
- 贡献度
- 1
- 金元
- 952
- 积分
- 99
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2010-4-25

楼主 |
发表于 2011-10-28 19:15
Hooked: kernel32.dll
Hooked: kernel32.dll
Hooked: user32.dll
Hooked: d3dx9_27.dll
Hooked: d3dx9_43.dll
Detoured GetRenderedSurfaceParameters(); succeeded
Replacing the built-in shaders.
Detoured GetShaderBinary(); succeeded
Detoured LoadTextureFile(); succeeded
Init: D3D9.DLL queried.
Init: D3D9.DLL loaded.
Init: Took over Direct3DCreate9.
OD3D9: Driver queried from 0x028b76d7
OD3D9: Driver 0x02ca0e90 constructed from 0x028b7643 (1 drivers available)
OD3D9: Driver 0x02ca0e90 destructed from 0x028bd7c5 (0 drivers left)
OD3D9: Driver queried from 0x028b76b8
OD3D9: Driver 0x02ca0e90 constructed from 0x028b7643 (1 drivers available)
OD3D9: Device queried from 0x0076a547
OD3D9: Device 0x02ca6790 constructed from 0x028bd8bb (1 devices available)
Loading texture (data\textures\shaders/unbound.dds)
Pre Hook
RESZ format supported.
Depth buffer texture (INTZ) (1920,1080) created OK.
Depth buffer attached OK. 0
Init: ATIMGPUD.dll queried.
Loading texture (data\textures\effects\water_NRM_LOD.dds)
Loading texture (data\textures\effects\water_NRM_LOD.dds)
Linking to existing texture.
Loading texture (data\textures\effects\water_NRM.dds)
Loading texture (data\textures\effects\water_NRM.dds)
Linking to existing texture.
Received load game message.
Loading a game.
Creating effect vertex buffers.
Creating full screen textures.
Width = 1920, Height = 1080
Format = A16B16G16R16F
Loading the effects.
Added to list OK.
Loading the effects.
Loading effect that already exists. Returning index of existing effect.
Loading effect that already exists. Returning index of existing effect.
Loading effect that already exists. Returning index of existing effect.
Loading effect that already exists. Returning index of existing effect.
Loading effect that already exists. Returning index of existing effect.
Save file links 3 textures.
Error loading texture list: too small.
No effect data in save file.
Effect (NormalFilterAA.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (Volumetric_SSII.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (HBAO.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (Ring_SSAO.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (Volumetric_SSAO.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Loading effect that already exists. Returning index of existing effect.
Effect (DepthOfField.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (CrysisDoF.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Loading effect that already exists. Returning index of existing effect.
Effect (Bokeh_Circle_DoF.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (Bokeh_Hexagon_DoF.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (Pseudo_Bokeh_DoF.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (Godrays.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Loading effect that already exists. Returning index of existing effect.
Effect (CelShader+EdgeAA.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (ColorEffects.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (ColorMood.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (ENBColorEffect.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (HLSLbleachbypass.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (HLSLColorGrading03.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (HLSLvignette.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (obsharpen.fx) - Script refID = 3c000800
Effect (Water.fx) - Script refID = 37000ed5
Creating shader vertex buffers.
Received save game message.
Saving a game.
pEffect index = 22
Received save game message.
Saving a game.
pEffect index = 22
Received ExitGame message.
Calling Release Device
Releasing effect vertex buffer.
Depth buffer : Lost device callback.
Releasing the depth buffer surface.
Releasing the depth buffer texture. |