本帖最后由 kyleus 于 2011-6-24 02:01 编辑
话说,wiki好久没更新什么重要的消息了,就一直没去看。这次偶尔去逛逛,就看到了这个。参见6月14日消息 http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Borderlands_Wiki
以下是点击borderlands 2词条内的内容
In an interview, Mikey Neumann (Gearbox Software Creative Director) announced that " Borderlands 2 is a no-brainer," However, this prospect is likely to some time in the making, as Gearbox is currently busy with other IPs, as well as still supporting the original Borderlands with new content. "Yes, I can probably confirm that there’s a chance of a Borderlands 2 [laughs]. I mean, with anything, especially a new IP, if people want more and you can make more, and everybody can make money and do good business there, it obviously makes really good sense to do that. Obviously nothing so far is planned. We’re working on DLC. We haven’t really had any talks about a sequel, other than water cooler talk like, “Wouldn’t this be cool” kind of stuff." "But yeah, Borderlands is really exciting. Everyone here loves the franchise, and it seems like the public is really coming back with praise and love. So yeah, if everything makes sense, Borderlands 2 seems like a no-brainer to me."''
—Mike Neumann, creative director
Although Borderlands 2 may be in the makings, the Gearbox Company trademarked a name. BorderWorlds. Possibly hinting at a alternate title for Borderlands 2 or a MMO type of game, stemming from the same franchise as Borderlands.
不码字翻译了,纯搬运 留待后人。
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