- 贡献度
- 46
- 金元
- 2466
- 积分
- 371
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2010-10-29
Try it like this: make a lineup with players with best levels so that the teams level is at its highest. Make the same for the reserves and all four youth teams. Be carefull not to include in the lineup players which are leaving the club since this leaves an empty space and therefore a lower team level. Youth camps are not necesary if you want higher prestige. The home and international prestige number are sometimes given randomly. Try completing a lineup, save the game the last week before the next one begins (before the pc calculates a new season) and check the numbers on 1.7.20.. If there is no change, load the saved game from before and go through the calculation for the next season. I am sure that after 5 times you try this, you will get higher prestige numbers. But you have to win something in that season. If not, there will be no change.
In my case sometimes there is no change and sometimes it changes for example +3 home and +2 international....(翻译:把1队2队青年队阵容调成下赛季的最强整容,也就是说要离队的别上)
膜拜老外! |