- 贡献度
- 14
- 金元
- 5615
- 积分
- 618
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2008-6-19
Steam 用户 1.4 版不能进入的问题和临时解决办法, 没有key的用户也可以看看,不知道会不会有用
What you have to do is remove the Ubisoft Game Launcher (UGL) before trying to launch the game. This means deleting the code directory and using RegEdit to remove all vestiges of it from your registry (there's no uninstall option that I could find).
After that, you launch from Steam, and Steam reinstalls the UGL, and it works okay... one time. The next time you want to play, just repeat the process and it should work, sans screen-turnoff mode. =)
简单来说就是把Ubisoft Game Launcher卸载,注意注册表要清干净,然后在steam里面进游戏,steam里面会重装,不用管它,装完就能进了,但麻烦的是只能奏效一次,下次进游戏还得再来一次。
希望对大家不能进的有帮助。10月正式版发售之前就靠这种WS法进游戏了..... |