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本帖最后由 flyfu1985 于 2011-5-4 12:22 编辑
QTP3 is a huge improvement over QTP2, but the system requirements are also greater. Due to the increased number of high-resolution textures, machines with lower-end (256Mb) graphics cards may see a severe slow-down with this mod(256不行). 128Mb cards absolutely cannot handle it(128完蛋). A card with more than 512Mb would be ideal, but these are still quite expensive.(虽然说512理想,但是据我实际使用来看 最好1G,因为你要装别的MOD,因为你要开效果,不然即使装了这个,你的画面依然很难看,我以前1G显存的卡,装了QTP3,开了4AA和16AF的话,1280*720分辨率,就会出现显存不足的问题了)
As a result, QTP3 Redimized runs much smoother than the original QTP3 with only a very minimal loss in visual quality.
QTP3 Redimized 只会损失一点点画面,但是会比QTP3流畅很多 |