. - remove all clones. Group will disband automatically.
Some of items may conflict with other mods (CM Partners for example), so clones are not have weapons, rings, amulets etc. wich can
provoce adding AIs to NPCs.
Alt - Listing Mode On/Off - Not changeable.
Will showing name of current dance, and Disc's content, if you'll using Dance Collection in your inventory.
Rebind "Hot Keys" functions.
If these controls are uncomfortable for you. You can change control keys by spell 'DS Rebind Hot Keys'.
Also you can read this manual in the game. Use item 'DS Manual'.
Bugs - the second dance possible turning of the forearm near the right dancer with what is related is unclear and at times just does not have .
Better choosing deserted locations. Also AI of dancers may crush the game in the end or start of dance. Don't choose "evil" factions (bandits etc. their AI are not stable).
Better using copys of NPC 'couse they are not have AI. You may using clone functions of DS v.4.0.
Don't using Save/Load game functions during dance!!!
Tes4 engine has unfixed bug. Sometimes after loading saved game or changing locations your companions can lost their "real" positions in the world.
In that case better to make new dance group, and better using clones of current characters.
Sorry for my english.
All credits to Arakabu, Umpa, Sizustar, Setuna, TORNicovideo and all other users who public their mo-cap conversions for TES4.
All original readmes I added to archive.
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