Waruddar: Actor base spell, fatigue, barter gold, level, calc min, calc max, IsBiped, sex, IsEssential, IsWeaponAndShield, IsRespawn, IsSwims, IsFlies, IsWalks, IsAutoCalc, IsPCLevelOffset, IsNoLowLevel, IsNoBloodSpray, IsNoBloodDecal, IsNoHead, IsNoRightArm, IsNoLeftArm, IsNoCombatInWater, IsNoShadow IsNoRumors, IsSummonable, IsNoPersuasion, IsCanCorpseCheck you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.ACBS'.
mod修改了生物或者NPC的AI Data
Waruddar: Actor aggression, confidence, energy level, responsibility, services, training skill, or traing level you need to tag the mod with ‘Actors.AIData’
mod修改了生物或者NPC的AI Packages列表
Waruddar: Actor AI Packages you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.AIPackages'. If you're re-adding an AI Package that was previously removed, you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.AIPackagesForceAdd' as well.
mod修改了生物或NPC的special Animations list
Waruddar: Actor animations you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.Anims'
mod修改了生物或者NPC的Combat Style(战斗方式)
Waruddar: Actor combat style you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.CombatStyle'
mod修改了生物或者NPC的Death Item
Death Item即生物或者NPC死后从他们身体可获得的物品(items that are added to the NPC / Creature only when it dies)
Waruddar: Actor Death Items you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.DeathItem'
Waruddar: Actor model path, bound radius, modt you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.Skeleton'.
Waruddar: If you add or remove an actor's spell and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.Spells'.
Waruddar: If you're re-adding a spell that was previously removed, you need to tag the mod with 'Actors.SpellsForceAdd' as well.
Waruddar: If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'SpellStats': Spell name, cost, level type, spell type.
Waruddar: Race female height, weight, tail (model path, bound radius, modt), upper body texture path, lower body texture path, hand texture path, foot texture path, tail texture path you need to tag the mod with 'Body-F'.
Waruddar: Race male height, weight, tail (model path, bound radius, modt), upper body texture path, lower body texture path, hand texture path, foot texture path, tail texture path you need to tag the mod with 'Body-M'.
mod修改了cell climate(场景气候)
Waruddar: Cell climate, or IsBehaveLikeExterior you need to tag the mod with 'C.Climate'.
mod修改了cell lighting and/or fog(场景的光线或者雾)
Waruddar: Cell ambient, directional, or fog lighting you need to tag the mod with 'C.Light'.
mod修改了cell music type(场景音乐)
Waruddar: Cell music type you need to tag the mod with 'C.Music'.
mod修改了cell names(场景名字)
Waruddar: Cell name you need to tag the mod with 'C.Name'.
mod修改了cell ownership(场景所有权、领主)
Waruddar: Cell owner, rank, global variable, or IsPublicPlace you need to tag the mod with 'C.Owner'.
mod修改了off limits/dangerous flg(限制、危险标志)
Waruddar: Cell flags not mentioned above(即C.Climate、C.Music、C.Name、C.Owner、C.Water、C.Light) you need to tag the mod with 'C.RecordFlags'.
Use with care, it also overrides the above flags.(小心使用,因为可能会覆盖上面的标记)
mod修改了cell water type/level(场所的水)
Waruddar: Cell water, water height, IsHasWater you need to tag the mod with 'C.Water'.
mod修改了生物的blood subrecord
Waruddar: Race eyes (adding,removing) you need to tag the mod with 'Eyes'.
Waruddar: Adding a faction, removing a faction, or changing the actor's rank in a faction you need to tag the mod with 'Factions'.
Filter a mergeable mod to currently active mods.(将可整合的mod从已勾选列表中过滤掉)
Waruddar: If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Graphics':
- Birthsign icon path
- Loading Screen icon path
- Class icon path
- Land texture icon path
- Region icon path
- Activator model path, bound radius, or modt
- Door model path, bound radius, or modt
- Flora model path, bound radius, or modt
- Furniture model path, bound radius, or modt
- Grass model path, bound radius, or modt
- Static model path, bound radius, or modt
- Potion/Poison icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Ammo icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Alchemical Apparatus icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Book icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Ingredient icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Key icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Light icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Misc icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Sigil Stone icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Soul Gem icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Weapon icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Tree icon path, model path, bound radius, or modt
- Armor or Clothing male body (model path, bound radius, or modt), male world, male icon path, female body, female world, female icon path, or flags (IsHead, IsHair, etc)
- Creature body parts or nift
- Magic Effect icon path, model path, bound radius, modt, effect shader, enchant effect or light
- Almost anything in an Effect Shader
Waruddar: Race hairs you need to tag the mod with 'Hair'.
即Itm Interchange Mode
Waruddar: If you add, remove, or change the count of an item in an NPC / Creature / Container and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Invent'.
已废弃,等同于Invent + IIM
Waruddar: If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Names':
- Class name
- Faction name
- Hair name
- Eyes name
- Race name
- Magic Effect name
- Enchantment name
- Spell name
- Birthsign name
- Activator name
- Alchemical Apparatus name
- Armor name
- Book name
- Clothing name
- Container name
- Door name
- Ingredient name
- Light name
- Misc name
- Flora name
- Furniture name
- Weapon name
- Ammo name
- NPC name
- Creature name
- Soul Gem name
- Key name
- Potion/Poison name
- Sigil Stone name
- World name
- Cell name
- Dialogue name
- Quest name
mod修改了the designated Classes of NPCs(NPC的特定等级?)
Waruddar: NPC class you need to tag the mod with 'NPC.Class'
Waruddar: NPC race you need to tag the mod with 'NPC.Race'
Waruddar: NPC Face-Gen Symmetric, Face-Gen Asymmetric, Face-Gen Texture Symmetry, eyes, hair, hair length, hair color, fnam you need to tag the mod with 'NpcFaces'
Waruddar: You may tag it with 'NpcFacesForceFullImport' if you want all of the previous attributes to be kept even if they haven't been changed.
Waruddar: Race spells (adding) you need to tag the mod with 'R.AddSpells'.
Waruddar: Race female attributes (strength, speed, etc) you need to tag the mod with 'R.Attributes-F'.
Waruddar: Race male attributes (strength, speed, etc) you need to tag the mod with 'R.Attributes-M'.
Waruddar: Race spells (removing or removing some and adding others) you need to tag the mod with 'R.ChangeSpells'.
Don't use 'R.AddSpells' and 'R.ChangeSpells' at the same time.(R.AddSpells和R.ChangeSpells不可以同时使用)
Waruddae: Race description you need to tag the mod with 'R.Description'.
Waruddar: Race male ears (model path, bound radius, modt, icon path), or female ears (model path, bound radius, modt, icon path) you need to tag the mod with 'R.Ears'.
Waruddar: Race head (model path, bound radius, modt, icon path), Face-Gen Symmetric, Face-Gen Asymmetric, Face-Gen Texture Symmetry, or snam you need to tag the mod with 'R.Head'.
Waruddar: Race mouth (model path, bound radius, modt, icon path), or tongue (model path, bound radius, modt, icon path) you need to tag the mod with 'R.Mouth'.
mod修改了race relationships(种族间的关系)
Waruddar: Race factions (add/remove/change relation modifier) you need to tag the mod with 'R.Relations'.
mod修改了race skill bonuses(种族技能)
Waruddar: Race skills, skill modifiers you need to tag the mod with 'R.Skills'.
mod修改了upper/lower teeth(上齿、下齿)
Waruddar: Race teeth lower (model path, bound radius, modt, icon path), or teeth upper (model path, bound radius, modt, icon path) you need to tag the mod with 'R.Teeth'.
Waruddar: If you add, or change the relation that a faction has with another and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Relations'.
Waruddar: If you change the road record of a world, and want that road kept even if the world is possibly changed by a later mod, you need to tag the mod with 'Roads'.
Waruddar: When does a modder need it? Never. It has a good chance of breaking the patch unless you know exactly what you're doing. It is disabled in CBash mode for safety.
Waruddar: If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Scripts':
- Activator script
- Potion/Poison script
- Alchemical Apparatus script
- Armor script
- Book script
- Clothing script
- Container script
- Creature script
- Door script
- Flora script
- Furniture script
- Ingredient script
- Key script
- Light script
- Leveled Creature script
- Misc script
- NPC script
- Quest script
- Sigil Stone script
- Soul Gem script
- Weapon script
Waruddar: If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Sound':
- Activator sound
- Container open, close sounds
- Creature foot weight, inherits sounds from, other sounds
- Door open, close, loop sounds
- Light sound
- Magic Effect casting, bolt, hit, area sounds
- Weather sounds
Waruddar: Spell name, cost, level type, spell type
Waruddar: If you make changes to one of the following and it is important that the change is kept you need to tag the mod with 'Stats':
- Potion/Poison weight, value
- Ammo weight value, damage, speed, enchantment points
- Alchemical Apparatus weight, value, quality
- Armor weight, value, health, strength
- Book weight, value, enchantment points
- Clothing weight, value, enchantment points
- Ingredient weight, value
- Key weight, value
- Light weight, value, duration
- Misc weight, value
- Sigil Stone weight, value, uses
- Weapon weight, value, health, damage, speed, reach, enchantment points
Waruddar: Race female voice you need to tag the mod with 'Voice-F'.
Waruddar: Race male voice you need to tag the mod with 'Voice-M'.