本帖最后由 dunemaster 于 2011-5-20 21:47 编辑
第一站Angel Cave 天使之巢
Angel Cave is a location in Zion Canyon inside the add-on Honest Hearts.
Layout![](https://att.3dmgame.com/outimg.jpg) 平面
The location is the home of Joshua Graham. He is situated at the end of the cave, whilst there are Dead Horses at the very entrance to the cave. Upon entering, one of the Dead Horses will ask you why you are in the cave.
这里是Joshua Graham的家,他就住在洞穴的尽头,洞口入口处会有不少Dead Horses 人(?,未下载完)。当你进入,其中一个Dead Horses 人会问你为何进入。
Notes![](https://att.3dmgame.com/outimg.jpg) 提示
If you have the Wild Wasteland trait, a man called Two-Bears-High-Fiving will leave the cave before you enter it for the first time and he will raise his arm up. He will then immediately return back into the cave.
如果你拥有狂野废土特性,在你第一进入这个洞穴时会有个叫Two-Bears-High-Fiving 的土人走出来,高举上手,然后马上闪回去。
There are several of the .45 Auto pistols on the desk where Joshua Graham is sitting, which can be stolen (resulting in a loss of Karma) by grabbing the guns and moving away until [HIDDEN] is displayed. It is possible to steal four of the guns, allowing you to repair close to 100% condition. After stealing the four guns, those that remain are scenery items and cannot be taken.
Joshua Graham 前的桌子上有几把.45手枪,可以用Z拉到表示为潜行HIDDEN的地方偷掉(减道德,怎么在sliver rush不会,那对兄妹太缺德了)。一共四把枪可以修到近乎100%状态。其他的都是场景物品是没法拿的。
A good condition .45 Auto pistol can also be found in the footlocker behind Joshua.
在Joshua Graham 附近的一个地柜有把状态不错的.45手枪。
A Workbench and Reloading bench can be found in the top area of the cave, as well as numerous crafting items, most of which must be stolen.
Notable Loot![](https://att.3dmgame.com/outimg.jpg) 可以拿的东西
A workbench crate, with the possibility of containing Skill Book (This user did not find a Skill Book in this crate, although other users have reported doing so). (2 Big Books of science found.)
Appearances![](https://att.3dmgame.com/outimg.jpg) 出现点
Angel Cave appears in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.
第二站Ant Burrow 蚁穴
Ant Burrow is a location in Zion Canyon
第三站Bighorn Bluff 大响角
The Bighorn Bluff is a location in the Zion Canyon.
Layout![](https://att.3dmgame.com/outimg.jpg) 平面
Bighorn Bluff is a White Leg camp consisting of three tents and five enemy White Legs. The White Leg War Totem is located here next to one of the tents. This location is involved in the quest The Advance Scouts.
大响角是White Leg的营地,里面有三个帐篷和五个敌对White Leg。有个 White Leg战斗图腾放在其中一个帐篷旁边。这个地点和任务“The Advance Scouts. ”有关。
Appearances![](https://att.3dmgame.com/outimg.jpg) 出现点
Bighorn Bluff appears in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.
第四站Burial Mounds老坟地
The Burial Mounds is a location in Zion Canyon.
第五站Caterpillar Mound Caterpillar挖土机山丘
第一只 Giant cazador 大毒蜂
大毒蜂在HH的锡安峡谷里很常见。它们在HH里可算是最狠毒的生物之一,在Eastern Virgin(处男东) 和 Sorrows Camp(悲伤营地)外出没,通常不多不少三只同时出现。
HP | 350 | 攻击性 | 强 | 攻击方式 | 近身? | DT | 0 | 怕死 | 不怕死 | 特殊能力 | 蜂毒-?/秒 | DR | 0 | 群体性 | 强 | | | LEVEL | ? | | | | | EXP | ? | | | | | PER | ? | | | 死后收获 | 毒针 |
第二只 Green gecko 绿蜥蜴(M、S、L)
HP | 225 | 攻击性 | 强 | 攻击方式(近身) | 75 | DT | 0 | 怕死 | 不太怕死 | 特殊能力(蜥蜴毒) | 8*10秒 | DR | 0 | 群体性 | 强 | | | LEVEL | 12 | | | | | EXP | 120 | | | | | PER | 8(强) | | | 死后收获 | 蜥蜴肉蛋皮 |
HP | 115 | 攻击性 | 强 | 攻击方式(近身) | 55 | DT | 0 | 怕死 | 不太怕死 | 特殊能力(毒) | 8*10秒 | DR | 0 | 群体性 | 强 | | | LEVEL | 13 | | | | | EXP | 150 | | | | | PER | 6(中) | | | 死后收获 | 蜥蜴肉蛋皮 |
大绿蜥蜴属于锡安国家公园里体形较大的生物之一,这些东西比人还要大只,而且像传奇火蜥蜴一样具极强攻击力。它们甚至能撕开穿动力装甲的家伙,比以上两只更不文明。 HP | 375 | 攻击性 | 强 | 攻击方式(近身) | 95 | DT | 0 | 怕死 | 不太怕死 | 特殊能力(毒) | 8*10秒 | DR | 0 | 群体性 | 强 | | | LEVEL | 30 | | | | | EXP | 300 | | | | | PER | 9(bug了) | | | 死后收获 | 蜥蜴肉蛋皮 |
提示(花絮): 1、蜥蜴喜欢组团攻击,1只正面进攻,其余从骚扰侧翼 2、有HH后可以用蜥蜴皮做皮夹了,生存80 3、制作组原来准备了一只典藏版蜥蜴,名叫哥斯奶,有8000点HP,不过取消了(可惜)
第三只 Giant spore plant![](https://att.3dmgame.com/outimg.jpg) 大包子
孢子植物的增大版 HP | ? | 攻击性 | ? | 攻击方式(近身) | ? | DT | 0 | 怕死 | ? | 特殊能力(毒) | ? | DR | 0 | 群体性 | ? | | | LEVEL | ? | | | | | EXP | ? | | | | | PER | ? | | | 死后收获 | |
第四只 Yao guai ![](https://att.3dmgame.com/outimg.jpg) 妖怪(M\S\L)
妖怪是一种变种黑熊,2281年在锡安峡谷发现其行踪,动物之友PERK对它不起作用,任何接近它的人都受其攻击 妖怪是锡安本土品种,跟兽都妖怪长得差不多,但目测比兽都的要大只 妖怪设定为一种高速强力生物,稍微比死爪弱点,但没有死爪警觉,玩家偶尔会看到它在睡觉,游戏开始碰到那只正在开餐的妖怪也不会理玩家
数据: 妖怪
HP | 215 | 攻击性 | 强 | 攻击方式(近身) | 70 | DT | 0 | 怕死 | 不怕死 | 特殊能力 | | DR | 0 | 群体性 | 强 | | | LEVEL | 18 | | | | | EXP | 180 | | | | | PER | 6 | | | 死后收获:妖怪肉 |
小妖怪 较成年妖怪弱,跟它父母出现 HP | 65 | 攻击性 | 强 | 攻击方式(近身) | 25 | DT | 0 | 怕死 | 不怕死 | 特殊能力 | | DR | 0 | 群体性 | 强 | | | LEVEL | 5 | | | | | EXP | 50 | | | | | PER | 4 | | | 死后收获:妖怪肉 |
大力妖怪 大力妖怪比普通妖怪要大只,等级低的玩家稍有不慎就很容易给它灭了 HP | 475 | 攻击性 | 强 | 攻击方式(近身) | 125 | DT | 0 | 怕死 | 不怕死 | 特殊能力 | | DR | 0 | 群体性 | 强 | | | LEVEL | 32 | | | | | EXP | 320 | | | | | PER | 8 | | | 死后收获:妖怪肉 |
提示(花絮): 1、特使营地有块妖怪肉,在HH前,只有兽都会有这种肉,现在可以推测这块肉可能来自锡安峡谷(莫非是伏笔) 2、粉笔兄经常提及没有怪物比妖怪要坏了,看来这家伙没见过什么世面,又或者死爪从为踏足锡安(还有一个,lv35兼gun=100的玩家) 歇会…… |