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这是第4个修正翻译版本. 感谢dahka,eryueyiri,keng23,chenerba,laenseloe对翻译个别地方的指正。
《阿玛拉王国:清算》 超详细中英文解说图文资料
Set in the immense fantasy world of Amalur, Reckoning takes place during the Age of Arcana, a time when magic surges in the world.
《阿玛拉王国:清算》 世界地图:
The Well of Souls … the promise of life reborn from death. For centuries the gnomes quietly labored to complete this grand achievement, a device that would change Amalur forever. Yet success had long eluded the gnomes, as time and again they failed to reignite the spark of life in one who had fallen.
But in an instant, a spark oft begets a flame.
In the era of rising magic known as the Age of Arcana, the prototype Well constructed by Fomorous Hugues succeeded at last, bringing a single mortal back to life. But why this time, when all the countless attempts before had resulted in failure? What secrets lie within this Fateless One, whose past had been wiped clean and whose destiny had yet to be written?
灵魂之井……一个重生的契约。数百年来侏儒悄悄努力完成这一宏伟成就,一个装置将阿玛拉永远改变。但长久来侏儒一直未能成功,他们一次次的失败,始终没能为逝去的生命点燃火花。 但是就在一瞬间,一个微小的生命却因灵魂之井重新燃起烈焰。 在称为奥法纪元的上升时期,由法莫斯·乌格斯建造的灵魂之井的原型系统终于成功,使一个凡人回到人间。但是为何在此时,当过去所有努力都失败的时候?究竟有什么秘密藏在这个天命之子的身上?他的过去已经被擦拭干净,他的命运还没有书写... ...
1.tuatha deohn 扎法德恩
The Tuatha Deohn are a sect of Winter Fae who have unleashed chaos upon Amalur. When leadership of the Court of Winter was usurped by the malevolent Gadflow, the new king seized control of the Winter houses and rallied his people to war under the banner of the Tuatha Deohn. Gadflow's assault upon the Alfar kingdoms is driven by his devotion to a new god, whom the mad ruler claims is being born within the remote crystalline fortress of Amethyn.
Armed with deadly weapons forged from prismere crystal, the Tuatha are a relentless foe. When one falls in battle, another soon emerges from the Hollows to take up arms. It is uncertain how long the mortal kingdoms can hope to stand against this ruthless onslaught
2.winter fae 寒冬精灵
Though the presence of the Winter Fae, or Unseelie, may elicit a sense of foreboding, it would be a mistake to look upon them as a force of evil. They represent the waning of the seasons, the entropy and death which are a necessary part of the Great Cycle.
In recent years, the Court of Winter has been plunged into chaos by the rise of Gadflow, a murderous usurper who stole the Winter throne. Though Gadflow's stranglehold over his people is near absolute, a small group of Winter Fae cling to the old ways and oppose the mad king, seeking to restore balance to the world.
尽管寒冬精灵或称为堕落的大地观察者的出现在人们看来意味着不祥,但因此就把他们当成一支邪恶的力量是不正确的。他们与季节的变换同行,见证轮回中生与死的更替。 近年来,盖德弗劳杀死了原来的国王,篡夺了寒冬宫殿的宝座。他邪恶的势力已经崛起,寒冬议会也因此陷入混乱。虽然被奴役的寒冬精灵们在盖德弗劳的绝对约束之下,但是仍然有一小群坚守信仰反对暴君的寒冬精灵,试图恢复世界的平衡。
3.summer fae 夏日精灵
At first glance, the Fae may resemble mortals, but they have long existed as the embodiment of nature's influence in the physical realm. The Summer Fae, also known as the Seelie, represent growth, warmth, and the emergence of life. Free of mortal ambition or desires, the Summer Fae steadfastly play out their role in the Great Cycle.
Though Fae are found throughout the wild places of Amalur, the Court of Summer inhabits the beautiful Gardens of Ysa in Dalentarth. Yet the Fae themselves claim to originate from a realm of pure magic, one they say lies beyond the Veil. No mortal has ventured to such a place, or if they have, none have been known to return.
乍看之下,精灵几与常人无异,但他们长久存在,如同自然在这物质世界中的化身。夏日精灵,也被称为大地的观察者,代表成长、温暖和生命的出现。夏日精灵始终在轮回中扮演着自己的角色,毫无凡人的野心与欲望。 虽然夏日精灵被发现在阿玛拉野外的地方,夏日庭院栖息在德伦泰亚美丽的花园中。然而,精灵自称来自一个纯粹魔法的世界,一个据称是隐藏在“面纱”之后的地方。没有人冒险去这样的地方,或如果他们有,没有人知道如何返回。
4.cnomes 侏儒
Gnomes are practical and pragmatic. A long-thinking people, they approach all problems and goals rationally. Gnome society is divided into three sects: the Scholars, inventors of wondrous magical devices; the Praetorians, a military force renowned for their martial skill; and the Templars, the political strategists who set the agenda for their culture.
In the arid land of Detyre, the gnomes have built the great city of Adessa as a monument to their progress. The city’s grand library is a storehouse of Amalur’s wisdom and knowledge, containing artifacts dating back to the dawn of history. What secrets the gnomes keep for themselves is a topic of frequent speculation among those who question their motives.
侏儒是实际和务实的。一个擅长长久思考的种族,他们所有的问题和目标都是理性的。侏儒社会分为三派:学者,奇妙魔法装置发明家;禁卫军,享誉世界武术技能的军事力量;和圣殿骑士团,设置他们文化议程的政治战略家。 在干旱的土地迪泰亚,侏儒们修建了大城市阿杰萨作为发展的纪念碑。城中的大图书馆囊括了整个阿玛拉的知识,以及追溯到历史开端时期的古物。每当有人推测他们这样做的动机时,那些被封存的秘密总是最为津津乐道的话题。
1.dokkalfar 黑暗精灵
The Dokkalfar are respected as sophisticated students of magic and diplomacy, yet it is their alluring presence that makes them so compelling. The dark elves are the ultimate manipulators, controlling the actions of others from the shadows. While their reputation for subtlety is well earned, many find the Dokkalfar so charismatic that they willingly parlay with them—regardless of the consequences.
Though the port city of Rathir stands as a testament to their thriving culture, the relentless war against the Tuatha has put a great strain upon the Dokkalfar. The dark elves fight alongside their fairer-haired cousins, the Ljosalfar, in an attempt to push back the unyielding armies of the Fae.
黑暗精灵是受尊重的有经验的魔法学徒而且擅长外交,他们诱人的风度使他们如此引人注目。暗精灵都是出类拔萃的操纵者,向来善于在暗影中主导他人的一举一动。而他们微妙的声誉是应得的,许多人发现黑暗精灵是如此有魅力,他们愿意和他们做协议而不关心后果。 虽然发达的港口城市拉泽可以代表黑暗精灵文明的繁荣,但是扎法带来的无情的战争对黑暗精灵带来巨大压力。黑暗精灵和他们的表兄弟光精灵并肩作战,抗击着无情的扎法大军。
2.almain 阿尔敏人
The Almain are valorous humans who embody the ideal of Order in all things. They abhor Chaos, imposing structure and ritual in everything they do. One of the most imperialistic kingdoms in Amalur, the Almain are proud of their long and illustrious military tradition. Their patron deity is Mitharu, god of Order, a belief that guides every aspect of their lives.
Some Almain have come to the Faelands seeking freedom from the binding ties of politics and religion, hoping to make their own destiny far from the rigid laws of their kingdom. Yet no matter how far they may wander from their homeland, they honor the battlefield disciplines of their ancestors.
阿尔敏人勇敢而无畏,力求以秩序贯彻一切。他们厌恶混乱和无序,喜欢在做任何事情的时候都加入条条框框和各种规矩。他们有一个帝国制的王国在阿玛拉,他们自豪的是其长期而杰出的军事传统。其守护神是密丝瑞欧——秩序的上帝。一个信念,引导他们生活的各个方面。 一些阿尔敏人来到精灵土地,寻求政治和宗教的自由结合,希望使自己的命运远离王国刚性的法律。但不管多远,他们可以从他们的家园,感受到他们的荣誉战场祖先的纪律。
3.ljosalfar 光精灵
A proud and insular people, the Ljosalfar strive to preserve nature and shape it to their will. The light elves resist change, flash-freezing their ancient homeland to keep it in an idealized, timeless state. The Ljosalfar revere the principle of Justice, fighting time and again to defend Amalur against chaos and darkness.
The light elves stand with their Dokkalfar cousins to battle the relentless armies of the Tuatha. Though far from their frozen homeland, the Ljosalfar are determined to keep the fortress of Mel Senshir from falling into the hands of their enemy.City and HomelandFieriol, Glen Suthain
4.varani 瓦拉尼人
The human clans known as the Varani can be found throughout Amalur, as much at home on the high seas as in the villages and outposts they inhabit. Though not as culturally refined as the Almain, the Varani have brought commerce and a degree of civilization to the wilds of the Faelands.
While lacking political motivation for involvement in the war against the Tuatha, many Varani have found employment fighting in the mortal armies as mercenaries. The battle-hardened fierceness of the Varani has given them a well-earned reputation as a valuable ally in the seemingly unwinnable conflict.
1.Smoke Bomb 烟雾弹
4 Levels
Throw down a smokescreen to stun enemies and blind them to your presence for a short duration。
Related Abilities 相关技能
(1)Poison Bomb 毒气弹
4 Levels
Further tinkering has enabled you to add a deadly Poison cloud to the effects of your Smoke Bomb.
2.Shadow Flare 暗影之光
5 Levels 5个等级
Weave a burst of shadow magic to wound and stagger enemies in an arc before you. Quickly press the button again to throw a volley of shadowy blades, dealing Piercing and Bleeding Damage.
(1)Enduring Agony 忍受痛苦
5 Levels 5个等级
Secret techniques enable you to extend the duration of all your Poison and Bleeding attacks. Also increases Shadow Flare damage.
秘密的技术延长你的毒药和出血的持续时间。还增加暗影伤害。 3.Gambit 暗影陷阱阵列
6 Levels
With an acrobatic leap, you distribute explosives across the battlefield that damage and launch enemies.
4.Frost Trap 冰冻陷阱
Plant a Frost Trap which causes Ice and Freezing Damage to all nearby enemies when it explodes. A maximum of 4 traps can be placed at one time.
Related Abilities 相关技能
(1)Icy explosion 冰冷爆炸
5 Levels
Your roguish ingenuity allows you to build Frost Traps that deal additional damage and disorient your enemies.
5.Blade Honing 利刃
6 Levels
The razor sharp blades of your weapons cut into your foes with ease. While this ability is active, Critical Hit Damage for Longswords, Daggers, Faeblades, and Greatswords is substantially increased.
6.Lunge 背刺
5 Levels
Lunge past your foes with preternatural speed to attack them from behind.
7.Assassins Art 刺客艺术
6 Levels
Your deadly grace allows you to deal tremendous amounts of damage from stealth. Unlocks new sneak attacks with Daggers or Faeblades that can instantly kill an unaware enemy if you deal enough damage.
8.Precise Weaponry I-IV 精确的武器装备一至四
3 Levels Each
Unlocks special attacks for Daggers and Faeblades that enhance combat moves like charges, blocks, dodges, and parries.
9。Dagger Mastery 匕首掌握
6 Levels
Your prowess with Daggers lets you to get the most out of every cut and thrust.
10。Faeblade Mastery 精灵双头剑精通
6 Levels
Diligent practice has granted you mastery over the Faeblades, chief weapon of the Summer Court Fae.
11。Longbow Mastery 长弓掌握
6 Levels
Your skill at archery grants you a large bonus to damage while using a Longbow and increases the number of arrows that can be fired before reloading your quiver.
Related Abilities 相关技能
(1)Drawpower 汲取力量
5 Levels
With your incredible drawpower, each arrow you fire can penetrate even the thickest armor or carapace. Also increases the size of your quiver
(2)Arrow Storm 箭雨
3 Levels
Your skill with the Longbow allows you to fire a volley of arrows into the sky, raining death down on your foes. Also increases the size of your quiver.
(3)Barbed Arrows 倒刺箭
5 Levels
By affixing small barbs to your arrows, each Longbow shot has a chance to deal heavy Bleeding Damage to your foes. Also increases the size of your quiver.
(4)Scattershot 多重射击
6 Levels
Your skill with Longbows enables you to fire multiple arrows simultaneously. Also increases the size of your quiver.
12。Execution 致死伤害
5 Levels
With anatomical precision, you deal higher damage to bleeding foes.
1。Battle Frenzy 战斗狂暴
5 Levels 5个等级
Go into a berserker rage, dealing greater and greater amounts of damage with each enemy you defeat in a short time.
Related Abilities 相关技能
(1)Celerity 快速
3 Levels
Unbridled rage propels you to inhuman speed while in a Battle Frenzy.
(2)Stoneskin 石肤
5 Levels
Your unquenchable rage grants you Physical and Piercing Damage Resistance while Battle Frenzy is active
2。Quake 地震
5 Levels
Smash the ground to cause a tremor, damaging enemies in an area. Cast the spell rapidly in succession to chain 3 attacks
Related Abilities 相关技能
(1)Aftershock 余震
5 Levels
The final hit of your Quake attack causes lasting tremors which can Stun your foes, and all Quake damage is increased.
3。Wrath 愤怒
6 Levels
Jump skyward, hurling nearby enemies along with you into the air and slamming them back down. Button mash to increase damage.
4。Harpoon 鱼叉
4 Levels
Snag an enemy and pull it back to you. May have the opposite effect with larger enemies.
5。War Cry 战嚎
6 Levels
Let loose a terrifying cry that intimidates enemies, reducing their damage output. Can be upgraded to knock down enemies.
Related Abilities 相关技能
(1)Terror 惊骇
6 Levels
Your War Cry gains the ability to reduce enemy Armor, opening foes up for your attacks and sometimes causing them to panic.
6。Brutal Weaponry I-IV 残酷的武器装备一至四
3 Levels Each
Unlocks special attacks for the Longsword, Greatsword, and Hammer that enhance combat moves like charges, blocks, dodges, and parries.
7。Longsword Mastery 长剑专精
6 Levels
A combination of perfect form and raw strength lend additional damage to your Longsword attacks.
8。Hammer Mastery 锤专精
6 Levels
Raw muscle and a superb sense of balance make you incredibly effective with the mighty Hammer.
9。Concussive Force 冲击力
5 Levels
Mastery over the art of blunt trauma grants you increased damaged versus Stunned enemies.
10。Bulwark 壁垒防御
5 Levels
Your impenetrable defenses often surprise your foes, stunning them as their blows bounce off you in a fierce melee.
11。Skillful Defense 熟练的防御
5 Levels
Your masterful use of shields greatly increases your damage resistance while blocking. At the highest level, you unlock a special Shield Bash move.
1,Summon Faer Gorta 召唤不死生物
6 Levels
Use magic to rapidly construct a Faer Gorta who will fight by your side. Summon lasts for 120 seconds.
Related Abilities 相关技能
(1)Transference 嫁接
5 Levels
Summoned Faer Gorta's attacks have a chance to siphon health from enemies and send it to you.
(2)Masterful Construction 高级召唤
5 Levels
Your summoned Faer Gorta swings for more hits in its attack chain and gains a chance to critical hit.
2。Healing Surge 治疗之力
Your magic knits together flesh and bone, healing your wounds. Holding the button longer restores more health.
3。Elemental Rage 元素之怒
5 Levels
Combine the mystic elements of Fire, Lightning, and Ice into a devastating chain of attacks.
4。Sphere of Protection 球形保护力场
6 Levels
While active, Sphere of Protection creates a magical barrier that blocks a percentage of damage from each incoming attack.
Related Abilities 相关技能
(1)Sphere of Reprisal 反射护壁
5 Levels
While Sphere of Protection is active, ethereal orbs are created around you which deal damage to enemies they hit.
(2)Sphere of Retribution 复仇护壁
5 Levels
Sphere of Protection gains the power to fire off deadly ethereal splinters when enemies draw near.
5。Mark of Flame 火焰标记
5 Levels
Tap the button to tag your targets with a magical Mark. Press and hold the button to detonate all Marked enemies with a fiery explosion.
Related Abilities 相关技能
(1)Smolder 熏烧
5 Levels
Your mastery over the power of fire allows you to increase the effectiveness of all Burning effects, as well as the damage done by Mark of Flame
6。Meteor 流星雨
5 Levels
Calls forth a meteor from the skies, dealing massive damage to the area before you.
7。Storm Bolt 闪电箭
6 Levels
Launch a burst of electrical energy which deals Lightning and Shocking Damage. At higher levels, it can Stun enemies.
Related Abilities 相关技能
(1)Chain Lightning 闪电链
5 Levels
Increases Storm Bolt damage, and causes Shocking Damage to bounce between your enemies more frequently.
8。Tempest 闪电风暴
5 Levels
Hold the button for Storm Bolt to summon forth lightning from the heavens, smiting all nearby foes.
9。Ice Barrage 寒冰爆发
5 Levels
Sends a scattered blast of ice shards into the air to crash down upon your foes, dealing Ice and Freezing Damage.
Related Abilities 相关技能
(1)Frostshackle 寒霜镣铐
5 Levels
Your knowledge of eldritch frost allows you to extend the duration of all Freezing effects, slowing enemies down for a longer time. Also increases the damage caused by Ice Barrage.
(2) Winter's Embrace 冬天的拥抱
5 Levels
Hold the button for Ice Barrage to launch a persistent cloud of ice shards which lasts for a duration. Enemies in the blizzard suffer periodic Ice, Piercing, and Freezing Damage.
10。Arcane Weaponry I-IV 神秘武器装备一至四
3 Levels Each
Unlocks special attacks for the Staff, Chakrams, and Sceptre that enhance combat moves like charges, blocks, and parries.
11。Sceptre Mastery 权杖专精
6 Levels
Long hours of study and practice enable you to wield Sceptres very effectively.
12。Chakram Mastery 法环专精
6 Levels
Your unique mix of arcane and martial talent enables you to deal incredible damage with Chakrams.
13。Staff Mastery 法仗专精
6 Levels
You've learned to channel incredible amounts of energy through your Staff, increasing its damage output considerably.
14。Conservative Casting 保守的铸造
5 Levels
Having unlocked countless arcane secrets, you are able to power your Abilities with far less Mana.
1,house of ballads 布蓝德丝之家
2.house of sorrows 瑟柔丝之家
3.scholia arcana 文人的奥秘
4.travelers 旅行者
5.warsworn 战争的誓言
1.general tilera 蒂莱拉将军
2.fomorous hugues 法莫斯·乌格斯
3.high king titarion 至高国王提塔因
4.templar octienne 圣殿骑士奥提恩
5.agarth 阿格斯
fateless 命运无常
1。Fateless One 一个无常的命运
Newly resurrected, your Fate is blank, formless, and ready to be forged into the shape of your choosing
2.fighter mage 魔法战士
fighter mage 魔法战士命运卡片
1。Battlemage 战法师
As a Battlemage, your every strike is amplified when wielding melee weapons. With this Destiny, you are able to Blink through combat, sustain both magical and physical damage, and use that energy to retaliate in kind.
2。Crusader 十字军
A mastery of war magic allows you to elude your opponents with the ability to teleport a short distance, while exposing them to devastating attacks. Both your defensive and offensive capabilities are increased with your improved control of the arcane.
3。Guardian 守护者
With this Destiny you are able to engage in melee and convert any force used against you into your own magical energy. You are naturally resistant to harmful spells, and transmute a portion of damage sustained to your own mana pool.
4。Paragon 圣者
In battle, the Paragon wields an intimidating display of might and sorcery. Besides your natural protection against elemental damage, your ability to gain mana from all attacks directed at you as well as Blink, you are now also well armored
3.fighter 战士
fighter 战士命运卡片
1。Brawler 武士
With this Destiny you are a formidable melee combatant. You can withstand a lot of punishment, and it is usually more efficient for you to block or suffer an attack rather than dodge one.
2。Conqueror 征服者
As a Conqueror, you are an imposing figure, feared by most enemies on the battlefield. Like the greatest warriors of legend, a single strike of yours can stagger your opponent, and even the strongest foe will find it difficult to overcome your defenses.
3。Fighter 斗士
With this Destiny you are even more effective in melee combat. The Fighters of the Faelands are well-accustomed to battle, and can therefore both absorb and deal more damage.
4。Soldier 士兵
From the Alfar military to human armies, the experienced Soldiers of Amalur excel in close-quarters fighting. With this Destiny, your brutal attacks carry an added weight to stun your opponents.
5。Warlord 战争领主
There have been few Warlords in the history of Amalur, and they were all respected and feared as the primal embodiments of conflict itself. This Destiny allows you to endure any and all attacks while laying waste to those who would dare to oppose you
6。Warrior 战士
Because of their additional resilience, Warriors do not hesitate to wade into the thickest of frays. In most battles, their ability to inflict damage is equaled only by their honed defensive capabilities.
4.mage 法师
mage 法师命运卡片
1。Acolyte 学徒
As an Acolyte, you are devoted to the arcane and a mastery of elemental forces. You prefer to destroy your opponents with raw magic rather than through crude or mundane methods.
2,Initiate 创始者
An Initiate's powerful spells suffice to terrify the vast majority of Amalur's threats. Embracing this Destiny results in a marked increase in the potency of your spells. An efficient management of arcane resources helps you outlast less disciplined magic users.
3。Sage 贤者
As a Sage, besides approaching the natural limits of magical power, the lingering effects of your elemental magic are extended beyond their normal duration. Your understanding of Ice magic allows you to teleport a short distance by harnessing that elemental sphere.
4。Seer 占卜师
Because of their attunement to mystical energy, Seers naturally replenish their reserves of mana and continue to develop the power of their spells. With this Destiny, you are an adept spell-caster able to teleport short distances with the Blink ability
5。Sorcerer 巫师
With this Destiny, you are among the elite magic users of Amalur. In addition to supernatural offensive and defensive power, great magical reserves, and improved economy of mana, you also gain an enhanced Ice Blink ability.
5.jack of all trades 杂而不精的人
1。Adventurer 探险家
As an Adventurer, you are experienced in all forms of combat and exploration. You are well accustomed to the shadows, wielding the arcane, or trading blows in a melee. Because you are used to life on the road, you are tougher than the average denizen of Amalur.
2。Polymath 博学者
Your experience with the varied dangers of Amalur has honed you into a dilettante of combat. Felling countless foes has prepared you for any battle.
3。Prodigy 天才
The various pursuits and interests of the Prodigy include all types of weapons, magic, and armor. You are acclimated to a rugged lifestyle and naturally resistant to all attacks. You also have a greater chance to land a critical strike.
4,Seeker 探索者
With this Destiny you are a Jack of All Trades, proficient in all forms of combat. Whether it is in melee, at a distance, or magical combat, you will rarely find yourself without recourse. You are comfortable with the trappings of mage, warrior, and rogue alike.
5。Wayfarer 旅人
The Wayfarer could just as likely be seen in the vanguard of the Alfar army as alone in the woods of Dalentarth. With this Destiny you are an adaptive combatant and resourceful explorer of both wilderness and civilization
6.mage rogue 魔法盗贼
mage rogue 命运卡片
1。Arcanist 奥术师
Able to teleport a short distance at will, the Arcanist practices a shadowy magic shunned and feared by others. With this Destiny your chance to deliver a critical strike is improved, and you are guaranteed to do so when your enemies panic in dread.
2。Disciple 信徒
The sometimes fragile appearance of a Disciple masks a deadly assortment of skills that are usually employed from a safe distance. With this Destiny you excel at dealing elemental damage and piercing an enemy's armor.
信徒通常在一个安全的距离外,从脆弱的面具外表下释放致命的技能。 通过这个命运,你擅长用元素伤害穿透敌人的盔甲。
3。Spellcloak 魔法斗篷
As a Spellcloak, you are a mysterious and evasive mage of the shadows. You imbue your every teleport with a poisoning effect, and utilize a varied array of grim tools to unleash havoc upon your foes.
4,Warlock 法术士
The Warlock excels at dealing different kinds of magical damage from afar, while teleporting out of reach. By embracing this Destiny, you regenerate your lost mana at a greater rate, and enhance your Blink ability with poison.
7.rogue 盗贼
1.Assassin 刺客
In addition to a more polished execution of precise targeting, nimble dodging, and a tidy efficacy with deadly poisons, the Assassin's swift, agile movement aids unnoticed approaches and silent exits from deadly encounters. This effortless grace and style marks the assassin as an 'Aristocrat of Violence.'
2,Hunter 猎人
More successful Rogues style themselves as stalkers of dangerous prey. Stealth, ranged attacks, and targeting with anatomical precision more often translates into attacks of critical damage.
3.Ranger 游侠
Solitary Rangers enjoy a dark and deadly reputation, mostly earned, for swift violence and secret murder. A Ranger's foe suddenly struck dead by his or her own weapon...a Ranger ambling away, unmarked and refreshed, from a battle with a dozen would-be thieves...such elements are common in Amalurian folk tales.
4.Rogue 盗贼
Unlike many of the warriors of Amalur, Rogues prefer to fight from far away, or from behind, or by dishonorable means, and usually by surprise. As a Rogue, you sneak, dodge, and slather weapons with poison to gain the advantage in combat.
5.Scout 侦察者
Adopting more refined tactics and equipment, Scouts remain quiet, collected, and stylish in combat. With this Destiny you produce stealthy kills by ambush, backstab, or at range.
8.fighter rogue 战斗盗贼
fighter rogue 命运卡片
1.Avenger 复仇者
With the Avenger Destiny, you are a terror of Amalur, defeating opponents with a relentless barrage from any range. In the zealous execution of your prowess you are often able to circumvent the armor of your rival.
2,Duelist 决斗者
With this Destiny, you quickly dispatch your enemies from both afar and close-range. Your specialty lies in delivering frequent, lethal strikes and overwhelming your adversary with varied attacks.
3,Slayer 杀手
Your knowledge of corporeal damage is absolute, and you promise death through the arsenal of short and long-range options at your disposal. Given the opportunity, your ambush means an enemy's bloody end.
4,Warden 守望者
As a Warden, you deal additional damage with both ranged and melee weapons. You also inflict critical damage more often by striking at your enemies' weak points.
作为一个守望者,你的近程和远程武器能造成额外伤害。你也会通过打击敌人弱点造成严重伤害。 |