- 贡献度
- 221
- 金元
- 9170
- 积分
- 1801
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2008-11-8

All Natural is REQUIRED for this mod to function.
需要All Natural支持 传送门:
After downloading, please leave a comment and give an endorsement if you enjoy the mod, I would really appreciate it.
I welcome you to upload your own pictures of the views you see through the windows too! The more pictures the merrier 
01-Oct-2010: Thanks to everyone's support, Immersive Interiors won the September file of the month award. Thanks so much, it means a heck of a lot to me 
== What is Immersive Interiors? ==
什么是Immersive Interiors?
接下来一大段,就是说我们要更有代入感的老滚。vanilla Oblivion最不好的地方是无论白天黑夜,雨天晴天,内部的光照都是一样的。偶觉得这太不真实了。所以偶跟All Nature搞在一起,使外部光能透过窗户。所以光的强度取决于天气和时间。
Let's face it, we all like Oblivion to be immersive. Some of us just like a bit more realism, others like to add tons of mods which change how the game works in order to make it as immersive as possible. One thing that's a real let down in vanilla Oblivion are interiors. They look great, but day or night, rain or shine, they always have the same level of light inside them. This, to me, was extremely un-immersive.
All Naturals spectacular Natural Interiors came along, which allowed you to see through the windows of interiors, and the light levels and weather depended on the weather and time of day outside. This added a lot of realism. But you still had a simple problem. Every time you looked out of the window, you saw a void. Nothing. This mod looks to change that.
Immersive Interiors aims to bring huge amounts of immersion into the game. By using All Natural's superb interior weather system, this mod adds new found realism to the game, allowing you to see out of the interiors windows. This means you can be in the local pub, staring out of the window at the town around you, or watch the sun set behind the city walls out of your home's bedroom window.
This mod is released in stages, city by city. This is the current release plan. Bold indicates a released version. Note that this is not modular, for example version 0.5 will contain both Anvil and Skingrad.
0.4 - Anvil
0.5 - Skingrad
0.6 - Chorrol
0.7 - Bruma
0.8 - Cheydinhal
0.9 - Leyawiin
1.0 - Bravil
After a cup of tea and a nice rest, the Imperial City will then follow a separate release scheme:
1.1 - IC Market District
1.2 - IC Temple District
1.3 - IC Talos Plaza District
1.4 - IC Elven Gardens District
1.5 - IC Waterfront
1.6 - Arcane University
== Requirements ==
All Natural - This controls the weather and has the special transparent window meshes. Requires OBSE.
For questions on performance, compatibility and to see the FAQ, check the readme included in the package.
All Nature
有问题看文件内部的faq |