![Rank: 4](static/image/common/star_level3.gif)
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The Northern Confederation(ruled by the Confederation President Albert Aanberg)
Peoples Republic of Rhodoks(ruled by Prime Minister Viktor Kravtsjuk)
Khergit Socialist State(ruled by the Ultranationalist Hassan Al-Asad)
The Federal Vaegir State(ruled by President Imran Ivan Stragandoff)
The United Swadian Alliance(ruled by President John Wilson Hoover)
April 1257 - An unknown man joins the Nobility of the Kingdom of Vaegirs,quickly becoming their Champion Fighter.
October 1257 - The Kingdom of Vaegirs invades Praven with the help of theVaegir Champion, capturing the city and executing King Harlaus. The rest ofSwadia crumbles and is quickly subjugated.
December 1257 - The Kingdom of Nords decide to stage their own invasion,quickly taking Rivacheg, as the King was occupied in Swadia with the majorityof his army. Yaroglek sends his Champion to deal with the threat. His army isnever heard from again. The Nords claim to have ambushed and killed him.Yaroglek takes several lords and over 1,000 men to crush the Nord invaders.
February 1258 - The Vaegirs beat the Nords back to their own territory. Othernations begin to see their own opportunities, with the Khergits encroachingfrom the south, the Rhodoks seige and take Suno.
March 1258 - The Khergits are outraged at the Rhodoks display of aggression andattempt to assassinate many high ranking members of the Rhodok Royal Council,and succeed in killing the King's daughter, Elisa. In retaliation, the Rhodoksrally every available man to invade the Khanate. As many as 3,000 men marchtowards Steppe territory. Meanwhile, The Vaegirs beseige Wercheg.
May 1258 - The Rhodoks reach Narra and completely raze it to the ground. TheKhergits send a response force of about 1,000 men, which manages to half thesize of the Rhodok army. The Nords send a small force to Culmarr Castle, tofind it completely empty. They occupy it, and quickly spread towards ItrosqCastle and Yalen.
1258年五月,罗多克军队攻入纳拉并将其彻底化为一片焦石瓦砾.库吉特人组织了为数为罗多克人一般的上千人的抵抗军进行还击.诺德则趁虚以小股部队偷袭防守空虚的库尔玛堡,在意识到罗多克后方极度空虚之后,旋即挥师进攻Itrosq Castle和亚伦.
September 1258 - The Nords have advanced to Veluca, and are beseiging itagainst a small militia. The Vaegirs finally take Wercheg after 6 months. TheRhodoks capture Halmar but are forced to retreat to force back the Nords.
June 1264 - The Rhodoks ambush King Yaroglek near Suno and kill him. PrinceValdym "The Bastard" claims the throne and is crowned King. The Kingdomis weakened, however, and the Nords quickly retake Wercheg and advance straighttowards Reyvadin.
July 1264 - The Rhodoks continue their delayed offensive of the Khergit Khanate.Sanjar Khan sends half his army through a mountain pass to invade the VaegirKingdom.
December 1264 - The Rhodoks besiege Ichamur. The Khergit invasion force isbeaten back by a bitter winter and is trapped in the mountain pass. They aren'theard from again. The commander was the son of Sanjar Khan, Ahmed. He makes aplea to King Graveth to show him mercy as he knows the pain of losing a child.Graveth agrees but decides to keep the territories the Rhodoks invaded.
27th December 1264 - Kings Valdym and Ragnar meet at Rivacheg to discuss apeace settlement, as both sides agree that the war is a stalemate. The peaceaccords are signed on the 27th of December 1264.
1264年十二月27日, 福尔蒂姆国王与拉戈纳国王会于Rivacheg商议停火,当日签署停战协定.
January 1267 - Nearly 10 years after its subjugation, the people of Swadiarevolt against the Vaegirs in a popular uprising, led by a woman named Isolla.It is rumoured she was helped by an unknown beneficiary, but it cannot beproven. The uprising proves effective and even castle guards join. Many of theVaegir Lords and Nobility are slaughtered at the hands of the peasantry andmany castles stripped completely bare.
4th April 1268 - The Swadians have recaptured all their territory back from theVaegirs, but allow the Rhodoks to keep Suno due to their military strength. TheLady Isolla declares the Kingdom of Swadia a Republic and splits it intocity-states, and becomes First Minister.
9th January 1302 - First Minister Isolla dies. A new Minister, Marik, iselected.
March 1310 - The Kingdom of Nords opens its borders to immigrants from otherkingdoms, as the political stability of other nations starts to waver.
30th March 1310 - King Graveth dies. King Darius is crowned.
August 1313 - The Ministers of the Swadian Republic become disgruntled withMarik's leadership skills. Marik retaliates by using Ministers loyal to him topass a referendum merging each individual city-state together. The Ministersvote almost unanimously in favour of creating a single country called theUnited Swadian Alliance.
December 1313 - United, the Swadian government demands restitution from theKingdom of Vaegirs for causing 10 years of suffering for the Swadian people 60years ago. King Valdym II refuses, stating that their quarrel was with hisfather, not him. The government are outraged by this pathetic exuse and declarethe first war on the continent since the Swadian uprising in 1267.
1313年十二月, 合众联邦政府要求维基亚王国就60年前的10年侵略对斯瓦迪亚做出赔偿.福尔蒂姆二世以父债无需子还为由拒绝,引起联邦震怒,于是引发了即1267年大起义之后的首次战争.
January 1314 - A cold war begins between the Swadians and Vaegirs, with neitherside risking aggression due to the Vaegir's peace accords with the Nords andthe Rhodok's pledge to defend the Swadians.
1st October 1329 - Sanjar Khan dies. Tojoah is declared the new Khan.
1329年十月一日,桑加尔汗去世, Tojoah继任新汗.
15th June 1347 - A previously unseen virus starts becoming quite common in theNordic town of Wercheg. Within 4 days, people start collapsing in the streetand anyone displaying symptoms is confined to their house. Despite this, over2,000 people are dead by the end of the month.
June 1348 - After 1 year, the virus known as 'Yellow Fever' has already killed15,000 people, and has spread to all other countries expect the Khergits. Thevirus has also claimed the life of King Harald.
July 1355 - 8 years later, the Fever has claimed over 32,000 people, includingKings Valdym II and Darius, but has still kept out of the Khergit lands. Atravelling merchant discovers that this is because the Khergits have a cure forthe Fever. He pays 10,000 Denars for the recipe and sets about distributing itto the various nations.
January 1359 - There are no new cases of deaths associated with Yellow Fever.However, the land is devestated, with the Nordic lands being the worstaffected. Only 6% of the pre-fever population are still alive and living in aNordic town. As every single member of the Nobiity has been killed,high-ranking officials form an emergency Council and make a plea to all othernations for any possible aid.
February 1360 - As many as 8,000 people emigrate to the Nordic lands. Theemergency government meet and decide to form a new country, as the Nordpopulation is now 2% of what it originally was. They decide to form theCalradian Confederacy, to reflect the multi-culturalism. No leader is selected,the country being run instead by a ruling Council.
6th March 1362 - First Minister Marik dies. A new Minister, Eduna, is elected.
September 1368 - In the wake of the devestation, the Kingdom of Rhodoks isunable to manage all its territory, and agrees to give back ownership of Sunoto the Swadian Alliance. Additionally, the Rhodoks and Swadians sign anofficial Economic Alliance, allowing both nations to profit from each other anddevelop quicker. Several new Ministers are appointed to manage the Politicalaffairs of the Rhodoks.
13th May 1375 - Tojoah Khan dies. Mehmet is declared the new Khan.
1375年五月13日, Tojoah汗去世,卖哈迈特即位.
11th November 1378 - 20 years after the death of Valdym II, the Vaegirs finallycrown a new King, Georg. There are rumours that he bribed the Royal Council,and the population are disgruntled from the beginning.
26th April 1396 - First Minister Eduna dies. A new Minister, Seruda, iselected.
14th July 1511 - The 200 year Cold War between the Vaegirs and Swadians becomeshot after a Vaegir merchant is accidentally killed by a Swadian Guard outsidePraven. As a result, the Vaegirs declare war on the Swadians, the Rhodoksdefend the Swadians and the Nords join the Vaegirs. The Khergits attack theVaegirs in a second attempt through the mountain pass. Thus, the FirstCalradian War begins.
September 1511 - Detail about the conflict is hard to come by after September,as many of the records were either lost, stolen or destroyed.
8th March 1522 - Vaegir King Valdym IV dies. His daughter, Mertha, is crownedas the first ever Queen. She almost immediately declares the formation of aConstitutional Monarchy to help during the conflict and to ease the politicalinstability following her father's death.
August 1529 - A Senior Swadian Minister proposes to the Council a politicalseperation from the Rhodok state, offering to start up a new, stable governmentto manage the political affairs of Rhodok. The Council accepts, as the war isalready costing them enough, without having to manage 2 countries. As therehasn't been a King in Rhodok for nearly 200 years, Rhodok is declared aRepublic, and Minister Seriduer is made Chairman of the Council.
26th May 1535 - Both Chairman Seriduer and First Minister Fredrick die. Damonis appointed as the new Chairman. Several candidates come forward for the titleof First Minister, as Fredrick didn't appoint a successor.
3rd January 1538 - Calradian WW1 ends. The leading representative of eachnation meets to sign a ceasefire. A new town, Zendar, is founded at thelocation where the agreement was signed. As part of the ceasefire, all nationsagree that Zendar shall forever remain a neutral town, safe from war. A veteranfrom the war, Hareck, is appointed as Constable and the Arena attracts dozensof combatants.
12th October 1542 - Mehmet Khan II dies. Mehmet Khan III is declared the newKhan, becoming the youngest leader at the age of just 11.
September 1550 - A Rhodok patrol is forced into the forests north of Veluca byBandits. After losing their pursuers, they discover a cave teeming with GoldOre. A major mining operation begins 3 days later.
30th March 1552 - After 12 years of dispute, a new First Minister, Rodila, isappointed. Aged 18, she is the youngest female leader of a country.
1555 - The Rhodok mining operation is well underway. The West Empire Companyquickly becomes a large institution. Some predict that at least 1000 tons ofGold exists in one mine alone. By the end of 1555, Rhodok trade income hasincreased tenfold, with most of the Gold going to Zendar and their allies, theSwadians.
1555年,罗多克的金矿开掘十分顺利,西部帝国公司迅速崛起.有人甚至推测在那的一个矿坑内就埋藏着多达1000吨的黄金.截至1555年底,通过与禅达和斯瓦迪亚的黄金交易,罗多克贸易收入翻了十番. |