本帖最后由 alex30001 于 2011-10-6 15:09 编辑
资源链接如失效,新地址请见 [临时地址] 231个 近20G Oblivion MOD 下载列表 或 [永久地址] 231个 近20G Oblivion MOD 下载列表
原址: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5570
上传者: Daleth
原作者: Hazreth(?)
** Note: Book Placement v2 has been released and is fully compatible with this mod. You'll probably like it better than version 1.2 which is linked in my readme. To find v2, click on my username... and there it is. **
Book Jackets: Oblivion is a basic retexture for all of the stock hardcover books in Oblivion, giving each title a unique texture and matching icon. Most books are titled on the spine and books in a series are also numbered. This mod is compatible with Book Placement as explained in the readme.
I wouldn't say it's a "better books" mod because I think Bethesda's books were beautiful to begin with. It's just an immersion mod. So much work went into the stories in the books that I thought they deserved to be as unique on the outside.
In addition to the graphics I've made some minor corrections to the text (typos, inconsistent spelling of names and repeated words, mostly) and made the mouseover text better match the titles as printed inside the book. Some cells have been altered where there were whole rows of books upside-down. I didn't clean up any clutter or move the books.