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- 70
- 金元
- 9460
- 积分
- 1226
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- 0
- 注册时间
- 2008-1-4
本帖最后由 紫色天 于 2011-8-17 10:21 编辑
主要步骤:1.下载公测版,也就是PUBLIC BETA;2.然后更新到1.1,然后是1.2;3.再更新1.3。
Important Notes - 重要条目- Player profiles will be reset when the patch is released
- 补丁上线后服务器里的玩家信息会被重置
- Earlier save games are not compatible with this version
- 以前的存档将不能在目前版本中使用
- Dump file is sent from beta players` computer in case of crashes, out-of-sync and other serious issues to help fixing bugs (Work in progress)
- 游戏崩溃、同步失败以及其它一些问题出现时,会从玩家机器里发送一些文件,以帮助解决问题
Updates - 更新- Online Multiplayer mode enabled (limited to 2 human players for now with a 150 minutes time-limit per player)
- 联机模式开启,限2人以及每玩家每局150分钟上限
- All players start a MP game with 150 minutes of gametime. It decreases during their turns. If they press the end turn button, the next player's time will decrease (basically it is the same system in Chess). If the game is not decided before the time expires for one player, then this player will be the loser.
- 所有玩家在每局多人对战开始时才会有150分钟的游戏时间,当轮到该玩家时时间减少。按下结束回合后,对方时间开始减少(就像国际象棋一样)。如果在时间用完前游戏没有完成决战,那么先用完时间的玩家失败
- 3 more Multiplayer maps added (Multiplayer & Hotseat modes):
- 添加三张多人地图,可以用于多人游戏和热座模式:
- 丰饶之木(Tree of Plenty)
- 憎恨之轮(The Wheel of Hate)
- 遥远的桥(A Bridge Too Far)
- Normal Duel Mode enabled for multiplayer
- 开启标准多人对决模式
- Skirmish mode enabled
- 开启遭遇战模式
- Altar of Wishes enabled
- 开启祈愿神坛
- Achievements enabled
- 开启成就系统
- No Dynasty XP is awarded for quick combat
- 快速战斗不获得王国经验
- Bug fixing is ongoing
- 各种BUG修复
Balance changes - 平衡性改动General Changes - 大体改动- The experience multiplier values have been modified to x3, x5, x7 (instead of x1, x3, x10)
- 经验加速从1/3/10改为3/5/7
- All week effects have been reduced
- 所有的特殊周效果削弱
- Town conversion cost scales with the constructed dwellings
- 城镇转换价格现在要考虑已建设的兵种建筑
Building Changes - 建筑改动- Building the Chaos Crucible does not require Dragonblood crystals anymore.
- 建设地狱的高级市场混沌熔炉不再需要龙血晶
Ability stat balance and changes - 能力数值平衡和改动- Several tooltip problems have been fixed
- 一些浮动提示框的问题被修正
- Several Hero ability bugs have been fixed
- 一些英雄能力的BUG被修正
- Damage scaling of some damage spells (ex: Firebolt/Fireball/Firestorm)
- 一些伤害魔法的伤害值改变(比如火矢/火球/火风暴)
- Cooldown/Charge of some spells (ex: Eightfold Lotus, Twin Fangs, Mark of Chaos)
- 一些魔法的冷却和使用次数修改,比如八瓣莲花,孪生尖牙,混沌标记
- Damage of Storm Winds
- 暴风的伤害
- Damage of Holy Retribution
- 惩戒光环?/神圣之刃 ?的伤害
- Archery II does not affect enemies anymore
- 箭术II不再对敌方也有效
- Several Creature ability bugs have been fixed
- 一些兵种能力的BUG被修正
- Damage of Yuki-Onna`s Ice Shard
- 雪女的寒冰碎片的伤害
- Heal cooldown increased to 4 (from 3)
- 治疗的冷却从3回合增加到4回合
- Heal, Mass cooldown increased to once per battle
- 群体治疗一场战斗只能用一次
- Regeneration cooldown increased to 4 (from 3)
- 重生的冷却从3回合增加到4回合
- Regeneration, Mass cooldown increased to once per battle
- 群体重生一场战斗只能用一次
- “Soaked” effect has been fixed to give vulnerability to Air school (instead of Fire)
- “淋湿”效果从增加火系弱点修改为气系弱点
- The abilities Siege Master II and Siege Master III have been switched
- 攻城大师II和攻城大师III效果互换
Hero Specializations balance - 英雄特技平衡- Acolyte of Fortune gives +2 Destiny (instead of +4)
- 命运门徒从+4幸运改为+2
- Natural Born Leader gives +2 Leadership (instead of +4)
- 天生领袖从+4领导改为+3
- Ghoul Rouser gives +2 Ghoul Movement (instead of +1)
- 食尸鬼唤醒者对食尸鬼的战场移动力加成从+1改为+2
- Shield to the Bloodless gives +10 Might and Magic defense to Vampires (instead of +5)
- 无血者之盾对吸血鬼的防御加成从+5改为+10
- Paragon of Vigour gives +25 health to Kenshi and Kensei (instead of 10)
- 活力典范对剑师和剑圣的生命值加成从+10改为+25
- Orc Warrior Master gives +7 health to Maulers and Crushers (instead of +2)
- 兽人勇士导师对重击兵和碎击兵的生命值加成从+2改为+7
- Explorer gives +3 Land movement (instead of +2)
- 探索者的移动力加成从+2改为+3
- Sky Runner gives +2 Movement to Harpies and Furies (instead of +1)
- 天空行者对鸢女和鸢妖的战场移动力加成从+1改为+2
- Griffin Master increases Dive Attack`s damage by 15% (instead of 10%)
- 狮鹫导师对俯冲攻击的伤害加成从10%增加到15%
Creature stat balance - 兵种数值平衡Haven - 圣堂- 哨卫的平均伤害从2增加到2.5
- 禁卫的平均伤害从3增加到3.5
- 女祭司和女神官的治疗次数从3次减少为2次
Inferno - 地狱- Tormentor, Health increased to 80 (from 75), Retractable Spikes no longer hit friendly targets
- Lacerator, Magic Defense increased to 9 (from 8), Health increased to 85 (from 80), Exploding Spikes no longer hit friendly targets
- 笞魔,生命值从75增加到80,伸缩钉刺不再伤害友军
- 刑魔,魔法防御从8增加到9,生命值从80增加到85,爆炸钉刺不再伤害友军
Necropolis - 亡灵- 食尸鬼和噬尸鬼,无生肉体的伤害减免从25%降至20%
- 幽魂
- 虚体的物理伤害减免从35%降至25%
- 冥府哀嚎的直接治疗效果从5减至2
- 冥府哀嚎的伤害从1增至2(减少目标旁边无敌军时的治疗效果,增加目标周围有2队及以上敌军时的治疗效果)
- 怨魂
- 无形的物理伤害减免从50%降至35%
- 冥府哀嚎的直接治疗效果从5减至2
- 冥府哀嚎的伤害从1增至2(减少目标旁边无敌军时的治疗效果,增加目标周围有2队及以上敌军时的治疗效果)
Stronghold - 据点- 半人马,平均伤害从16减至14,生命值从80减至70
- 半人马掠夺者,平均伤害从17.5减至16,生命值从90减至80,士气从8减至7
- 独眼巨人,平均伤害从65减至61
- 怒目独眼,平均伤害从65减至61
Sanctuary - 瀛洲珊瑚巫女和珍珠巫女,重生之波的使用次数从3次减少到2次,从半程远程改为全程远程(这条理由是攻城太弱,无飞无传送……)
Known issues - 已知问题- Shark Guard Starting ability increases Shark Guard growth by 3 instead of the Blood Frenzy effectiveness increase
- 鲛卫特长的效果由增加血腥狂暴效果改为产量+3
- Charge ability of Sun Riders does not work yet, it is being fixed
- 烈日枪骑军的冲锋效果依然无效
- Out-of-sync issues can be experienced in Multiplayer
- 多人游戏同步错误xxx
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