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Battlefield gamescom report:Battlefield 1943 PC still on
From the EA Community Lounge at gamescom in Cologne, Germany, DICE community manager and representative "zh1nt0" responded to fan questions on imperative topics pertaining to the Battlefield series, live tweeting them as the event progressed. Based on that, we've got some pretty interesting news and developments.
First up is that despite the rumors, Battlefield 1943 is still going ahead on PC, so players will have something else to tide them over until the big one -- Battlefield 3. It appears the team has been having a bit of trouble with this version but will "release more information on it when they are 110% ready." In any case, you can still look forward to a myriad of exclusive features for a low asking price.
As for Bad Company 2, if you haven't been paying attention, DICE is still planning to support the game and is currently working on a new patch, with quite possibly more to follow. They're still looking at getting SPECACT kits into the PC version -- as you may recall, they were causing crashes and had to be rolled back to get the last patch out. Also, despite what forum goers might say, they don't see the PC version of the game as a console port.
Those still banging away at 2142 (or waiting to): your patch will be released in the coming weeks -- it's currently in testing.
根据Gamescom在德国科隆游戏展(Cologne)从EA社区(EA Community)了解到的信息, DICE分区(DICE community)的经理及代表“zh1nt0”回应了几个战地粉丝最迫切想知道的几个问题,我们对此进行了十分全面而有趣的报道。
至于叛逆连队2,如果你还没注意,就请注意了:DICE当前正在打造一个新的补丁,很可能有更多的追加元素。他们还试着将SPECACT 装备(kits)引入PC版,你肯定也还记得原来因补丁更新造成的麻烦,后来又发新补丁进行修复。此外,某些论坛网友可能也会说没有真正的PC版。
那些仍然在坚持(或等待)《战地2142》的人:您的补丁将在未来几周内公布 - 它目前正在测试。
