
- 贡献度
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- 金元
- 2457
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- 注册时间
- 2004-1-27

楼主 |
发表于 2011-11-12 17:35
Stationdesign for Naval Bases
Space Station Upgrades
(Some are got to high requirements and cannot be fitted with req. module ammount, some are deactivated on purpose. Atm no deactivation on purpose are known. There was one, but it seems they activated it again, after a player tested it. Stations like Civil SOL Stations are still bugged, stuck on lvl 1, or Hiver Gate Stations that cannot be upgraded higher then lvl 3.)
Defense sattelites
Morrigi Void Mastery Drive
(you can research it, but not fit it in designer)
Tarkan Warpdrive
(Same as the Morrigi. You can research it, but not use it...)
Drones, Assaultshuttles, Nodefighters, Battlecruiser and Battleships
(All part of the Battlerider Technology tree)
Starbase Hangar for Battleriders
Cloaking Field
Shield Technology of all kind
Siege Driver
Armorplate fitting in the Shipdesigner
(at least you cannot assign any Tradeships to any kind of Traderoutes)
Moral boosting systems
Asteroid Monitor construction
Special project research
Salvage and Reverse engeneering from salvage
Gem and Forgeworlds
(cause crash at the moment if you wanna choose a typ)
Fusion/Antimatter/Leach/Cloak Mines
(not all features activated yet, but at least you can declare war at the moment ^^)
Delete of old shipdesigns
(they are deleted in the designer, but stay in the list of the available productiondesigns for ships at the shipyard)
Liir Leviathan "The Black"
(its constructed out of modules with weaponhardpoints, it seems not to work propably at the moment)
MIRV Missile system
(Missile shoots and explodes without creating new Missiles)
Ship Module "Auxiliry Fission/Fusion"
(It increases crew need by 2, but dont give you any bonuses, no speed, no energy, no support bonus at all)
Battlerider Controll
(You can build, fit and take them with you in the fight, but there controll is still bugged or flawd. But they will shoot and kill.)
Hiver Ship AI for Path calculation
(If you want to get to a system by slowboat and got a close by gate, and start from your homeworld as example, the slowboat will NOT automaticly use the gate to the nearest location to travel to the new system without gate. You have to relocate them to the nearest system with gate and start mission from there.)
Hiver Gateship Custom Designs
(The Hiver Gateship dont work if you design a custom one. You can at the moment only play with the Gateship that comes with a new game and is allready in the Design database)
Terraforming Bonuses
(At the moment the Bonuses from Terraforming research seems not to applay at all.)
Fleet Formation
(You can set up Fleet Formations in Fleet Manager, but it has no effect in battle at all)
Hiver Gates from Gateships
(They dont seem to count to the Gateresevoir, only Gatestations seems to affect Gateresevoir)
scrap Ship/recycle Ship/decomission ship
(Or how you would say it, the function dont work at all.)
Morrigi Colony Trap
(yep, simply dont work, inifity build time, 0 creds cost.)
Things where i am not 100% certain if they are intended to be that way
Biological Transfer ??? (Maybe it´s only me, but i didnt see a difference between normal Coloniser and Bio Colonsier when you colonise)
Retreat from battle / Battle UI ??? (Very basic, i think that cant be all)
SDB ??? (System Defense Boat, seems somehow bugged in it´s operation)
Grav-Boat ??? (Not complete sure, but i dont notice any speed increase.)
Grand Menace slider ???
(same as above, it seems the Systemkiller as a Grand Menace just appear or dont, random at the moment. Rumors say it should be fixed, but the Grand Menace Slider was not mentioned in the last Patch Notes from 08th Nov. 2011, only the Random Encounter Slider.)
Ship AI ???
(Fixes in Progress. I am not sure if they work all propably, i have to do another long game for that, and didnt had the time for a long one.) |