本帖最后由 云卷残烟 于 2011-6-9 15:53 编辑
NBA 2K12 Preview
Last year at E3, I found out about the new arena-arrival cuts before the game. This year, the new pre-tipoff eye candy comes in the form of dynamic introductions. These are stylized videos with custom music showing off the marquee players of the matchup. It's basically what you see in real NBA broadcasts that tease the upcoming game.
According to producer Erick Boenisch, no two dynamic introduction videos will be the same as each clip shows off your favorite players performing different signature gestures they are known for doing before or during games. Think LeBron James' pregame toss or a Dirk Nowitzki fist pump after he sinks that high-arcing jumper. There's a new presentation package for playoff games with new starting lineup overlays and home crowds donning uniform colors throughout the arena. In addition, there was a "pop-up" promo involving players at the bottom left of the screen used to promote upcoming games. In terms of graphics, much is still unfinished says Erick, but there's an emphasis on re-lighting faces this year. Player faces and facial emotions are much more recognizable even while the ball is in play because of this lighting tweak.
据制作人Erick Boenisch介绍,不会有两个相同的动态介绍影片,因为每个剪辑展示的是你喜欢的不同球员的标志性动作,都是些他们在比赛之前或比赛中做的的动作。想想勒布朗詹姆斯赛前撒镁粉或诺维茨基跳投后挥舞拳头为自己打气的情景。将有一个新的季后赛出场仪式(我猜的),球场地板以及观众所穿的衣服。此外,还会在屏幕左下角“弹出“一个关于在即将到来的比赛以及球员的介绍。在图像方面,Erick说现在还是有很多未完成,但是会重点修改面部光影效果。球员面部和表情将会因为光影效果的调整而变得更容易识别。
Speaking of gameplay, a minimal amount was shown and even less was spoken about. However, it is clear more contextual moves will be added in NBA 2K12. Most of the shots taken in our Mavericks vs. Heat demo all seemed to be influenced by player momentum and the location of the ball before the shot animation began. I also noticed a push-ahead dribble by LeBron on a vicious drive to the bucket. That is a welcome sight for both 2K gamers and Heat fans. He couldn't go into detail, but gameplay producer Rob Jones acknowledged more dribbling upgrades are definitely coming in NBA 2K12. He added there would also be an improvement in how the AI uses specific players, making sure all the control and moves given to users are a part of the AI's arsenal as well.
在游戏操作方面并没有过多内容被提到。然而,很显然在NBA 2K12里会加入更多的连贯动作。在我们的小牛对热火的DEMO中截图中大部分都是开始射球前球员所受到的干扰以及当时球所处的位置。我同时也注意到LBJ推土机式的突破前一个向前推进的运球动作。这无疑会受到2K玩家和热火迷的欢迎。他无法告诉我们更多细节,但制作人Rob Jones表示肯定在未来2K12的制作中加入更多的运球动作。他补充,也将会提高电脑运用特定球员的智商,确保操作者所有的控制和球员移动都会是AI智能库中所包括有的。
Lastly, I spent a good amount of time trying to find clues about the NBA 2K12 cover athlete, but none was in sight. Community manager Ronnie 2K said they've come up with some crazy ideas so far, but nothing is decided yet. When asked if new play-by-play analyst Steve Kerr was maybe being considered, he vehemently shut that down saying, "Not a chance, and you can quote me on that." Kerr fanboys everywhere have now had their dreams shattered.
最近,我花了相当多的时间试图去挖掘NBA 2K12封面球员的线索,但是没有得到任何消息。 2K的论坛管理员Ronnie说,他们只是有些一些疯狂的想法而已,但没有最终决定。当被问到新任的2K解说员Steve Kerr会不会被考虑(做封面人物),他(Ronnie)马上把话题结束了:“不会,我给你的只能是这个回答。”Kerr的粉丝的愿望基本上破灭了。
That's all for now from NBA 2K12 at E3. Do you guys like what you hear so far?
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