L4D2, L4D租服 联系QQ819123631
- 贡献度
- 223
- 金元
- 31836
- 积分
- 4076
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2010-1-28

上年10月分前还在用,买了正版就没有用了.... 附件在最后
What is it?
- SteamUp! is a Steam client memory patcher.
- SteamUp! will enhance your Steam experience by providing you all available Steam apps.
- SteamUp! will not modify any of the original Steam files.
SteamUp Features:
Show all games/tools in steam
Filter ValveTestApps
Can show ValveTestApps in the game list
Disabled Steam Minidump Upload
Multiwinia start in "Accepted" mode
No CD-Key needed to play Doom3
Failed to contact key server is removed
Play free games online such as Synergy
A log file is created, please post it if you are having any problems.
Launch outdated games (NCF games)
Able to remove individual Application Ids, games that are filtered wont be shown on the list.
Copy SteamUp.dll and SteamUp.exe to your steam folder and create a shortcut to SteamUp.exe. SteamUp.exe can be used with these parameters:
Will show ValveTestApps in your Steam list.
-unsubscribeapp "AppId"
Will remove the specified Ids seperated by space from the Application subscription records.
-unsubscribe "SubId"
Will remove the specified Ids sperated by space from the Subscription records.
-noinject "AppId"
Will stop SteamUp from injecting it self.
Will only show installed apps in your Steam list.
Launch outdated games (NCF games)
- SteamUp! requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable package to be installed.
- If you start Steam.exe instead, only the apps that you really own will be available.
- Shortcuts created from Steam game list will not point to SteamUp!.exe.
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To get informed about updates for this project only, subscribe to SteamUp! RSS feed
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