Lord Of The Empire
- 贡献度
- 46
- 金元
- 11055
- 积分
- 1290
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2010-7-16
Installation and execution
The .NET 4.0 framework needs to be installed before running/installing BFBC2Bot.
To install the bot run setup.exe. To run the bot without installing, extract the contents of the ‘\program files\BFBC2Bot’ folder to a location of your choosing.
Before running BFBC2Bot.exe make sure to run ConfigEditor.exe to set up the bot’s configuration. Save the config file to it’s default location if you’re only going to be running one instance of the bot.
By default (if no commandline parameters are specified) BFBC2Bot uses the config.cfg file in the folder where the executable (BFBC2Bot.exe) is located.
To start the bot with a different configuration (in case you’re running more than one instance of BFBC2Bot), start BFBC2Bot.exe with the config file location as the first parameter, for example: ‘BFBC2Bot.exe exampleconfig.cfg’.
!help Displays a message containing all commands.
!serverinfo Displays the server information.
!players Displays the playerlist.
!playerinfo <player> Displays info about a player.
!msg <msg> Sends a message to everyone in the server.
!nextmap Shows the next map in the map list.
!maplist Shows the entire map list.
!banplayer <idtype> <player> <duration> [reason] Bans a player that's in-game by a certain idtype.
!banlist [idtype] [id] Shows the ban list (use parameters to show partial list).
!addban <idtype> <id> <duration> [reason] Adds an entry to the ban list.
!removeban <idtype> <id> Removes an entry from the ban list.
!kick <player> [reason] Kicks a player from the server.
!kill <player> Kills a player without modifying stats.
!yell <duration> <msg> Yells at all the players for a given duration.
!pmsg <player> <msg> Sends a message to a player.
!tmsg <team> <msg> Sends a message to an entire team.
!pyell <player> <duration> <msg> Sends a yell to a player.
!tyell <team> <duration> <msg> Sends a yell to a team.
!hostmsg <message> Sends a server message to everyone in the server.
!quitbot Makes the bot quit.
!restartbot Restarts the bot.
!restartround Restarts the current round.
!endround [winning team] Ends the current round. The game plays the win sequence if winning team is specified.
!setnextmap <map> Sets the next map to be played.
!moveplayer <player> <team> Moves a player to a different team.
<idtype> can be 'guid', 'ip' or 'name'.
<duration> can be 'perm', 'round' or an amount of seconds. |