All Levels

From the DepthsCompleted all Area 1 levels on any difficulty setting 1-4关通关

To the RooftopsCompleted all Area 2 levels on any difficulty setting 5-8关通关

A Taste of VictoryNEW TO PC - Completed all Area 3 levels on any difficulty setting 9-13关通关

Dungeon CrawlerCompleted all levels on any difficulty setting 所有关卡通关

The Belly of the BeastCompleted all Area 1 levels on Hard1-4关困难通关

The Body of The BeastCompleted all Area 2 levels on Hard5-8关困难通关

The Crown of the BeastNEW TO PC - Completed all Area 3 levels on Hard 9-13困难通关

Dungeon RaiderCompleted all levels on Hard所有关卡困难通关

From Fire with BrimstoneCompleted all Area 1 levels on Insane 1-4疯狂

Through The Crowded KeepCompleted all Area 2 levels on Insane 5-8疯狂

To the Lofty SummitNEW TO PC - Completed all Area 3 levels on Insane 9-13疯狂

Dungeon DefenderCompleted all levels on Insane! Congratulations Brave Dungeon Defender! 全部疯狂通关

Team EffortCompleted all levels with 4 active players on >= Medium Difficulty难度大于或等于中级,全部关卡4人合作通关

Wheres The BlueprintsCompleted No Towers Allowed on >= Medium Difficulty

Friends ForeverCompleted Unlikely Allies on >= Medium Difficulty

88 Core(DeLorean Core)Completed Warping Core on >= Medium Difficulty

Ella EllaCompleted Raining Goblins on >= Medium Difficulty

Wizard HunterCompleted Wizardry on >= Medium Difficulty

You No Take MushroomCompleted Ogre Crush on >= Medium Difficulty

Speed FreakCompleted Zippy Terror on >= Medium Difficulty

In a fowl MoodCompleted Chicken on >= Medium Difficulty

Core CardioNEW TO PC - Completed Moving Core on >= Medium Difficulty

Core DestroyerNEW TO PC - Completed Assault on >= Medium Difficulty

Gold RushNEW TO PC - Completed Treasure Hunt on >= Medium Difficulty

Monster ManiaNEW TO PC - Completed Death From Above on >= Medium Difficulty

A Challenger ApproachesCompleted all Challenges on >= Medium Difficulty! Are you ready for INSANE?

Weapon MasterCompleted No Towers Allowed on Insane Difficulty

Kobold ExterminatorCompleted Zippy Terror on Insane Difficulty

Dancing in the RainCompleted Raining Goblins on Insane Difficulty

Ogre Block PartyCompleted Ogre Crush on Insane Difficulty

Gold BlitzNEW TO PC - Completed Treasure Hunt on >= Insane Difficulty

Monster MadnessNEW TO PC - Completed Death From Above on >= Insane Difficulty
Pure Strategy and Survival

Defense is the best OffenseReached Wave 10 on all levels in Pure Strategy on >= Medium Difficulty大于或等于中级生存策略模式下,所有关卡打到第十波

Iron ManReached Survival Wave 10 on Insane Difficulty 疯狂生存模式下打到10波

SurvivalisReached Survival Wave 15 on >= Medium Difficulty 中级生存模式打到15波建议使用第二关地图,理由同下

Tough GuyReached Survival Wave 15 on >= Hard Difficulty 困难生存模式打到15波,建议使用第四关地图,这样还能拿BB

Thick SkinReached Survival Wave 20 on >= Medium Difficulty 中级生存模式打到20波,建议使用最好防守的地图

SmithyYou upgraded your first equipment. Keep it up! 打造一件装备

And This Is My WeaponYou upgraded an Equipment to its maximum potential! 升级一件武器到最高级

To The LimitWore a completed set of maximum level Equipments 4类武器都升满级

Divine IntentionPicked up a Godly Weapon装备一件神级装备

O Mighty SmiterWore a full set of Godly Items装备一套神级装备

Obedience TrainingNEW TO PC - Raise a Pet to its maximum potential 升级一个宠物到满级

Catch'em AllNEW TO PC - Get one of each type ofFamiliar 收集所有宠物,其中包括:4种职业的2类专属BB,镭射机器人,胖机器人,飞龙,中国龙,狮鹫,老鹰,飞虎,熊宝宝,恶魔,精灵,神灯。(全部收集了也无法完成任务的话,就把所有宠物扔地上,再收回去)
Character Advancement

Good StudentCompleted the Tutorial. You deserve a cookie! 教学模式毕业

PupilReached Hero Level 10 升到10级

VeteranReached Hero Level 30 升到30级

Defender of EtheriaReached Hero Level 70 升到70级

Group HugRaised a Hero of each type to Level 60 (App, Monk, Huntress, Squire)所有职业升到60以上

True NobilityEarned the Lord Award on >= Medium Difficulty 所有关卡都取得英雄奖

PerfectionistEarned the Flawless Victory Award on at least 4 Missions on >= Medium Difficulty 所有任务取得完美胜利,水晶无伤害通关

DaredevilEarned Skin of Your Teeth Award on 4 Missions 4个关卡内水晶少于100血通关

MastermindEarned the Master Strategist Award on all Missions 所有关卡全部塔打

Brute ForceEarned the Gunslinger Award on all Missions 所有关卡全部手打

Master BankerStored 15,000,000 Mana in your Mana Bank 手机15000000 水晶到仓库

Legendary DefenderYou have earned every Dungeon Defenders Accomplishment! Trendy salutes you! 拿到上面的所有成就就会得到,附送一只40级的鸡