本帖最后由 icehust 于 2011-9-10 20:48 编辑
1.3 update changes (01.09.2011):
1.3 版本更新内容(2011.9.1):--------------------
- Summoned monsters AI has been improved,
- 改善了召唤生物的AI,
- Hero will no longer accelerate unnaturally when sprinting downhill,
- 玩家在下坡奔跑时的加速不再异常,
- Enemies will now properly navigate around campfires,
- 敌对生物现在正确地游荡于篝火四周,
- Village shops will now properly generate Necromancer items,
- 乡村商店现在可以正常刷新出死亡魔法类物品了,
- Pathfinding of Steria (New Ashos) improved, so she wil not get stuck,
- Steria(新Ashos)的寻路水平提高了,她不在总被卡住了,
- Trampling mobs in towns will be properly recognized as a crime by the guards,
- 在城镇中攻击居民的事件现在可被警卫正确判定为犯罪行为,
- Casting incantations are now randomly played with reduced frequency,
- 现在释放咒语时产生的随机事件概率降低了(不确定是否此意),
- Falling damage reduction spell has been improved,
- 减少掉落伤害的法术效果提高了,
- Jump Strike will now perform even when activated during a series of regular attacks,
- 即使在普通攻击进行时也能触发跳斩了,
- Empty spells are no longer marked as invalid,
- 空法术不再被标为无效,
- Arming during sprint will not stop the character when he is running,
- 瞄准不再打断角色跑步,
- Font display in the Crafting Menu improved,
- 改善了制作菜单的字体显示效果,
- Boat position is now marked on the map (does not apply to Xbox),
- 地图上现在标出了船只的位置(Xbox平台未实装),
- Enemy spells have been improved,
- 改善了敌对生物的法术,
- Display with magically created physical objects (e.g.: stones) improved,
- 改善了实物生成类魔法的显示效果,
- Knocked down units will no longer be sucked in by their own Tornado effect,
- 击倒特效不会再被旋风斩类的攻击中断了,
- Improved torch flame,
- 增强了火把的火焰效果,
- Footprints on sand were added,
- 加入在沙地上行走时留下脚印的效果,
- If you jump out of a sailing boat, the boat will no longer continue to float away,
- 当从帆船上跳下后,船只不再会飘走了,
- You can now turn on looting animation at all times (instead of only when you're overloaded) in the settings menu,
- 现在可在设置选项中打开“总是显示拾取动画”的效果(本来只有超重时才会显示),
- Physic based spells will not deal damage to friendly units anymore,
- 物理攻击类技能不再会误伤友方单位了,
- PvP arenas now cleared after one of the players is killed,
- PvP区域将在任意一个玩家被杀死后清空,
- Positive homing missile spell will not target enemy unit anymore,
- 增益类跟踪型法术不再会以敌方为目标了,
- The creation of spells with no effect cards is not possible anymore,
- 不能在没有加入效果卡的情况下创造法术,(难道是说超级飞弹的bug没了?!)
- Shopkeeper are always able to generate new wares,
- 店主售卖的商品会一直刷新,
- Display of gold piles laying on the ground improved,
- 改善了地上钱堆的显示效果,
- Fixed a rare occasion when the gate would be locked but had a regular 'open' icon,
- 修复了一个少见的bug,即大门被锁定时,其图标却是“可打开”的样子,
- Display glitch when drinking a potion while looting has been removed,
- 修复了在拾取时饮用药剂导致的显示问题,
- The hero will abort looting if attacked,- 玩家遇袭时将停止拾取,
- Removed the rare occasion when the boat could damage hero upon disembarking,
- 修复了一个可能导致玩家在下船时损血的bug,
- Mana and Health regeneration potions have been changed (their strength has been greatly reduced),
- 法力及生命恢复药剂的效果改变(其效果显著降低),
- A glitch was removed which caused the hero to hung occasionally when fighting with two-handed sword,
- 修复了一个导致玩家在使用双手剑战斗时偶然吊起的bug,(hung的意思这里很费解)
- Improved the 'dismantle' option on pads to reduce the possibility of accidental destruction of items,
- 改善了菜单中的“分解”选项,降低了意外销毁物品的可能性,
- Break lock chance (using weapon) has been reduced. If the weapon breaks you receive its equipment parts,
- 降低了(用武器)破坏锁的概率。如武器坏掉将获得其零件;
- Waves properly rendered for DX10 ATI,
- ATi显卡的波浪渲染效果正常了,
- When using Mana Shield, mana regenerates 3 times slower,
- 使用法力护盾时的魔法恢复速度降低为(正常的)1/3,
- Improved entering of interiors while having many summoned units with you,
- 改善了难以从一大堆召唤生物中穿行的问题,
- Display of comparing bow statistics improved,
- 改善了弓箭的(属性)对比界面,
- The formula for spell damage has been changed - spells will do less damage on higher Willpower levels,
- 法术加成公式改变 - 法术从意志属性中获得加成降低了,
- Improved Missile+Trap+Missile spell,
- 强化了飞弹+陷阱+飞弹法术组合的效果,
- Ricochet card cannot cause a missile to home in on subsequent targets anymore -although the homing card was not used or not applicable,
- 简言之,双重飞弹的bug没了,
- Several terrain issues improved,
- 改善了数个地形问题,
- Improved enemy pathfinding,
- 改善了敌对生物的寻路效果,
- Improved enemy combat AI,
- 敌对生物的战斗AI提高了,
- Improved several monster animations,
- 改善了数个怪物的动画效果,
- Annihiated a rare species of Ants which were occasionally dealing triple damage,
- 移除了一种可能对玩家造成三倍伤害的稀有蚂蚁,
- Some slowdowns after entering areas removed,- 移除了一些区域的减速效果,
- Summoned monsters have been weakened in Duel and Death Match modes (multiplayer),
- (多人游戏)决斗和死亡竞赛模式中的召唤生物被削弱了,
- It is now possible to customize safe area size,
- 现在可自定义安全区域的大小了,
- Atmosphere switching smoothened when changing locations,- 区域改变时的气候变化更加平滑,
- Player level (displayed on other players) will now be properly updated in multiplayer,
- 多人游戏中玩家的级别(其他玩家所能看到的)现在可以正确地更新了,
- New dagger stats will now be properly compared with equipped dagger instead of the weapon,
- 新获得的匕首将与已装备的匕首进行属性对比,而不是和武器进行比较,
- PC - Added support for 3D - there are two available modes. Here is a detailed description of what you need to do on PC depending on your hardware and selected mode:
- PC平台 - 加入了对3D的支持 - 有两种模式。 (-译注:后面懒得翻译了,就是说如何开启3D模式)
- "vendor specific stereoscopic" mode:
- you must install NVIDIA 3dTVPlay (14 day free trial, after that you have to pay for it), navigate to NVIDIA control panel and enable 3d. You can do this only when:
1) your drivers are 280.xx or never,
2) you have only one 3d tv connected to your computer. If you have both a 3d tv and a monitor connected the 3d cannot be turned on. If you have more than one graphics card and your SLI is turned OFF, the 3d tv can be connected only to the first of them - otherwise it won't work. Again, if you have a monitor connected to the other card it won't work.
- 3D works on all 8600 and up NVIDIA cards,
- your 3d tv must be listed on the NVIDIA website - it won't work on other models,
- ATI:
- your drivers must be 11.3 or never,
- it works with any 3d tv,
- the tv can be connected in any way you like it but it must be a HDMI or DVI-2-HDMI connection,
- you can connect other monitors to your machine,
- if you have two graphics cards you have to disable the crossfire - the 3D won't work with that,
- "framepacked stereo " mode:
- choose the native tv resolution (usually 1920x1080),
- press the 3D button on your remote control and select the "top-bottom frame packed mode" (the name may vary depending on your tv model),
- play using the pad or software cursor - hardware mouse cursor will not work,
- works with any 3D tv, with any additional monitors connected whatever you like, SLI or no SLI, crossfire or no crossfire.