本帖最后由 mjxy 于 2011-5-21 20:38 编辑
Hentai's Lovely House Retouched
Get your dream house
Date: 6/01/2011
Category: House
Authur: HENTAI
I have re-touched and re-painted my only house mod "HentaiLovelyHouse"
It mostly changes the exterior of the house, however I have added
some more features like shiny neckless and a house music script.
The music file is not provided by me. you can add your own mp3 file to specific folder
and the music will be only heard in the house.
Enjoy your beautiful new house with hentai's delicate touching.
The screenshot I have added tells everything, see for yourself.
What it changes?
1. adds a new statue.添加一个新的雕像
2. reclored the exterior of the house 重绘房子外部色调
3. adds more illumination outside the house 添加更多室外光源
4. adds two neckless 增加两条新项链 (因为缺少原资源缺少neck_GND.nif,造成台灯上面WTF,个人已去掉)
5. A self self-sufficing music script. 添加自动循环播放音乐脚本
6. The ponds looks more natural 水池现在看起来更加自然
As long as it is used for TES4 Oblivion, Feel free to use/convert this file whatever you want to.
Dont forget to give credits to everyone listed below.
You dont need my permission for converting or recoloring.
本人已经放置三首aion背景音乐作为自动播放音乐脚本的资源,如不喜欢,请删除或者替换 data\music\Hentai\a.mp3 b.mp3 c.mp3
ps1:因为Hentai君readme中许可,本omod直接共享, 但本小白强烈建议收下资源的各位上T网,帮hentai君加分or进博客参观
Hentai君 T网地址如下(2.0不含更新包):
Hentai君 个人博客和邮箱如下:
E-male : radio_free@naver.com
Blog : http://blog.naver.com/radio_free