Compatibility Issues
First: We strongly recommend the use of Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). Its .omod format allows to easily uninstall the UL mods if needed and (even without using .omods) to adjust the load order. Alternatively, use Wrye Bash to create BAIN packages to install and uninstall the UL mods, and also to adjust the load order.
Check the Landscape LOD archive available on TESNexus or on TES Alliance. If you use any combination of mods listed, you should download this archive and install the appropriate land LOD file(s).
As a rule of thumb you can say that UL mods should be loaded last; there are lots of mods that have issues with UL otherwise, so if you find a problem, please see if loading the according UL mod last resolves the issue. In general, UL is compatible with any mod which doesn't edit the outdoor landscape. Texture packs, Grass mods and so on do NOT edit the outdoor landscape, they replace textures and meshes, so these should all be compatible. Some other mods are not compatible with single ULs, but there are patches to make them work. These can be found in the Compatibility Patches list. Finally, at the end of this section, you will find a list of mods that are incompatible with single UL mods in a way that no patch is possible without destroying one of the mods' spirit, so you will have to choose between them, sorry!
Instructions for Special cases:
Almost Everything VWD: Install AEVWD prior to UL mods or ensure that UL's data files overwrite the AEVWD ones by using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) or Wrye Bash, then everything is fine.
A Better Abandoned House: Use the "Interior Only" ESP with Cheydinhal Falls to prevent land tears.
Bartholm: This mod has to be loaded after Panther River.
Better Cities The ESPs from this mod have to be loaded after all UL mods.
Gates Map Marker Remover: This mod has to be loaded after all UL mods.
House mods: This depends on which location the house is placed. If it is outside of current UL locations, it is compatible, otherwise you have to try out.
Natural Vegetation (part of Natural Environment): If you feel that the vegetation gets too dense when combining this with UL, set your load order to load Natural Vegetation prior to the UL mods which you want to use with default vegetation size.
Open Cities Classic / Reborn The ESPs from this mod have to be loaded after all UL mods.
StarX Vanilla Vampires Revised: This mod has to be loaded after Stendarr Valley.
Wrye Bash's "Bashed Patch": Obviously this one has to be loaded after UL because it is thought to resolve conflicts by overwriting them.
Compatibility Patches
Many popular mods which conflict with one or more UL have had patches created to fix the conflicts. Most of these patches can be downloaded individually from TESNexus.
If no special instruction is given, the non-UL mod has to be loaded first, then the UL mod and last the patch. Check the patch readmes to confirm load order as there are some exceptions to this.
Incompatible Mods
The following mods have conflicts with a UL mod that are not yet resolved.
Brewhouses of Cyrodiil: No patch planned, conflict too minor to bother.
Dragonfire Trade and Transport: No patch planned, conflict too minor to bother.
Haunted House Quest and Ancient Yews: No patch planned.
Order of Nibenay: No patch planned, conflict too minor to bother.
Ravenview Village (before it was merged with other mods to Shezrie's Towns) and Cloudtop Mountains: No patch planned, upgrade to Shezrie's Towns and use the patch for that instead.
Sage's Skyrim Armory: No patch planned, conflict too minor to bother.
Wicker Man and Beaches of Cyrodiil: Lost Coast: No patch planned, conflict too minor to bother.
完整版UL下载:TES Nexus,前几天刚更新到最新版,所以不必担心版本旧的问题
官方兼容包集合:TES Nexus,建议使用Wrye Bash安装,只需要3s他便帮你需要的补丁,关于Wrye Bash教程,请查看我的签名,先从2L的图文教程学起
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